** prlimit stack size: soft=838860800; hard=-1 BGP Routing Table Report Local Time: Fri Apr 26 02:01:08 2024 Route Table Analysis Details AS selected: AS65000 View: Locally generated BGP Dump File: /var/tmp/bgp-dump.txt Previous BGP Dump File to compare: /var/tmp/bgp-dump-lasthour.txt Extended Reports stored in directory: /var/data/bgp/as2.0 AS Number file: /var/data/bgp/asn.txt Collector: Disabled Table Scan time: 3 seconds Analysis of BGP file BGP routing table entries (FIB size): 970630 More specific prefixes of aggregates: 509301 Root aggregate prefixes: 461329 Filtered Prefixes - AS origin aggregation: 365234 Filtered Prefixes - length filters 1685382480 Filtered Prefixes - AS origin aggregation and length: 0 Total address space spanned by table (/32s): 3028842880 Equivalent to 180 /8s, 136 /16s and 122 /24s Percentage of total IPv4 address space announced: 70.521 Percentage of available address space announced: 81.714 Percentage of allocated address space announced: 126.247 Percentage of available address space allocated: 65.000 Total number of unique ASes: 75957 Origin-only ASes: 64841 Origin ASes announcing a single prefix: 26504 Transit ASes: 11116 Transit-only ASes: 532 Unique AS Paths: 247893 AS Paths used in FIB: 124715 Average AS path length: 5.305 Average address weighted AS path length: 6.714 Maximum AS Path length: 15 Unique AS prepended Paths: 266965 No of AS Paths using prepending: 69916 Number of Prefixes with Selected AS prepended Paths: 133197 Number of Prefixes with AS prepended Paths: 133197 Maximum prepended AS Path length: 58 Analysis time (secs): 191 + Active BGP entries (FIB): 970630 Change in FIB Size: -84 Change (%): -0.009 All BGP entries (RIB): 2874150 RIB/FIB ratio (2874150/970630): 2.9611 Valid entries: 2874150 Suppressed RIB entries: 0 Damped entries: 0 History entries: 0 Total address space advertised (/32 equiv): 3028842880 Total address space advertised (prefix length): 0.50388041 Percentage of IPv4 space advertised (3028842880/4294967295): 70.520744 Total address space advertised - corrected to 19 /8s: 3079174528 3028842880 Average address span: 3120 Average address span (as prefix size): 20.3927 Average prefix length: 22.8824 Entries advertising more specific prefixes of aggregates: 509301 Specifics as % of FIB entries (509301/970630): 52.4712 Specifics as % of address span (1114137693/3028842880): 36.7843 Specifics where AS prepended Path matches aggregate: 227449 AS-P_Path-Match % (227449/509301): 44.66 AS Path matches aggregate: 244812 AS-Path-Match % (244812/509301): 48.0682 AS Origin matches aggregate: 390248 AS-Origin-Match % (390248/509301): 76.6242 Root Prefixes: 461329 Root Prefix Tree Depth: 404609 45916 8756 1513 409 85 32 8 1 Root Prefixes with depth 0: 404609 Root Prefixes with depth 1: 45916 Root Prefixes with depth 2: 8756 Root Prefixes with depth 3: 1513 Root Prefixes with depth 4: 409 Root Prefixes with depth 5: 85 Root Prefixes with depth 6: 32 Root Prefixes with depth 7: 8 Root Prefixes with depth 8: 1 Unique ASes: 75957 ASes visible in only one AS path: 45866 Origin only ASes: 64841 Origin ASs announced via a single AS path: 45348 Transit only ASes: 532 Originating AS ATOM count: 75425 Mixed ASes: 10584 Originating AS ATOM compression: 0.0777 Multi-Origin Prefixes: 2277 ASes originating a single prefix: 26504 Average FIB entries per Origin AS: 12.8688 Maximum entries for an origin AS (AS54994): 678 Average address range span for an origin AS: 40157.0153 Maximum address range for an origin AS (AS749): 228483328 Unique AS Paths: 247893 Unique AS prepended Paths: 266965 AS Paths used in FIB: 124715 AS Paths using prepending: 69916 AS paths associated with a single FIB entry: 58999 AS Paths using private ASs: 39 Average AS path length: 5.3048 Number of Prefixes with Selected AS Prepending Paths: 133197 Maximum AS Path length: 15 Number of Prefixes with AS Prepending Paths: 133197 Average address weighted AS path length: 6.7135 Maximum prepended AS Path length: 58 Average entries per AS Path: 3.9155 Average entries per FIB AS Path: 7.7828 AS Paths per origin AS: 3.2866 FIB AS Paths per origin AS: 1.6535 AS PATH ATOM compression: 0.1285 Prefix Count: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 14 37 95 299 582 1197 2111 13326 8337 13977 25114 44929 52786 113204 103644 590082 871 0 2 1 1 0 0 5 % Prefix distribution: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.03 0.06 0.12 0.22 1.37 0.86 1.44 2.59 4.63 5.44 11.66 10.68 60.79 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Prefix count /8: 16 % Prefix /8: 0.00 Prefix count /9: 14 % Prefix /9: 0.00 Prefix count /10: 37 % Prefix /10: 0.00 Prefix count /11: 95 % Prefix /11: 0.01 Prefix count /12: 299 % Prefix /12: 0.03 Prefix count /13: 582 % Prefix /13: 0.06 Prefix count /14: 1197 % Prefix /14: 0.12 Prefix count /15: 2111 % Prefix /15: 0.22 Prefix count /16: 13326 % Prefix /16: 