** prlimit stack size: soft=838860800; hard=-1 BGP Routing Table Report Local Time: Fri Apr 19 04:01:08 2024 Route Table Analysis Details AS selected: AS65000 View: Locally generated BGP Dump File: /var/tmp/bgp-dump.txt Previous BGP Dump File to compare: /var/tmp/bgp-dump-lasthour.txt Extended Reports stored in directory: /var/data/bgp/as2.0 AS Number file: /var/data/bgp/asn.txt Collector: Disabled Table Scan time: 3 seconds Analysis of BGP file BGP routing table entries (FIB size): 970207 More specific prefixes of aggregates: 509622 Root aggregate prefixes: 460585 Filtered Prefixes - AS origin aggregation: 364527 Filtered Prefixes - length filters 1685382480 Filtered Prefixes - AS origin aggregation and length: 0 Total address space spanned by table (/32s): 3029527168 Equivalent to 180 /8s, 146 /16s and 235 /24s Percentage of total IPv4 address space announced: 70.537 Percentage of available address space announced: 81.732 Percentage of allocated address space announced: 126.275 Percentage of available address space allocated: 65.000 Total number of unique ASes: 75876 Origin-only ASes: 64758 Origin ASes announcing a single prefix: 26446 Transit ASes: 11118 Transit-only ASes: 534 Unique AS Paths: 246151 AS Paths used in FIB: 123325 Average AS path length: 5.296 Average address weighted AS path length: 6.720 Maximum AS Path length: 13 Unique AS prepended Paths: 265051 No of AS Paths using prepending: 68673 Number of Prefixes with Selected AS prepended Paths: 131855 Number of Prefixes with AS prepended Paths: 131855 Maximum prepended AS Path length: 123 Analysis time (secs): 183 + Active BGP entries (FIB): 970207 Change in FIB Size: -328 Change (%): -0.034 All BGP entries (RIB): 2872584 RIB/FIB ratio (2872584/970207): 2.9608 Valid entries: 2872584 Suppressed RIB entries: 0 Damped entries: 0 History entries: 0 Total address space advertised (/32 equiv): 3029527168 Total address space advertised (prefix length): 0.50355450 Percentage of IPv4 space advertised (3029527168/4294967295): 70.536676 Total address space advertised - corrected to 19 /8s: 3079858816 3029527168 Average address span: 3123 Average address span (as prefix size): 20.3917 Average prefix length: 22.8814 Entries advertising more specific prefixes of aggregates: 509622 Specifics as % of FIB entries (509622/970207): 52.5271 Specifics as % of address span (1116982623/3029527168): 36.8699 Specifics where AS prepended Path matches aggregate: 230097 AS-P_Path-Match % (230097/509622): 45.15 AS Path matches aggregate: 247328 AS-Path-Match % (247328/509622): 48.5317 AS Origin matches aggregate: 390931 AS-Origin-Match % (390931/509622): 76.7100 Root Prefixes: 460585 Root Prefix Tree Depth: 403843 45935 8777 1500 407 83 31 8 1 Root Prefixes with depth 0: 403843 Root Prefixes with depth 1: 45935 Root Prefixes with depth 2: 8777 Root Prefixes with depth 3: 1500 Root Prefixes with depth 4: 407 Root Prefixes with depth 5: 83 Root Prefixes with depth 6: 31 Root Prefixes with depth 7: 8 Root Prefixes with depth 8: 1 Unique ASes: 75876 ASes visible in only one AS path: 46082 Origin only ASes: 64758 Origin ASs announced via a single AS path: 45563 Transit only ASes: 534 Originating AS ATOM count: 75342 Mixed ASes: 10584 Originating AS ATOM compression: 0.0777 Multi-Origin Prefixes: 2285 ASes originating a single prefix: 26446 Average FIB entries per Origin AS: 12.8774 Maximum