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IPv6: IPv6 / IPv4 Comparative Statistics

Report Date: 22-02-2025 1347


           IPv6              IPv4   IPv6 / IPv4
Prefix Count 219021     1000722 219021 / 1000722 = 0.2189


  IPv6              IPv4   IPv6 / IPv4
Announced Address Span 14.7129     0.46387737 14.7129 / 0.46387737 = 31.7172
Announced % of Total Address span 0.003724     72.503504 0.003724 / 72.503504 = 0.0001
Average Address Span per Announcement 32.4536     20.3968 32.4536 / 20.3968 = 1.5911
Average Announcement Length 42.8588     22.8999 42.8588 / 22.8999 = 1.8716

AS Numbers

  IPv6              IPv4   IPv6 / IPv4
AS Count 34607     76855 34607 / 76855 = 0.4503
Origin-only ASes 28726     65473 28726 / 65473 = 0.4387
Origin and Transit ASes 5520     10825 5520 / 10825 = 0.5099
Transit ASes 361     557 361 / 557 = 0.6481
ASs Announcing a single prefix 21296     26713 21296 / 26713 = 0.7972
Average Announcements per AS 6.3955     13.1160 6.3955 / 13.1160 = 0.4876
Average Address Range per AS (prefix) 29.7765     - 29.7765 / 13.1160 = 2.2702
Max Announcments for an AS 5857     3690 5857 / 3690 = 1.5873
Max Announced span for an AS 18.95     - 18.95 / 3690 = 0.0051

Use of More Specific Announcements

  IPv6              IPv4   IPv6 / IPv4
Root Prefix Count 93644     475794 93644 / 475794 = 0.1968
Number of More Specifics 125377     524928 125377 / 524928 = 0.2388
Specifics: % of Announcements 57.2443     52.4549 57.2443 / 52.4549 = 1.0913
Specifics: % of Address Space 5.9548     36.8194 5.9548 / 36.8194 = 0.1617

Additional Data

More Specifics

           IPv6              IPv4   IPv6 / IPv4
Specifics where AS prepended Path matches aggregate 59378     226392 59378 / 226392 = 0.2623
Specifics where AS prepended Path matches aggregate % 47.36     43.13 47.36 / 43.13 = 1.0981
Specifics where AS Path matches aggregate 64213     245884 64213 / 245884 = 0.2612
Specifics where AS Path matches aggregate % 51.2159     46.8415 51.2159 / 46.8415 = 1.0934
Specifics where AS Origin matches aggregate 95975     404120 95975 / 404120 = 0.2375
Specifics where AS Origin matches aggregate % 76.5491     76.9858 76.5491 / 76.9858 = 0.9943

AS Numbers

           IPv6              IPv4   IPv6 / IPv4
ASes visible in only one AS path 24935     46232 24935 / 46232 = 0.5393
Origin ASs announced via a single AS path 24566     45690 24566 / 45690 = 0.5377
Multi-Origin Prefixes 883     1797 883 / 1797 = 0.4914

AS Paths

           IPv6              IPv4   IPv6 / IPv4
Unique AS Paths 132200     249135 132200 / 249135 = 0.5306
Selected AS Paths 11081     127304 11081 / 127304 = 0.0870
AS paths associated with a single FIB entry 30586     60151 30586 / 60151 = 0.5085
Unique AS prepended Paths 135446     268541 135446 / 268541 = 0.5044
AS Paths using prepending 19606     69912 19606 / 69912 = 0.2804
AS Paths using private ASs 31     52 31 / 52 = 0.5962
Average AS path length 4.8842     5.2709 4.8842 / 5.2709 = 0.9266
Average address weighted AS path length 4.9150     6.6647 4.9150 / 6.6647 = 0.7375
Maximum AS Path length 26     15 26 / 15 = 1.7333
Maximum prepended AS Path length 29     91 29 / 91 = 0.3187
Average entries per AS Path 1.6567     4.0168 1.6567 / 4.0168 = 0.4124
Average entries per Selected AS Path 4.7784     7.8609 4.7784 / 7.8609 = 0.6079
AS Paths per origin AS 3.8603     3.2653 3.8603 / 3.2653 = 1.1822
Selected AS Paths per origin AS 1.3384     1.6685 1.3384 / 1.6685 = 0.8022