1.37 Prefix count /17: 8337 % Prefix /17: 0.86 Prefix count /18: 13977 % Prefix /18: 1.44 Prefix count /19: 25114 % Prefix /19: 2.59 Prefix count /20: 44929 % Prefix /20: 4.63 Prefix count /21: 52786 % Prefix /21: 5.44 Prefix count /22: 113204 % Prefix /22: 11.66 Prefix count /23: 103644 % Prefix /23: 10.68 Prefix count /24: 590082 % Prefix /24: 60.79 Prefix count /25: 871 % Prefix /25: 0.09 Prefix count /26: 0 % Prefix /26: 0.00 Prefix count /27: 2 % Prefix /27: 0.00 Prefix count /28: 1 % Prefix /28: 0.00 Prefix count /29: 1 % Prefix /29: 0.00 Prefix count /30: 0 % Prefix /30: 0.00 Prefix count /31: 0 % Prefix /31: 0.00 Prefix count /32: 5 % Prefix /32: 0.00 Root Prefix Count: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 9 37 89 265 484 1028 1653 10195 4411 6823 14899 19124 22891 59738 41260 278396 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 % Prefix distribution: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.06 0.10 0.22 0.36 2.21 0.96 1.48 3.23 4.15 4.96 12.95 8.94 60.35 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Prefix count /8: 16 % Prefix /8: 0.00 Prefix count /9: 9 % Prefix /9: 0.00 Prefix count /10: 37 % Prefix /10: 0.01 Prefix count /11: 89 % Prefix /11: 0.02 Prefix count /12: 265 % Prefix /12: 0.06 Prefix count /13: 484 % Prefix /13: 0.10 Prefix count /14: 1028 % Prefix /14: 0.22 Prefix count /15: 1653 % Prefix /15: 0.36 Prefix count /16: 10195 % Prefix /16: 2.21 Prefix count /17: 4411 % Prefix /17: 0.96 Prefix count /18: 6823 % Prefix /18: 1.48 Prefix count /19: 14899 % Prefix /19: 3.23 Prefix count /20: 19124 % Prefix /20: 4.15 Prefix count /21: 22891 % Prefix /21: 4.96 Prefix count /22: 59738 % Prefix /22: 12.95 Prefix count /23: 41260 % Prefix /23: 8.94 Prefix count /24: 278396 % Prefix /24: 60.35 Prefix count /25: 11 % Prefix /25: 0.00 Prefix count /26: 0 % Prefix /26: 0.00 Prefix count /27: 0 % Prefix /27: 0.00 Prefix count /28: 0 % Prefix /28: 0.00 Prefix count /29: 0 % Prefix /29: 0.00 Prefix count /30: 0 % Prefix /30: 0.00 Prefix count /31: 0 % Prefix /31: 0.00 Prefix count /32: 0 % Prefix /32: 0.00 Addresses by AS distance: 256 70400 217631675 1165763458 1844890528 695303296 158502016 43093248 9705472 7916288 93952 9984 0 0 0 Address percentage by AS distance: 0.0 0.0 5.3 28.1 44.5 16.8 3.8 1.0 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Addresses at AS distance 0: 256 % Addresses at AS distance 0: 0.0 Addresses at AS distance 1: 70400 % Addresses at AS distance 1: 0.0 Addresses at AS distance 2: 217631675 % Addresses at AS distance 2: 5.3 Addresses at AS distance 3: 1165763458 % Addresses at AS distance 3: 28.1 Addresses at AS distance 4: 1844890528 % Addresses at AS distance 4: 44.5 Addresses at AS distance 5: 695303296 % Addresses at AS distance 5: 16.8 Addresses at AS distance 6: 158502016 % Addresses at AS distance 6: 3.8 Addresses at AS distance 7: 43093248 % Addresses at AS distance 7: 1.0 Addresses at AS distance 8: 9705472 % Addresses at AS distance 8: 0.2 Addresses at AS distance 9: 7916288 % Addresses at AS distance 9: 0.2 Addresses at AS distance 10: 93952 % Addresses at AS distance 10: 0.0 Addresses at AS distance 11: 9984 % Addresses at AS distance 11: 0.0 Addresses at AS distance 12: 0 % Addresses at AS distance 12: 0.0 Addresses at AS distance 13: 0 % Addresses at AS distance 13: 0.0 Addresses at AS distance 14: 0 % Addresses at AS distance 14: 0.0 Cumulative Address by AS distance: 256 70656 217702331 1383465789 3228356317 3923659613 4082161629 4125254877 4134960349 4142876637 4142970589 4142980573 4142980573 4142980573 4142980573 Cumulative % Address by AS distance: 0 0 5 33 77 94 98 99 99 99 99 100 100 100 100 Addresses reachable within 0 AS hops: 256 % Addresses reachable within 0 AS hops: 0 Addresses reachable within 1 AS hops: 70656 % Addresses reachable within 1 AS hops: 0 Addresses reachable within 2 AS hops: 217702331 % Addresses reachable within 2 AS hops: 5 Addresses reachable within 3 AS hops: 1383465789 % Addresses reachable within 3 AS hops: 33 Addresses reachable within 4 AS hops: 3228356317 % Addresses reachable within 4 AS hops: 77 Addresses reachable within 5 AS hops: 3923659613 % Addresses reachable within 5 AS hops: 94 Addresses reachable within 6 AS hops: 4082161629 % Addresses reachable within 6 AS hops: 98 Addresses reachable within 7 AS hops: 4125254877 % Addresses reachable within 7 AS hops: 99 Addresses reachable within 8 AS hops: 4134960349 % Addresses reachable within 8 AS hops: 99 Addresses reachable within 9 AS hops: 4142876637 % Addresses reachable within 9 AS hops: 99 Addresses reachable within 10 AS hops: 4142970589 % Addresses reachable within 10 AS hops: 99 Addresses reachable within 11 AS hops: 4142980573 % Addresses reachable within 11 AS hops: 100 Addresses reachable within 12 AS hops: 4142980573 % Addresses reachable within 12 AS hops: 100 Addresses reachable within 13 AS hops: 