entries for an origin AS (AS7713): 3644 Average address range span for an origin AS: 40210.3364 Maximum address range for an origin AS (AS749): 228485632 Unique AS Paths: 246151 Unique AS prepended Paths: 265051 AS Paths used in FIB: 123325 AS Paths using prepending: 68673 AS paths associated with a single FIB entry: 58072 AS Paths using private ASs: 38 Average AS path length: 5.2964 Number of Prefixes with Selected AS Prepending Paths: 131855 Maximum AS Path length: 13 Number of Prefixes with AS Prepending Paths: 131855 Average address weighted AS path length: 6.7196 Maximum prepended AS Path length: 123 Average entries per AS Path: 3.9415 Average entries per FIB AS Path: 7.8671 AS Paths per origin AS: 3.2671 FIB AS Paths per origin AS: 1.6369 AS PATH ATOM compression: 0.1271 Prefix Count: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 14 37 95 300 585 1198 2113 13334 8327 13969 25126 45003 52824 113188 103537 589801 729 0 2 1 1 0 0 7 % Prefix distribution: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.03 0.06 0.12 0.22 1.37 0.86 1.44 2.59 4.64 5.44 11.67 10.67 60.79 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Prefix count /8: 16 % Prefix /8: 0.00 Prefix count /9: 14 % Prefix /9: 0.00 Prefix count /10: 37 % Prefix /10: 0.00 Prefix count /11: 95 % Prefix /11: 0.01 Prefix count /12: 300 % Prefix /12: 0.03 Prefix count /13: 585 % Prefix /13: 0.06 Prefix count /14: 1198 % Prefix /14: 0.12 Prefix count /15: 2113 % Prefix /15: 0.22 Prefix count /16: 13334 % Prefix /16: 1.37 Prefix count /17: 8327 % Prefix /17: 0.86 Prefix count /18: 13969 % Prefix /18: 1.44 Prefix count /19: 25126 % Prefix /19: 2.59 Prefix count /20: 45003 % Prefix /20: 4.64 Prefix count /21: 52824 % Prefix /21: 5.44 Prefix count /22: 113188 % Prefix /22: 11.67 Prefix count /23: 103537 % Prefix /23: 10.67 Prefix count /24: 589801 % Prefix /24: 60.79 Prefix count /25: 729 % Prefix /25: 0.08 Prefix count /26: 0 % Prefix /26: 0.00 Prefix count /27: 2 % Prefix /27: 0.00 Prefix count /28: 1 % Prefix /28: 0.00 Prefix count /29: 1 % Prefix /29: 0.00 Prefix count /30: 0 % Prefix /30: 0.00 Prefix count /31: 0 % Prefix /31: 0.00 Prefix count /32: 7 % Prefix /32: 0.00 Root Prefix Count: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 9 37 89 265 485 1028 1652 10199 4405 6849 14900 19124 22874 59768 41243 277631 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 % Prefix distribution: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.06 0.11 0.22 0.36 2.21 0.96 1.49 3.24 4.15 4.97 12.98 8.95 60.28 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Prefix count /8: 16 % Prefix /8: 0.00 Prefix count /9: 9 % Prefix /9: 0.00 Prefix count /10: 37 % Prefix /10: 0.01 Prefix count /11: 89 % Prefix /11: 0.02 Prefix count /12: 265 % Prefix /12: 0.06 Prefix count /13: 485 % Prefix /13: 0.11 Prefix count /14: 1028 % Prefix /14: 0.22 Prefix count /15: 1652 % Prefix /15: 0.36 Prefix count /16: 10199 % Prefix /16: 2.21 Prefix count /17: 4405 % Prefix /17: 0.96 Prefix count /18: 6849 % Prefix /18: 1.49 Prefix count /19: 14900 % Prefix /19: 3.24 Prefix count /20: 19124 % Prefix /20: 4.15 Prefix count /21: 22874 % Prefix /21: 4.97 Prefix count /22: 59768 % Prefix /22: 12.98 Prefix count /23: 41243 % Prefix /23: 8.95 Prefix count /24: 277631 % Prefix /24: 60.28 Prefix count /25: 11 % Prefix /25: 0.00 Prefix count /26: 0 % Prefix /26: 0.00 Prefix count /27: 