4142980573 % Addresses reachable within 13 AS hops: 100 Addresses reachable within 14 AS hops: 4142980573 % Addresses reachable within 14 AS hops: 100 ASes by AS distance: 1 2 205 8323 29139 28467 7724 1617 331 139 8 1 0 0 0 % ASes by AS hops: 0 0 0 10 38 37 10 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ASes reachable at 0 AS hops: 1 % ASes reachable at 0 AS hops: 0 ASes reachable at 1 AS hops: 2 % ASes reachable at 1 AS hops: 0 ASes reachable at 2 AS hops: 205 % ASes reachable at 2 AS hops: 0 ASes reachable at 3 AS hops: 8323 % ASes reachable at 3 AS hops: 10 ASes reachable at 4 AS hops: 29139 % ASes reachable at 4 AS hops: 38 ASes reachable at 5 AS hops: 28467 % ASes reachable at 5 AS hops: 37 ASes reachable at 6 AS hops: 7724 % ASes reachable at 6 AS hops: 10 ASes reachable at 7 AS hops: 1617 % ASes reachable at 7 AS hops: 2 ASes reachable at 8 AS hops: 331 % ASes reachable at 8 AS hops: 0 ASes reachable at 9 AS hops: 139 % ASes reachable at 9 AS hops: 0 ASes reachable at 10 AS hops: 8 % ASes reachable at 10 AS hops: 0 ASes reachable at 11 AS hops: 1 % ASes reachable at 11 AS hops: 0 ASes reachable at 12 AS hops: 0 % ASes reachable at 12 AS hops: 0 ASes reachable at 13 AS hops: 0 % ASes reachable at 13 AS hops: 0 ASes reachable at 14 AS hops: 0 % ASes reachable at 14 AS hops: 0 Cumulative ASes by AS hops: 1 3 208 8531 37670 66137 73861 75478 75809 75948 75956 75957 75957 75957 75957 Cumulative % ASes by AS hops: 0.0 0.0 0.3 11.2 49.6 87.1 97.2 99.4 99.8 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 ASes reachable by 0 AS hops: 1 Cumulative % ASes by AS hops 0: 0.0 ASes reachable by 1 AS hops: 3 Cumulative % ASes by AS hops 1: 0.0 ASes reachable by 2 AS hops: 208 Cumulative % ASes by AS hops 2: 0.3 ASes reachable by 3 AS hops: 8531 Cumulative % ASes by AS hops 3: 11.2 ASes reachable by 4 AS hops: 37670 Cumulative % ASes by AS hops 4: 49.6 ASes reachable by 5 AS hops: 66137 Cumulative % ASes by AS hops 5: 87.1 ASes reachable by 6 AS hops: 73861 Cumulative % ASes by AS hops 6: 97.2 ASes reachable by 7 AS hops: 75478 Cumulative % ASes by AS hops 7: 99.4 ASes reachable by 8 AS hops: 75809 Cumulative % ASes by AS hops 8: 99.8 ASes reachable by 9 AS hops: 75948 Cumulative % ASes by AS hops 9: 100.0 ASes reachable by 10 AS hops: 75956 Cumulative % ASes by AS hops 10: 100.0 ASes reachable by 11 AS hops: 75957 Cumulative % ASes by AS hops 11: 100.0 ASes reachable by 12 AS hops: 75957 Cumulative % ASes by AS hops 12: 100.0 ASes reachable by 13 AS hops: 75957 Cumulative % ASes by AS hops 13: 100.0 ASes reachable by 14 AS hops: 75957 Cumulative % ASes by AS hops 14: 100.0 Table Updates: 1743 New Entries: 88 Removed Entries: 177 Updated Entries: 1478 Address Span: 1271296 Address Span: 45568 Address Span: 138496 Address Span: 1087232 Average address span per update: 729 Avg Span: 517 Avg Span: 782 Avg Span: 735 Average prefix size updated: 23.78 Average prefix size: 23.61 Average prefix size: 23.51 Average prefix size: 23.82 Per-Prefix updates: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 5 5 10 53 27 97 85 1134 324 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Prefix announcements: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 8 5 72 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Prefix withdrawals: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 4 3 3 8 23 135 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Prefix path updates: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 4 5 5 48 24 81 57 927 324 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Prefix /16 total: 3 Prefix /16 announcements: 0 Prefix /16 withdrawals: 0 Prefix /16 path updates: 3 Prefix /17 total: 5 Prefix /17 announcements: 0 Prefix /17 withdrawals: 1 Prefix /17 path updates: 4 Prefix /18 total: 5 Prefix /18 announcements: 0 Prefix /18 withdrawals: 0 Prefix /18 path updates: 5 Prefix /19 total: 10 Prefix /19 announcements: 1 Prefix /19 withdrawals: 4 Prefix /19 path updates: 5 Prefix /20 total: 53 Prefix /20 announcements: 2 Prefix /20 withdrawals: 3 Prefix /20 path updates: 48 Prefix /21 total: 27 Prefix /21 announcements: 0 Prefix /21 withdrawals: 3 Prefix /21 path updates: 24 Prefix /22 total: 97 Prefix /22 announcements: 8 Prefix /22 withdrawals: 8 Prefix /22 path updates: 81 Prefix /23 total: 85 Prefix /23 announcements: 5 Prefix /23 withdrawals: 23 Prefix /23 path updates: 57 Prefix /24 total: 1134 Prefix /24 announcements: 72 Prefix /24 withdrawals: 135 Prefix /24 path updates: 927 Prefix /25 total: 324 Prefix /25 announcements: 0 Prefix /25 withdrawals: 0 Prefix /25 path updates: 324 Prefix /26 total: 0 Prefix /26 announcements: 0 Prefix /26 withdrawals: 0 Prefix /26 path updates: 0 Prefix /27 total: 0 Prefix /27 announcements: 0 Prefix /27 withdrawals: 0 Prefix /27 path updates: 0 Prefix /28 total: 0 Prefix /28 announcements: 0 Prefix /28 withdrawals: 0 Prefix /28 path updates: 0 Prefix /29 total: 0 Prefix /29 announcements: 0 Prefix /29 withdrawals: 0 Prefix /29 path updates: 0 Prefix /30 total: 0 Prefix /30 announcements: 0 Prefix /30 withdrawals: 0 Prefix /30 path updates: 0 Prefix /31 total: 0 Prefix /31 announcements: 0 Prefix /31 withdrawals: 0 Prefix /31 path updates: 0 Prefix /32 total: 0 Prefix /32 announcements: 0 Prefix /32 withdrawals: 0 Prefix /32 path updates: 0 Prefix /8 total: 0.00 Prefix /8 announcements: 0.00 Prefix /8 withdrawals: 0.00 Prefix /8 path updates: 0.00 Prefix /9 total: 0.00 Prefix /9 announcements: 0.00 Prefix /9 withdrawals: 0.00 Prefix /9 path updates: 0.00 Prefix /10 total: 0.00 Prefix /10 announcements: 0.00 Prefix /10 withdrawals: 0.00 Prefix /10 path updates: 0.00 Prefix /11 total: 0.00 Prefix /11 announcements: 0.00 Prefix /11 withdrawals: 0.00 Prefix /11 path updates: 0.00 Prefix /12 total: 0.00 Prefix /12 announcements: 0.00 Prefix /12 withdrawals: 0.00 Prefix /12 path updates: 0.00 Prefix /13 total: 0.00 Prefix /13 announcements: 0.00 Prefix /13 withdrawals: 0.00 Prefix /13 path updates: 0.00 Prefix /14 total: 0.00 Prefix /14 announcements: 0.00 Prefix /14 withdrawals: 0.00 Prefix /14 path updates: 0.00 Prefix /15 total: 0.00 Prefix /15 announcements: 0.00 Prefix /15 withdrawals: 0.00 Prefix /15 path updates: 0.00 Prefix /16 total: 0.13 Prefix /16 announcements: 0.00 Prefix /16 withdrawals: 0.00 Prefix /16 path updates: 0.15 Prefix /17 total: 0.33 Prefix /17 announcements: 0.00 Prefix /17 withdrawals: 0.66 Prefix /17 path updates: 0.32 Prefix /18 total: 0.20 Prefix /18 announcements: 0.00 Prefix /18 withdrawals: 0.00 Prefix /18 path updates: 0.23 Prefix /19 total: 0.22 Prefix /19 announcements: 0.44 Prefix /19 withdrawals: 0.87 Prefix /19 path updates: 0.13 Prefix /20 total: 0.66 Prefix /20 announcements: 0.49 Prefix /20 withdrawals: 0.37 Prefix /20 path updates: 0.70 Prefix /21 total: 0.28 Prefix /21 announcements: 0.00 Prefix /21 withdrawals: 0.31 Prefix /21 path updates: 0.30 Prefix /22 total: 0.48 Prefix /22 announcements: 0.78 Prefix /22 withdrawals: 0.39 Prefix /22 path updates: 0.47 Prefix /23 total: 0.46 Prefix /23 announcements: 0.53 Prefix /23 withdrawals: 1.22 Prefix /23 path updates: 0.36 Prefix /24 total: 1.07 Prefix /24 announcements: 1.35 Prefix /24 withdrawals: 1.25 Prefix /24 path updates: 1.03 Prefix /25 total: 207.15 Prefix /25 announcements: 0.00 Prefix /25 withdrawals: 0.00 Prefix /25 path updates: 244.29 Prefix /26 total: 0.00 Prefix /26 announcements: 100.00 Prefix /26 withdrawals: 100.00 Prefix /26 path updates: 100.00 Prefix /27 total: 0.00 Prefix /27 announcements: 0.00 Prefix /27 withdrawals: 0.00 Prefix /27 path updates: 0.00 Prefix /28 total: 0.00 Prefix /28 announcements: 0.00 Prefix /28 withdrawals: 0.00 Prefix /28 path updates: 0.00 Prefix /29 total: 0.00 Prefix /29 announcements: 0.00 Prefix /29 withdrawals: 0.00 Prefix /29 path updates: 0.00 Prefix /30 total: 0.00 Prefix /30 announcements: 100.00 Prefix /30 withdrawals: 100.00 Prefix /30 path updates: 100.00 Prefix /31 total: 0.00 Prefix /31 announcements: 100.00 Prefix /31 withdrawals: 100.00 Prefix /31 path updates: 100.00 Prefix /32 total: 0.00 Prefix /32 announcements: 0.00 Prefix /32 withdrawals: 0.00 Prefix /32 path updates: 0.00 Table Updates: 1743.000 New Entries: 88.000 Removed Entries: 177.000 Updated Entries: 1478.000 Address Span: 1271296.000 Address Span: 45568.000 Address Span: 138496.000 Address Span: 1087232.000 Average address span per update: 729.000 Avg Span: 517.000 Avg Span: 782.000 Avg Span: 735.000 Per-Prefix updates: 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 3.000 5.000 5.000 10.000 53.000 27.000 97.000 85.000 1134.000 324.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Prefix announcements: 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 2.000 0.000 8.000 5.000 72.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Prefix withdrawals: 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 4.000 3.000 3.000 8.000 23.000 135.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Prefix path updates: 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 3.000 4.000 5.000 5.000 48.000 24.000 81.000 57.000 927.000 324.