0 % Prefix /27: 0.00 Prefix count /28: 0 % Prefix /28: 0.00 Prefix count /29: 0 % Prefix /29: 0.00 Prefix count /30: 0 % Prefix /30: 0.00 Prefix count /31: 0 % Prefix /31: 0.00 Prefix count /32: 0 % Prefix /32: 0.00 Addresses by AS distance: 256 70400 216176699 1157470980 1860328608 696056960 156434048 42181888 9784576 7903232 91904 10240 0 Address percentage by AS distance: 0.0 0.0 5.2 27.9 44.9 16.8 3.8 1.0 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 Addresses at AS distance 0: 256 % Addresses at AS distance 0: 0.0 Addresses at AS distance 1: 70400 % Addresses at AS distance 1: 0.0 Addresses at AS distance 2: 216176699 % Addresses at AS distance 2: 5.2 Addresses at AS distance 3: 1157470980 % Addresses at AS distance 3: 27.9 Addresses at AS distance 4: 1860328608 % Addresses at AS distance 4: 44.9 Addresses at AS distance 5: 696056960 % Addresses at AS distance 5: 16.8 Addresses at AS distance 6: 156434048 % Addresses at AS distance 6: 3.8 Addresses at AS distance 7: 42181888 % Addresses at AS distance 7: 1.0 Addresses at AS distance 8: 9784576 % Addresses at AS distance 8: 0.2 Addresses at AS distance 9: 7903232 % Addresses at AS distance 9: 0.2 Addresses at AS distance 10: 91904 % Addresses at AS distance 10: 0.0 Addresses at AS distance 11: 10240 % Addresses at AS distance 11: 0.0 Addresses at AS distance 12: 0 % Addresses at AS distance 12: 0.0 Cumulative Address by AS distance: 256 70656 216247355 1373718335 3234046943 3930103903 4086537951 4128719839 4138504415 4146407647 4146499551 4146509791 4146509791 Cumulative % Address by AS distance: 0 0 5 33 77 94 98 99 99 99 99 100 100 Addresses reachable within 0 AS hops: 256 % Addresses reachable within 0 AS hops: 0 Addresses reachable within 1 AS hops: 70656 % Addresses reachable within 1 AS hops: 0 Addresses reachable within 2 AS hops: 216247355 % Addresses reachable within 2 AS hops: 5 Addresses reachable within 3 AS hops: 1373718335 % Addresses reachable within 3 AS hops: 33 Addresses reachable within 4 AS hops: 3234046943 % Addresses reachable within 4 AS hops: 77 Addresses reachable within 5 AS hops: 3930103903 % Addresses reachable within 5 AS hops: 94 Addresses reachable within 6 AS hops: 4086537951 % Addresses reachable within 6 AS hops: 98 Addresses reachable within 7 AS hops: 4128719839 % Addresses reachable within 7 AS hops: 99 Addresses reachable within 8 AS hops: 4138504415 % Addresses reachable within 8 AS hops: 99 Addresses reachable within 9 AS hops: 4146407647 % Addresses reachable within 9 AS hops: 99 Addresses reachable within 10 AS hops: 4146499551 % Addresses reachable within 10 AS hops: 99 Addresses reachable within 11 AS hops: 4146509791 % Addresses reachable within 11 AS hops: 100 Addresses reachable within 12 AS hops: 4146509791 % Addresses reachable within 12 AS hops: 100 ASes by AS distance: 1 2 206 8465 29022 28594 7503 1583 347 144 7 2 0 % ASes by AS hops: 0 0 0 11 38 37 9 2 0 0 0 0 0 ASes reachable at 0 AS hops: 1 % ASes reachable at 0 AS hops: 0 ASes reachable at 1 AS hops: 2 % ASes reachable at 1 AS hops: 0 ASes reachable at 2 AS hops: 206 % ASes reachable at 2 AS hops: 0 ASes reachable at 3 AS hops: 8465 % ASes reachable at 3 AS hops: 11 ASes reachable at 4 AS hops: 29022 % ASes reachable at 4 AS hops: 38 ASes reachable at 5 AS hops: 28594 % ASes reachable at 5 AS hops: 37 ASes reachable at 6 AS hops: 7503 % ASes reachable at 