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Prefix /1 update rate: 0.000 Prefix /1 announcements: 0.000 Prefix /1 withdrawals: 0.000 Prefix /1 path updates: 0.000 Prefix /2 update rate: 0.000 Prefix /2 announcements: 0.000 Prefix /2 withdrawals: 0.000 Prefix /2 path updates: 0.000 Prefix /3 update rate: 0.000 Prefix /3 announcements: 0.000 Prefix /3 withdrawals: 0.000 Prefix /3 path updates: 0.000 Prefix /4 update rate: 0.000 Prefix /4 announcements: 0.000 Prefix /4 withdrawals: 0.000 Prefix /4 path updates: 0.000 Prefix /5 update rate: 0.000 Prefix /5 announcements: 0.000 Prefix /5 withdrawals: 0.000 Prefix /5 path updates: 0.000 Prefix /6 update rate: 0.000 Prefix /6 announcements: 0.000 Prefix /6 withdrawals: 0.000 Prefix /6 path updates: 0.000 Prefix /7 update rate: 0.000 Prefix /7 announcements: 0.000 Prefix /7 withdrawals: 0.000 Prefix /7 path updates: 0.000 Prefix /8 update rate: 0.000 Prefix /8 announcements: 0.000 Prefix /8 withdrawals: 0.000 Prefix /8 path updates: 0.000 Prefix /9 update rate: 0.000 Prefix /9 announcements: 0.000 Prefix /9 withdrawals: 0.000 Prefix /9 path updates: 0.000 Prefix /10 update rate: 0.000 Prefix /10 announcements: 0.000 Prefix /10 withdrawals: 0.000 Prefix /10 path updates: 0.000 Prefix /11 update rate: 0.000 Prefix /11 announcements: 0.000 Prefix /11 withdrawals: 0.000 Prefix /11 path updates: 0.000 Prefix /12 update rate: 0.000 Prefix /12 announcements: 0.000 Prefix /12 withdrawals: 0.000 Prefix /12 path updates: 0.000 Prefix /13 update rate: 0.000 Prefix /13 announcements: 0.000 Prefix /13 withdrawals: 0.000 Prefix /13 path updates: 0.000 Prefix /14 update rate: 0.000 Prefix /14 announcements: 0.000 Prefix /14 withdrawals: 0.000 Prefix /14 path updates: 0.000 Prefix /15 update rate: 0.000 Prefix /15 announcements: 0.000 Prefix /15 withdrawals: 0.000 Prefix /15 path updates: 0.000 Prefix /16 update rate: 3.000 Prefix /16 announcements: 0.000 Prefix /16 withdrawals: 0.000 Prefix /16 path updates: 3.000 Prefix /17 update rate: 5.000 Prefix /17 announcements: 0.000 Prefix /17 withdrawals: 1.000 Prefix /17 path updates: 4.000 Prefix /18 update rate: 5.000 Prefix /18 announcements: 0.000 Prefix /18 withdrawals: 0.000 Prefix /18 path updates: 5.000 Prefix /19 update rate: 10.000 Prefix /19 announcements: 1.000 Prefix /19 withdrawals: 4.000 Prefix /19 path updates: 5.000 Prefix /20 update rate: 53.000 Prefix /20 announcements: 2.000 Prefix /20 withdrawals: 3.000 Prefix /20 path updates: 48.000 Prefix /21 update rate: 27.000 Prefix /21 announcements: 0.000 Prefix /21 withdrawals: 3.000 Prefix /21 path updates: 24.000 Prefix /22 update rate: 97.000 Prefix /22 announcements: 8.000 Prefix /22 withdrawals: 8.000 Prefix /22 path updates: 81.000 Prefix /23 update rate: 85.000 Prefix /23 announcements: 5.000 Prefix /23 withdrawals: 23.000 Prefix /23 path updates: 57.000 Prefix /24 update rate: 1134.000 Prefix /24 announcements: 72.000 Prefix /24 withdrawals: 135.000 Prefix /24 path updates: 927.000 Prefix /25 update rate: 324.000 Prefix /25 announcements: 0.000 Prefix /25 withdrawals: 0.000 Prefix /25 path updates: 324.000 Prefix /26 update rate: 0.000 Prefix /26 announcements: 0.000 Prefix /26 withdrawals: 0.000 Prefix /26 path updates: 0.000 Prefix /27 update rate: 0.000 Prefix /27 announcements: 0.000 Prefix /27 withdrawals: 0.000 Prefix /27 path updates: 0.000 Prefix /28 update rate: 0.000 Prefix /28 announcements: 0.000 Prefix /28 withdrawals: 0.000 Prefix /28 path updates: 0.000 Prefix /29 update rate: 0.000 Prefix /29 announcements: 0.000 Prefix /29 withdrawals: 0.000 Prefix /29 path updates: 0.000 Prefix /30 update rate: 0.000 Prefix /30 announcements: 0.000 Prefix /30 withdrawals: 0.000 Prefix /30 path updates: 0.000 Prefix /31 update rate: 0.000 Prefix /31 announcements: 0.000 Prefix /31 withdrawals: 0.000 Prefix /31 path updates: 0.000 Prefix /32 update rate: 0.000 Prefix /32 announcements: 0.000 Prefix /32 withdrawals: 0.000 Prefix /32 path updates: 0.000 Total Path Changes: 561 Origin Paths: 61 NextHop Paths: 157 Transit Paths: 215 Paths: 110 Paths: 18 /16 Tot: 3 /16 Org: 0 /16 Nxt: 1 /16 Trn: 1 /16 Fst: 1 /16 Prp: 0 /17 Tot: 4 /17 Org: 0 /17 Nxt: 3 /17 Trn: 0 /17 Fst: 1 /17 Prp: 0 /18 Tot: 5 /18 Org: 0 /18 Nxt: 3 /18 Trn: 1 /18 Fst: 1 /18 Prp: 0 /19 Tot: 5 /19 Org: 0 /19 Nxt: 2 /19 Trn: 1 /19 Fst: 2 /19 Prp: 0 /20 Tot: 48 /20 Org: 0 /20 Nxt: 24 /20 Trn: 13 /20 Fst: 11 /20 Prp: 0 /21 Tot: 24 /21 Org: 2 /21 Nxt: 11 /21 Trn: 4 /21 Fst: 7 /21 Prp: 0 /22 Tot: 81 /22 Org: 0 /22 Nxt: 31 /22 Trn: 21 /22 Fst: 29 /22 Prp: 0 /23 Tot: 57 /23 Org: 2 /23 Nxt: 18 /23 Trn: 14 /23 Fst: 19 /23 Prp: 4 /24 Tot: 927 /24 Org: 5 /24 Nxt: 262 /24 Trn: 440 /24 Fst: 198 /24 Prp: 22 /25 Tot: 324 /25 Org: 58 /25 Nxt: 19 /25 Trn: 0 /25 Fst: 247 /25 Prp: 0 /26 Tot: 0 /26 Org: 0 /26 Nxt: 0 /26 Trn: 0 /26 Fst: 0 /26 Prp: 0 /27 Tot: 0 /27 Org: 0 /27 Nxt: 0 /27 Trn: 0 /27 Fst: 0 /27 Prp: 0 /28 Tot: 0 /28 Org: 0 /28 Nxt: 0 /28 Trn: 0 /28 Fst: 0 /28 Prp: 0 /29 Tot: 0 /29 Org: 0 /29 Nxt: 0 /29 Trn: 0 /29 Fst: 0 /29 Prp: 0 /30 Tot: 0 /30 Org: 0 /30 Nxt: 0 /30 Trn: 0 /30 Fst: 0 /30 Prp: 0 /31 Tot: 0 /31 Org: 0 /31 Nxt: 0 /31 Trn: 0 /31 Fst: 0 /31 Prp: 0 /32 Tot: 0 /32 Org: 0 /32 Nxt: 0 /32 Trn: 0 /32 Fst: 0 /32 Prp: 0 -Top 20 AS's by Orginating AS address span +1 AS749 ORIGIN Originate: 228483328 (/4.23 ) Transit: 0 (/0.00 ) +2 AS7018 ORG+TRN Originate: 113788928 (/5.24 ) Transit: 39069184 (/6.78 ) +3 AS4134 ORG+TRN Originate: 111791360 (/5.26 ) Transit: 48945664 (/6.46 ) +4 AS721 ORG+TRN Originate: 75019008 (/5.84 ) Transit: 38461696 (/6.80 ) +5 AS7922 ORG+TRN Originate: 70181120 (/5.94 ) Transit: 1576960 (/11.41) +6 AS4766 ORG+TRN Originate: 69950848 (/5.94 ) Transit: 3920896 (/10.10) +7 AS17676 ORG+TRN Originate: 68614656 (/5.97 ) Transit: 5428992 (/9.63 ) +8 AS9808 ORG+TRN Originate: 62685952 (/6.10 ) Transit: 40830208 (/6.72 ) +9 AS4837 ORG+TRN Originate: 57953280 (/6.21 ) Transit: 67697408 (/5.99 ) +10 AS8075 ORG+TRN Originate: 55075840 (/6.29 ) Transit: 2085376 (/11.01) +11 AS16509 ORG+TRN Originate: 47174400 (/6.51 ) Transit: 18029568 (/7.90 ) +12 AS714 ORG+TRN Originate: 45629952 (/6.56 ) Transit: 32256 (/17.02) +13 AS701 ORG+TRN Originate: 43028480 (/6.64 ) Transit: 54423808 (/6.30 ) +14 AS4538 ORG+TRN Originate: 38584832 (/6.80 ) Transit: 3585792 (/10.23) +15 AS3356 ORG+TRN Originate: 37458688 (/6.84 ) Transit: 653009920 (/2.72 ) +16 AS3320 ORG+TRN Originate: 36052992 (/6.90 ) Transit: 14184192 (/8.24 ) +17 AS22394 ORG+TRN Originate: 31068160 (/7.11 ) Transit: 13190656 (/8.35 ) +18 AS4713 ORG+TRN Originate: 28693760 (/7.23 ) Transit: 27112192 (/7.31 ) +19 AS174 ORG+TRN Originate: 28388096 (/7.24 ) Transit: 63011840 (/6.09 ) +20 AS396982 ORIGIN Originate: 27869696 (/7.27 ) Transit: 0 (/0.00 ) Originating Addresses AS Count: 0 0 0 1 6 9 23 47 73 101 171 244 399 851 1680 1775 2491 3756 5126 7463 10512 12696 9376 18526 21 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Originating Addresses % AS Count: 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0001 0.0001 0.0003 0.0006 0.0010 0.0013 0.0023 0.0032 0.0053 0.0113 0.0223 0.0236 0.0331 0.0498 0.0680 0.0990 0.1395 0.1685 0.1244 0.2459 0.0003 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 AS's announcing span of /4: 1 % AS's announcing span of /4: 0.0000 AS's announcing span of /5: 6 % AS's announcing span of /5: 0.0001 AS's announcing span of /6: 9 % AS's announcing span of /6: 0.0001 AS's announcing span of /7: 23 % AS's announcing span of /7: 0.0003 AS's announcing span of /8: 47 % AS's announcing span of /8: 0.0006 AS's announcing span of /9: 73 % AS's announcing span of /9: 0.0010 AS's announcing span of /10: 101 % AS's announcing span of /10: 0.0013 AS's announcing span of /11: 171 % AS's announcing span of /11: 0.0023 AS's announcing span of /12: 244 % AS's announcing span of /12: 0.0032 AS's announcing span of /13: 399 % AS's announcing span of /13: 0.0053 AS's announcing span of /14: 851 % AS's announcing span of /14: 0.0113 AS's announcing span of /15: 1680 % AS's announcing span of /15: 0.0223 AS's announcing span of /16: 1775 % AS's announcing span of /16: 0.0236 AS's announcing span of /17: 2491 % AS's announcing span of /17: 0.0331 AS's announcing span of /18: 3756 % AS's announcing span of /18: 0.0498 AS's announcing span of /19: 5126 % AS's announcing span of /19: 0.0680 AS's announcing span of /20: 7463 % AS's announcing span of /20: 0.0990 AS's announcing span of /21: 10512 % AS's announcing span of /21: 0.1395 AS's announcing span of /22: 12696 % AS's announcing span of /22: 0.1685 AS's announcing span of /23: 9376 % AS's announcing span of /23: 0.1244 AS's announcing span of /24: 18526 % AS's announcing span of /24: 0.2459 AS's announcing span of /25: 21 % AS's announcing span of /25: 0.0003 AS's announcing span of /26: 0 % AS's announcing span of /26: 0.0000 AS's announcing span of /27: 0 % AS's announcing span of /27: 0.0000 AS's announcing span of /28: 0 % AS's announcing span of /28: 0.0000 AS's announcing span of /29: 0 % AS's announcing span of /29: 0.0000 AS's announcing span of /30: 0 % AS's announcing span of /30: 0.0000 AS's announcing span of /31: 0 % AS's announcing span of /31: 0.0000 AS's announcing span of /32: 0 % AS's announcing span of /32: 0.0000 -Top 20 AS's by Transit address span +1 AS65000 ORG+TRN Transit: 4142980317 (/0.05 ) Originate: 16640 (/17.98) +2 AS4608 ORG+TRN Transit: 3025304925 (/0.51 ) Originate: 70656 (/15.89) +3 AS7575 ORG+TRN Transit: 1177369088 (/1.87 ) Originate: 1464320 (/11.52) +4 AS4777 ORG+TRN Transit: 1117604992 (/1.94 ) Originate: 512 (/23.00) +5 AS4826 ORG+TRN Transit: 1006318592 (/2.09 ) Originate: 318248 (/13.72) +6 AS2516 ORG+TRN Transit: 860331008 (/2.32 ) Originate: 18255232 (/7.88 ) +7 AS3356 ORG+TRN Transit: 653009920 (/2.72 ) Originate: 37458688 (/6.84 ) +8 AS6461 ORG+TRN Transit: 345596672 (/3.64 ) Originate: 1670144 (/11.33) +9 AS1221 ORG+TRN Transit: 268167680 (/4.00 ) Originate: 13414400 (/8.32 ) +10 AS6939 ORG+TRN Transit: 234508800 (/4.19 ) Originate: 615936 (/12.77) +11 AS6762 ORG+TRN Transit: 232778752 (/4.21 ) Originate: 90880 (/15.53) +12 AS4637 ORG+TRN Transit: 185572352 (/4.53 ) Originate: 708096 (/12.57) +13 AS2914 ORG+TRN Transit: 123276288 (/5.12 ) Originate: 6968064 (/9.27 ) +14 AS209 ORG+TRN Transit: 120722688 (/5.15 ) Originate: 26284544 (/7.35 ) +15 AS4635 TRANSIT Transit: 110752256 (/5.28 ) Originate: 0 (/0.00 ) +16 AS24115 TRANSIT Transit: 107571200 (/5.32 ) Originate: 0 (/0.00 ) +17 AS1299 