6 AS hops: 9 ASes reachable at 7 AS hops: 1583 % ASes reachable at 7 AS hops: 2 ASes reachable at 8 AS hops: 347 % ASes reachable at 8 AS hops: 0 ASes reachable at 9 AS hops: 144 % ASes reachable at 9 AS hops: 0 ASes reachable at 10 AS hops: 7 % ASes reachable at 10 AS hops: 0 ASes reachable at 11 AS hops: 2 % ASes reachable at 11 AS hops: 0 ASes reachable at 12 AS hops: 0 % ASes reachable at 12 AS hops: 0 Cumulative ASes by AS hops: 1 3 209 8674 37696 66290 73793 75376 75723 75867 75874 75876 75876 Cumulative % ASes by AS hops: 0.0 0.0 0.3 11.4 49.7 87.4 97.3 99.3 99.8 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 ASes reachable by 0 AS hops: 1 Cumulative % ASes by AS hops 0: 0.0 ASes reachable by 1 AS hops: 3 Cumulative % ASes by AS hops 1: 0.0 ASes reachable by 2 AS hops: 209 Cumulative % ASes by AS hops 2: 0.3 ASes reachable by 3 AS hops: 8674 Cumulative % ASes by AS hops 3: 11.4 ASes reachable by 4 AS hops: 37696 Cumulative % ASes by AS hops 4: 49.7 ASes reachable by 5 AS hops: 66290 Cumulative % ASes by AS hops 5: 87.4 ASes reachable by 6 AS hops: 73793 Cumulative % ASes by AS hops 6: 97.3 ASes reachable by 7 AS hops: 75376 Cumulative % ASes by AS hops 7: 99.3 ASes reachable by 8 AS hops: 75723 Cumulative % ASes by AS hops 8: 99.8 ASes reachable by 9 AS hops: 75867 Cumulative % ASes by AS hops 9: 100.0 ASes reachable by 10 AS hops: 75874 Cumulative % ASes by AS hops 10: 100.0 ASes reachable by 11 AS hops: 75876 Cumulative % ASes by AS hops 11: 100.0 ASes reachable by 12 AS hops: 75876 Cumulative % ASes by AS hops 12: 100.0 Table Updates: 2419 New Entries: 171 Removed Entries: 516 Updated Entries: 1732 Address Span: 2723201 Address Span: 56321 Address Span: 334848 Address Span: 2332032 Average address span per update: 1125 Avg Span: 329 Avg Span: 648 Avg Span: 1346 Average prefix size updated: 23.51 Average prefix size: 23.91 Average prefix size: 23.40 Average prefix size: 23.50 Per-Prefix updates: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 4 16 32 72 61 175 240 1543 261 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Prefix announcements: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 5 8 150 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Prefix withdrawals: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 23 22 33 69 366 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Prefix path updates: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 4 15 30 48 37 137 163 1027 257 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Prefix /16 total: 14 Prefix /16 announcements: 0 Prefix /16 withdrawals: 0 Prefix /16 path updates: 14 Prefix /17 total: 4 Prefix /17 announcements: 0 Prefix /17 withdrawals: 0 Prefix /17 path updates: 4 Prefix /18 total: 16 Prefix /18 announcements: 0 Prefix /18 withdrawals: 1 Prefix /18 path updates: 15 Prefix /19 total: 32 Prefix /19 announcements: 0 Prefix /19 withdrawals: 2 Prefix /19 path updates: 30 Prefix /20 total: 72 Prefix /20 announcements: 1 Prefix /20 withdrawals: 23 Prefix /20 path updates: 48 Prefix /21 total: 61 Prefix /21 announcements: 2 Prefix /21 withdrawals: 22 Prefix /21 path updates: 37 Prefix /22 total: 175 Prefix /22 announcements: 5 Prefix /22 withdrawals: 33 Prefix /22 path updates: 137 Prefix /23 total: 240 Prefix /23 announcements: 8 Prefix /23 withdrawals: 69 Prefix /23 path updates: 163 Prefix /24 total: 1543 Prefix /24 