ORG+TRN Transit: 106856192 (/5.33 ) Originate: 226048 (/14.21) +18 AS58453 ORG+TRN Transit: 99838976 (/5.43 ) Originate: 367616 (/13.51) +19 AS12956 ORG+TRN Transit: 79375104 (/5.76 ) Originate: 103168 (/15.35) +20 AS3257 ORG+TRN Transit: 79005184 (/5.76 ) Originate: 8544000 (/8.97 ) -Top 20 AS's by Originating + Transit address span +1 AS65000 ORG+TRN Total 4142996957 (/0.05 ) Transit: 4142980317 (/0.05 ) Originate: 16640 (/17.98) +2 AS4608 ORG+TRN Total 3025375581 (/0.51 ) Transit: 3025304925 (/0.51 ) Originate: 70656 (/15.89) +3 AS7575 ORG+TRN Total 1178833408 (/1.87 ) Transit: 1177369088 (/1.87 ) Originate: 1464320 (/11.52) +4 AS4777 ORG+TRN Total 1117605504 (/1.94 ) Transit: 1117604992 (/1.94 ) Originate: 512 (/23.00) +5 AS4826 ORG+TRN Total 1006636840 (/2.09 ) Transit: 1006318592 (/2.09 ) Originate: 318248 (/13.72) +6 AS2516 ORG+TRN Total 878586240 (/2.29 ) Transit: 860331008 (/2.32 ) Originate: 18255232 (/7.88 ) +7 AS3356 ORG+TRN Total 690468608 (/2.64 ) Transit: 653009920 (/2.72 ) Originate: 37458688 (/6.84 ) +8 AS6461 ORG+TRN Total 347266816 (/3.63 ) Transit: 345596672 (/3.64 ) Originate: 1670144 (/11.33) +9 AS1221 ORG+TRN Total 281582080 (/3.93 ) Transit: 268167680 (/4.00 ) Originate: 13414400 (/8.32 ) +10 AS6939 ORG+TRN Total 235124736 (/4.19 ) Transit: 234508800 (/4.19 ) Originate: 615936 (/12.77) +11 AS6762 ORG+TRN Total 232869632 (/4.21 ) Transit: 232778752 (/4.21 ) Originate: 90880 (/15.53) +12 AS749 ORIGIN Total 228483328 (/4.23 ) Transit: 0 (/0.00 ) Originate: 228483328 (/4.23 ) +13 AS4637 ORG+TRN Total 186280448 (/4.53 ) Transit: 185572352 (/4.53 ) Originate: 708096 (/12.57) +14 AS4134 ORG+TRN Total 160737024 (/4.74 ) Transit: 48945664 (/6.46 ) Originate: 111791360 (/5.26 ) +15 AS7018 ORG+TRN Total 152858112 (/4.81 ) Transit: 39069184 (/6.78 ) Originate: 113788928 (/5.24 ) +16 AS209 ORG+TRN Total 147007232 (/4.87 ) Transit: 120722688 (/5.15 ) Originate: 26284544 (/7.35 ) +17 AS2914 ORG+TRN Total 130244352 (/5.04 ) Transit: 123276288 (/5.12 ) Originate: 6968064 (/9.27 ) +18 AS4837 ORG+TRN Total 125650688 (/5.10 ) Transit: 67697408 (/5.99 ) Originate: 57953280 (/6.21 ) +19 AS721 ORG+TRN Total 113480704 (/5.24 ) Transit: 38461696 (/6.80 ) Originate: 75019008 (/5.84 ) +20 AS4635 TRANSIT Total 110752256 (/5.28 ) Transit: 110752256 (/5.28 ) Originate: 0 (/0.00 ) AS Adjacency Count: 125590 -Top 20 AS Adjacencies 0 AS4777 -- AS2516 74163 1 AS4608 -- AS7575 56214 2 AS4608 -- AS4826 26044 3 AS4777 -- AS6939 23128 4 AS4608 -- AS1221 20130 5 AS7575 -- AS6461 19382 6 AS1221 -- AS4637 18650 7 AS7575 -- AS6762 14175 8 AS2516 -- AS3257 13469 9 AS2516 -- AS1299 11563 10 AS4777 -- AS4713 10558 11 AS4713 -- AS2914 10386 12 AS2516 -- AS6762 9887 13 AS2516 -- AS3356 9468 14 AS4608 -- AS6939 9024 15 AS4608 -- AS24115 8067 16 AS4826 -- AS3356 7358 17 AS7575 -- AS2914 7090 18 AS7575 -- AS3356 5857 19 AS2516 -- AS174 4677 Average AS Connectivity Degree (251180/75957): 3.3069 Average AS Connectivity IN:OUT Degree: 0.1524 -Top 20 AS's by AS Adjacency + 1 AS3356 Adjacency: 5315 Upstream: 23 Downstream: 5292 + 2 AS174 Adjacency: 3887 Upstream: 21 Downstream: 3866 + 3 AS6939 Adjacency: 3562 Upstream: 20 Downstream: 3542 + 4 AS6461 Adjacency: 2303 Upstream: 17 Downstream: 2286 + 5 AS3257 Adjacency: 1674 Upstream: 9 Downstream: 1665 + 6 AS1299 Adjacency: 1609 Upstream: 17 Downstream: 1592 + 7 AS7018 Adjacency: 1593 Upstream: 6 Downstream: 1587 + 8 AS2914 Adjacency: 1238 Upstream: 20 Downstream: 1218 + 9 AS12389 Adjacency: 1097 Upstream: 10 Downstream: 1087 + 10 AS13335 Adjacency: 949 Upstream: 287 Downstream: 662 + 11 AS8220 Adjacency: 924 Upstream: 11 Downstream: 913 + 12 AS9498 Adjacency: 922 Upstream: 16 Downstream: 906 + 13 AS701 Adjacency: 892 Upstream: 8 Downstream: 884 + 14 AS4826 Adjacency: 869 Upstream: 9 Downstream: 860 + 15 AS46887 Adjacency: 843 Upstream: 4 Downstream: 839 + 16 AS9002 Adjacency: 716 Upstream: 16 Downstream: 700 + 17 AS32787 Adjacency: 693 Upstream: 23 Downstream: 670 + 18 AS7575 Adjacency: 688 Upstream: 6 Downstream: 682 + 19 AS6762 Adjacency: 545 Upstream: 6 Downstream: 539 + 20 AS3216 Adjacency: 530 Upstream: 11 Downstream: 519 -Top 20 AS's by Downstream AS Adjacencies + 1 AS3356 Downstream: 5292 Upstream: 23 Adjacency: 5315 + 2 AS174 Downstream: 3866 Upstream: 21 Adjacency: 3887 + 3 AS6939 Downstream: 3542 Upstream: 20 Adjacency: 3562 + 4 AS6461 Downstream: 2286 Upstream: 17 Adjacency: 2303 + 5 AS3257 Downstream: 1665 Upstream: 9 Adjacency: 1674 + 6 AS1299 Downstream: 1592 Upstream: 17 Adjacency: 1609 + 7 AS7018 Downstream: 1587 Upstream: 6 Adjacency: 1593 + 8 AS2914 Downstream: 1218 Upstream: 20 Adjacency: 1238 + 9 AS12389 Downstream: 1087 Upstream: 10 Adjacency: 1097 + 10 AS8220 Downstream: 913 Upstream: 11 Adjacency: 924 + 11 AS9498 Downstream: 906 Upstream: 16 Adjacency: 922 + 12 AS701 Downstream: 884 Upstream: 8 Adjacency: 892 + 13 AS4826 Downstream: 860 Upstream: 9 Adjacency: 