announcements: 150 Prefix /24 withdrawals: 366 Prefix /24 path updates: 1027 Prefix /25 total: 261 Prefix /25 announcements: 4 Prefix /25 withdrawals: 0 Prefix /25 path updates: 257 Prefix /26 total: 0 Prefix /26 announcements: 0 Prefix /26 withdrawals: 0 Prefix /26 path updates: 0 Prefix /27 total: 0 Prefix /27 announcements: 0 Prefix /27 withdrawals: 0 Prefix /27 path updates: 0 Prefix /28 total: 0 Prefix /28 announcements: 0 Prefix /28 withdrawals: 0 Prefix /28 path updates: 0 Prefix /29 total: 0 Prefix /29 announcements: 0 Prefix /29 withdrawals: 0 Prefix /29 path updates: 0 Prefix /30 total: 0 Prefix /30 announcements: 0 Prefix /30 withdrawals: 0 Prefix /30 path updates: 0 Prefix /31 total: 0 Prefix /31 announcements: 0 Prefix /31 withdrawals: 0 Prefix /31 path updates: 0 Prefix /32 total: 1 Prefix /32 announcements: 1 Prefix /32 withdrawals: 0 Prefix /32 path updates: 0 Prefix /8 total: 0.00 Prefix /8 announcements: 0.00 Prefix /8 withdrawals: 0.00 Prefix /8 path updates: 0.00 Prefix /9 total: 0.00 Prefix /9 announcements: 0.00 Prefix /9 withdrawals: 0.00 Prefix /9 path updates: 0.00 Prefix /10 total: 0.00 Prefix /10 announcements: 0.00 Prefix /10 withdrawals: 0.00 Prefix /10 path updates: 0.00 Prefix /11 total: 0.00 Prefix /11 announcements: 0.00 Prefix /11 withdrawals: 0.00 Prefix /11 path updates: 0.00 Prefix /12 total: 0.00 Prefix /12 announcements: 0.00 Prefix /12 withdrawals: 0.00 Prefix /12 path updates: 0.00 Prefix /13 total: 0.00 Prefix /13 announcements: 0.00 Prefix /13 withdrawals: 0.00 Prefix /13 path updates: 0.00 Prefix /14 total: 0.00 Prefix /14 announcements: 0.00 Prefix /14 withdrawals: 0.00 Prefix /14 path updates: 0.00 Prefix /15 total: 0.00 Prefix /15 announcements: 0.00 Prefix /15 withdrawals: 0.00 Prefix /15 path updates: 0.00 Prefix /16 total: 0.42 Prefix /16 announcements: 0.00 Prefix /16 withdrawals: 0.00 Prefix /16 path updates: 0.59 Prefix /17 total: 0.19 Prefix /17 announcements: 0.00 Prefix /17 withdrawals: 0.00 Prefix /17 path updates: 0.27 Prefix /18 total: 0.46 Prefix /18 announcements: 0.00 Prefix /18 withdrawals: 0.13 Prefix /18 path updates: 0.60 Prefix /19 total: 0.51 Prefix /19 announcements: 0.00 Prefix /19 withdrawals: 0.15 Prefix /19 path updates: 0.67 Prefix /20 total: 0.64 Prefix /20 announcements: 0.13 Prefix /20 withdrawals: 0.96 Prefix /20 path updates: 0.60 Prefix /21 total: 0.46 Prefix /21 announcements: 0.21 Prefix /21 withdrawals: 0.78 Prefix /21 path updates: 0.39 Prefix /22 total: 0.62 Prefix /22 announcements: 0.25 Prefix /22 withdrawals: 0.55 Prefix /22 path updates: 0.68 Prefix /23 total: 0.93 Prefix /23 announcements: 0.44 Prefix /23 withdrawals: 1.25 Prefix /23 path updates: 0.88 Prefix /24 total: 1.05 Prefix /24 announcements: 1.44 Prefix /24 withdrawals: 1.17 Prefix /24 path updates: 0.98 Prefix /25 total: 143.60 Prefix /25 announcements: 31.13 Prefix /25 withdrawals: 0.00 Prefix /25 path updates: 197.48 Prefix /26 total: 0.00 Prefix /26 announcements: 100.00 Prefix /26 withdrawals: 100.00 Prefix /26 path updates: 100.00 Prefix /27 total: 0.00 Prefix /27 announcements: 0.00 Prefix /27 withdrawals: 0.00 Prefix /27 path updates: 0.00 Prefix /28 total: 0.00 Prefix /28 announcements: 0.00 Prefix /28 withdrawals: 0.00 Prefix /28 path updates: 0.00 Prefix /29 total: 0.00 Prefix /29 announcements: 0.00 Prefix /29 withdrawals: 0.00 Prefix /29 path updates: 0.00 Prefix /30 total: 0.00 Prefix /30 announcements: 100.00 Prefix /30 withdrawals: 100.00 Prefix /30 path updates: 100.00 Prefix /31 total: 0.00 Prefix /31 announcements: 100.00 Prefix /31 withdrawals: 100.00 Prefix /31 path updates: 100.00 Prefix /32 total: 57.30 Prefix /32 announcements: 810.53 Prefix /32 withdrawals: 0.00 Prefix /32 path updates: 0.00 Table Updates: 2419.000 New Entries: 171.000 Removed Entries: 516.000 Updated Entries: 1732.000 Address Span: 2723201.000 Address Span: 56321.000 Address Span: 334848.000 Address Span: 2332032.000 Average address span per update: 1125.000 Avg Span: 329.000 Avg Span: 648.000 Avg Span: 1346.000 Per-Prefix updates: 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 14.000 4.000 16.000 32.000 72.000 61.000 175.000 240.000 1543.000 261.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 Prefix announcements: 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 2.000 5.000 8.000 150.000 4.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 Prefix withdrawals: 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 2.000 23.000 22.000 33.000 69.000 366.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Prefix path updates: 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 14.000 4.000 15.000 30.000 48.000 37.000 137.000 163.000 1027.000 257.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Prefix /1 update rate: 0.000 Prefix /1 announcements: 0.000 Prefix /1 withdrawals: 0.000 Prefix /1 path updates: 0.000 Prefix /2 update rate: 0.000 Prefix /2 announcements: 0.000 Prefix /2 withdrawals: 0.000 Prefix /2 path updates: 0.000 Prefix /3 update rate: 0.000 Prefix /3 announcements: 0.000 Prefix /3 withdrawals: 0.000 Prefix /3 path updates: 0.000 Prefix /4 update rate: 0.000 Prefix /4 announcements: 0.000 Prefix /4 withdrawals: 0.000 Prefix /4 path updates: 0.000 Prefix /5 update rate: 0.000 Prefix /5 announcements: 0.000 Prefix /5 withdrawals: 0.000 Prefix /5 path updates: 0.000 Prefix /6 update rate: 0.000 Prefix /6 announcements: 0.000 Prefix /6 withdrawals: 0.000 Prefix /6 path updates: 0.000 Prefix /7 update rate: 0.000 Prefix /7 announcements: 0.000 Prefix /7 withdrawals: 0.000 Prefix /7 path updates: 0.000 Prefix /8 update rate: 0.000 Prefix /8 announcements: 0.000 Prefix /8 withdrawals: 0.000 Prefix /8 path updates: 0.000 Prefix /9 update rate: 0.000 Prefix /9 announcements: 0.000 Prefix /9 withdrawals: 0.000 Prefix /9 path updates: 0.000 Prefix /10 update rate: 0.000 Prefix /10 announcements: 0.000 Prefix /10 withdrawals: 0.000 Prefix /10 path updates: 0.000 Prefix /11 update rate: 0.000 Prefix /11 announcements: 0.000 Prefix /11 withdrawals: 0.000 Prefix /11 path updates: 0.000 Prefix /12 update rate: 0.000 Prefix /12 announcements: 0.000 Prefix /12 withdrawals: 0.000 Prefix /12 path updates: 0.000 Prefix /13 update rate: 0.000 Prefix /13 announcements: 0.000 Prefix /13 withdrawals: 0.000 Prefix /13 path updates: 0.000 Prefix /14 update rate: 0.000 Prefix /14 announcements: 0.000 Prefix /14 withdrawals: 0.000 Prefix /14 path updates: 0.000 Prefix /15 update rate: 0.000 Prefix /15 announcements: 0.000 Prefix /15 withdrawals: 0.000 Prefix /15 path updates: 0.000 Prefix /16 update rate: 14.000 Prefix /16 announcements: 0.000 Prefix /16 withdrawals: 0.000 Prefix /16 path updates: 14.000 Prefix /17 update rate: 4.000 Prefix /17 announcements: 0.000 Prefix /17 withdrawals: 0.000 Prefix /17 path updates: 4.000 Prefix /18 update rate: 16.000 Prefix /18 announcements: 0.000 Prefix /18 withdrawals: 1.000 Prefix /18 path updates: 15.000 Prefix /19 update rate: 32.000 Prefix /19 announcements: 0.000 Prefix /19 withdrawals: 2.000 Prefix /19 path updates: 30.000 Prefix /20 update rate: 72.000 Prefix /20 announcements: 1.000 Prefix /20 withdrawals: 23.000 Prefix /20 path updates: 48.000 Prefix /21 update rate: 61.000 Prefix /21 announcements: 2.000 Prefix /21 withdrawals: 22.000 Prefix /21 path updates: 37.000 Prefix /22 update rate: 175.000 Prefix /22 announcements: 5.000 Prefix /22 withdrawals: 33.000 Prefix /22 path updates: 137.000 Prefix /23 update rate: 240.000 Prefix /23 announcements: 8.000 Prefix /23 withdrawals: 69.000 Prefix /23 path updates: 163.000 Prefix /24 update rate: 1543.000 Prefix /24 announcements: 150.000 Prefix /24 withdrawals: 366.000 Prefix /24 path updates: 1027.000 Prefix /25 update rate: 261.000 Prefix /25 announcements: 4.000 Prefix /25 withdrawals: 0.000 Prefix /25 path updates: 257.000 Prefix /26 update rate: 0.000 Prefix /26 announcements: 0.000 Prefix /26 withdrawals: 0.000 Prefix /26 path updates: 0.000 Prefix /27 update rate: 0.000 Prefix /27 announcements: 0.000 Prefix /27 withdrawals: 0.000 Prefix /27 path updates: 0.000 Prefix /28 update rate: 0.000 Prefix /28 announcements: 0.000 Prefix /28 withdrawals: 0.000 Prefix /28 path updates: 0.000 Prefix /29 update rate: 0.000 Prefix /29 announcements: 0.000 Prefix /29 withdrawals: 0.000 Prefix /29 path updates: 0.000 Prefix /30 update rate: 0.000 Prefix /30 announcements: 0.000 Prefix /30 withdrawals: 0.000 Prefix /30 path updates: 0.000 Prefix /31 update rate: 0.000 Prefix /31 announcements: 0.000 Prefix /31 withdrawals: 0.000 Prefix /31 path updates: 0.000 Prefix /32 update rate: 1.000 Prefix /32 announcements: 1.000 Prefix /32 withdrawals: 0.000 Prefix /32 path updates: 0.000 Total Path Changes: 684 Origin Paths: 59 NextHop Paths: 177 Transit Paths: 216 Paths: 196 Paths: 36 /16 Tot: 14 /16 Org: 0 /16 Nxt: 3 /16 Trn: 9 /16 Fst: 2 /16 Prp: 0 /17 Tot: 4 /17 Org: 0 /17 Nxt: 2 /17 Trn: 0 /17 Fst: 2 /17 Prp: 0 /18 Tot: 15 /18 Org: 0 /18 Nxt: 9 /18 Trn: 5 /18 Fst: 1 /18 Prp: 0 /19 Tot: 30 /19 Org: 0 /19 Nxt: 12 /19 Trn: 2 /19 Fst: 14 /19 Prp: 2 /20 Tot: 48 /20 Org: 0 /20 Nxt: 29 /20 Trn: 8 /20 Fst: 10 /20 Prp: 1 /21 Tot: 37 /21 Org: 0 /21 Nxt: 11 /21 Trn: 19 /21 Fst: 7 /21 Prp: 0 /22 Tot: 137 /22 Org: 0 /22 Nxt: 50 /22 Trn: 36 /22 Fst: 39 /22 Prp: 12 /23 Tot: 163 /23 Org: 0 /23 Nxt: 66 /23 Trn: 23 /23 Fst: 56 /23 Prp: 18 /24 Tot: 1027 /24 Org: 7 /24 Nxt: 435 /24 Trn: 310 /24 Fst: 233 /24 Prp: 42 /25 Tot: 257 /25 Org: 57 /25 Nxt: 19 /25 Trn: 0 /25 Fst: 181 /25 Prp: 0 /26 Tot: 0 /26 Org: 0 /26 Nxt: 0 /26 Trn: 0 /26 Fst: 0 /26 Prp: 0 /27 Tot: 0 /27 Org: 0 /27 Nxt: 0 /27 Trn: 0 /27 Fst: 0 /27 Prp: 0 /28 Tot: 0 /28 Org: 0 /28 Nxt: 0 /28 Trn: 0 /28 Fst: 0 /28 Prp: 0 /29 Tot: 0 /29 Org: 0 /29 Nxt: 0 /29 Trn: 0 /29 Fst: 0 /29 Prp: 0 /30 Tot: 0 /30 Org: 0 /30 Nxt: 0 /30 Trn: 0 /30 Fst: 0 /30 Prp: 0 /31 Tot: 0 /31 Org: 0 /31 Nxt: 0 /31 Trn: 0 /31 Fst: 0 /31 Prp: 0 /32 Tot: 0 /32 Org: 0 /32 Nxt: 0 /32 Trn: 0 /32 Fst: 0 /32 Prp: 0 -Top 20 AS's by Orginating AS address span +1 AS749 ORIGIN Originate: 228485632 (/4.23 ) Transit: 0 (/0.00 ) +2 AS7018 ORG+TRN Originate: 113767936 (/5.24 ) Transit: 39160064 (/6.78 ) +3 AS4134 ORG+TRN Originate: 