869 + 14 AS46887 Downstream: 839 Upstream: 4 Adjacency: 843 + 15 AS9002 Downstream: 700 Upstream: 16 Adjacency: 716 + 16 AS7575 Downstream: 682 Upstream: 6 Adjacency: 688 + 17 AS32787 Downstream: 670 Upstream: 23 Adjacency: 693 + 18 AS13335 Downstream: 662 Upstream: 287 Adjacency: 949 + 19 AS6762 Downstream: 539 Upstream: 6 Adjacency: 545 + 20 AS3216 Downstream: 519 Upstream: 11 Adjacency: 530 -Top 20 AS's by Upstream AS Adjacency + 1 AS13335 Upstream: 287 Downstream: 662 Adjacency: 949 + 2 AS20940 Upstream: 111 Downstream: 16 Adjacency: 127 + 3 AS54994 Upstream: 75 Downstream: 4 Adjacency: 79 + 4 AS262663 Upstream: 62 Downstream: 3 Adjacency: 65 + 5 AS21859 Upstream: 61 Downstream: 89 Adjacency: 150 + 6 AS24429 Upstream: 60 Downstream: 6 Adjacency: 66 + 7 AS21433 Upstream: 58 Downstream: 0 Adjacency: 58 + 8 AS139341 Upstream: 52 Downstream: 5 Adjacency: 57 + 9 AS63293 Upstream: 48 Downstream: 0 Adjacency: 48 + 10 AS136907 Upstream: 48 Downstream: 0 Adjacency: 48 + 11 AS199524 Upstream: 46 Downstream: 26 Adjacency: 72 + 12 AS138915 Upstream: 44 Downstream: 6 Adjacency: 50 + 13 AS15133 Upstream: 42 Downstream: 5 Adjacency: 47 + 14 AS55256 Upstream: 41 Downstream: 0 Adjacency: 41 + 15 AS139057 Upstream: 39 Downstream: 5 Adjacency: 44 + 16 AS13150 Upstream: 38 Downstream: 0 Adjacency: 38 + 17 AS19551 Upstream: 35 Downstream: 144 Adjacency: 179 + 18 AS45102 Upstream: 35 Downstream: 1 Adjacency: 36 + 19 AS23154 Upstream: 34 Downstream: 0 Adjacency: 34 + 20 AS42473 Upstream: 33 Downstream: 15 Adjacency: 48 AS Adjacencies: 1 43142,2 18694,3 5676,4 2389,5 1340,6 864,7 583,8 421,9 310,10 257,11 216,12 188,13 159,14 106,15 99,16 100,17 85,18 81,19 73,20 50,21 51,22 64,23 43,24 38,25 45,26 28,27 29,28 31,29 35,30 26,31 31,32 30,33 22,34 20,35 19,36 14,37 13,38 15,39 14,40 15,41 16,42 11,43 9,44 9,45 7,46 13,47 15,48 9,49 10,50 8,51 9,52 13,53 5,54 3,55 3,56 6,57 9,58 8,59 11,60 4,61 4,62 11,63 8,64 4,65 7,66 4,67 9,68 1,69 2,70 6,71 4,72 7,73 4,74 1,75 2,76 9,77 4,78 6,79 7,80 3,81 3,82 3,83 6,84 3,85 7,86 2,88 3,89 4,90 6,91 3,92 1,93 4,94 2,95 1,96 2,97 1,98 1,99 4,100 1,101 3,102 4,103 2,104 4,105 2,106 1,107 3,108 2,110 1,112 2,113 1,114 2,115 2,116 1,117 4,118 1,119 3,120 1,121 1,123 2,125 2,126 6,127 2,128 3,129 1,130 2,131 1,132 1,133 1,134 5,135 3,137 1,138 1,139 3,140 3,141 1,143 2,144 2,146 1,147 2,148 2,150 2,151 1,153 1,154 1,155 4,156 1,157 1,159 1,160 2,163 1,164 1,165 3,166 1,168 2,170 2,172 1,173 1,174 1,179 1,180 1,181 1,182 1,184 4,185 1,188 3,189 2,191 1,192 3,195 1,196 1,198 2,203 2,204 1,205 1,206 1,207 1,208 1,210 2,215 1,224 1,226 1,234 1,242 1,243 1,246 1,257 1,261 1,263 1,268 1,271 1,277 1,292 1,318 1,324 1,325 1,328 1,340 1,352 1,368 1,371 1,375 1,390 1,407 1,422 1,423 1,441 1,453 1,454 1,460 1,464 1,468 1,488 2,496 1,514 1,524 1,530 1,545 1,688 1,693 1,716 1,843 1,869 1,892 1,922 1,924 1,949 1,1097 1,1238 1,1593 1,1609 1,1674 1,2303 1,3562 1,3887 1,5315 1 AS Adjacencies - downstream: 0 64841,1 4801,2 1732,3 894,4 655,5 420,6 328,7 214,8 176,9 168,10 123,11 133,12 78,13 91,14 86,15 68,16 65,17 52,18 47,19 46,20 47,21 50,22 22,23 29,24 36,25 23,26 31,27 28,28 31,29 19,30 22,31 15,32 18,33 15,34 13,35 7,36 16,37 14,38 12,39 6,40 9,41 13,42 8,43 12,44 8,45 4,46 11,47 10,48 3,49 5,50 1,51 9,52 5,53 10,54 8,55 8,56 7,57 10,58 6,59 6,60 9,61 6,62 4,63 3,64 4,65 5,66 4,67 3,68 6,69 3,70 3,71 3,72 6,73 5,74 5,75 4,76 2,77 4,78 4,79 2,80 7,81 2,82 7,83 2,84 5,85 3,86 1,87 2,88 2,89 4,90 2,91 3,92 2,93 1,94 1,95 1,96 5,97 2,98 4,99 1,100 4,101 2,102 2,103 3,104 1,106 2,107 3,109 1,110 2,111 2,112 2,114 2,115 2,116 4,117 1,118 2,119 1,121 3,122 3,123 2,124 1,125 1,126 4,127 2,128 3,129 1,131 1,132 3,134 1,136 4,137 3,138 2,140 1,141 3,144 2,145 1,146 2,148 3,149 3,151 1,153 1,154 1,155 1,158 3,159 2,161 3,164 2,165 1,167 1,168 1,169 1,174 3,177 1,178 2,179 1,181 1,182 1,183 3,184 3,185 2,188 1,189 1,191 1,194 1,196 1,197 1,199 1,201 1,202 1,203 2,206 1,211 1,220 1,221 1,231 1,235 1,237 1,238 2,256 1,258 1,262 1,265 1,271 1,285 1,309 1,314 1,316 1,320 1,329 1,332 1,352 1,368 1,369 1,381 1,392 1,414 1,420 1,434 1,441 1,444 1,448 1,450 1,457 1,483 1,484 1,487 1,506 1,519 2,539 1,662 1,670 1,682 1,700 1,839 1,860 1,884 1,906 1,913 1,1087 1,1218 1,1587 1,1592 1,1665 1,2286 1,3542 1,3866 1,5292 1 AS Adjacencies - upstream: 1 46881,2 19907,3 5329,4 1865,5 764,6 418,7 226,8 158,9 90,10 65,11 49,12 47,13 21,14 18,15 15,16 14,17 14,18 12,19 7,20 5,21 5,22 6,23 5,24 2,25 2,26 2,27 2,28 3,31 1,32 2,33 3,34 1,35 2,38 1,39 1,41 1,42 1,44 1,46 1,48 2,52 1,58 1,60 1,61 1,62 1,75 1,111 1,287 1 Aggregation Potential Summary: 970630 536059 520298 365234 1685382480 4 1701484 0 365251 0 Aggregation Potential Summary: 970630 536059 520298 365234 365251 Aggregation using prepended AS Path: 536059 Aggregation using AS Path: 520298 Aggregation using AS Origin: 365234 Maximal Aggregation: 365251 Analysis time: 271 seconds