111791360 (/5.26 ) Transit: 50018048 (/6.42 ) +4 AS721 ORG+TRN Originate: 75019264 (/5.84 ) Transit: 38494208 (/6.80 ) +5 AS7922 ORG+TRN Originate: 70181120 (/5.94 ) Transit: 1340416 (/11.65) +6 AS4766 ORG+TRN Originate: 69951872 (/5.94 ) Transit: 3850112 (/10.12) +7 AS17676 ORG+TRN Originate: 68942336 (/5.96 ) Transit: 6637824 (/9.34 ) +8 AS9808 ORG+TRN Originate: 62683648 (/6.10 ) Transit: 39614464 (/6.76 ) +9 AS4837 ORG+TRN Originate: 57954304 (/6.21 ) Transit: 67517952 (/5.99 ) +10 AS8075 ORG+TRN Originate: 55140864 (/6.28 ) Transit: 2085376 (/11.01) +11 AS16509 ORG+TRN Originate: 47212544 (/6.51 ) Transit: 18025728 (/7.90 ) +12 AS714 ORG+TRN Originate: 45719040 (/6.55 ) Transit: 33280 (/16.98) +13 AS701 ORG+TRN Originate: 43028736 (/6.64 ) Transit: 54945280 (/6.29 ) +14 AS4538 ORG+TRN Originate: 38494208 (/6.80 ) Transit: 3520768 (/10.25) +15 AS3356 ORG+TRN Originate: 37456384 (/6.84 ) Transit: 645688576 (/2.73 ) +16 AS3320 ORG+TRN Originate: 36049920 (/6.90 ) Transit: 13110528 (/8.36 ) +17 AS22394 ORG+TRN Originate: 31068160 (/7.11 ) Transit: 13178368 (/8.35 ) +18 AS4713 ORG+TRN Originate: 28693760 (/7.23 ) Transit: 25861888 (/7.38 ) +19 AS174 ORG+TRN Originate: 28358400 (/7.24 ) Transit: 62430208 (/6.10 ) +20 AS396982 ORIGIN Originate: 27866112 (/7.27 ) Transit: 0 (/0.00 ) Originating Addresses AS Count: 0 0 0 1 6 9 25 45 73 101 171 245 399 847 1687 1773 2479 3776 5116 7449 10511 12680 9374 18478 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Originating Addresses % AS Count: 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0001 0.0001 0.0003 0.0006 0.0010 0.0013 0.0023 0.0033 0.0053 0.0113 0.0224 0.0236 0.0329 0.0502 0.0680 0.0990 0.1397 0.1685 0.1245 0.2455 0.0003 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 AS's announcing span of /4: 1 % AS's announcing span of /4: 0.0000 AS's announcing span of /5: 6 % AS's announcing span of /5: 0.0001 AS's announcing span of /6: 9 % AS's announcing span of /6: 0.0001 AS's announcing span of /7: 25 % AS's announcing span of /7: 0.0003 AS's announcing span of /8: 45 % AS's announcing span of /8: 0.0006 AS's announcing span of /9: 73 % AS's announcing span of /9: 0.0010 AS's announcing span of /10: 101 % AS's announcing span of /10: 0.0013 AS's announcing span of /11: 171 % AS's announcing span of /11: 0.0023 AS's announcing span of /12: 245 % AS's announcing span of /12: 0.0033 AS's announcing span of /13: 399 % AS's announcing span of /13: 0.0053 AS's announcing span of /14: 847 % AS's announcing span of /14: 0.0113 AS's announcing span of /15: 1687 % AS's announcing span of /15: 0.0224 AS's announcing span of /16: 1773 % AS's announcing span of /16: 0.0236 AS's announcing span of /17: 2479 % AS's announcing span of /17: 0.0329 AS's announcing span of /18: 3776 % AS's announcing span of /18: 0.0502 AS's announcing span of /19: 5116 % AS's announcing span of /19: 0.0680 AS's announcing span of /20: 7449 % AS's announcing span of /20: 0.0990 AS's announcing span of /21: 10511 % AS's announcing span of /21: 0.1397 AS's announcing span of /22: 12680 % AS's announcing span of /22: 0.1685 AS's announcing span of /23: 9374 % AS's announcing span of /23: 0.1245 AS's announcing span of /24: 18478 % AS's announcing span of /24: 0.2455 AS's announcing span of /25: 20 % AS's announcing span of /25: 0.0003 AS's announcing span of /26: 0 % AS's announcing span of /26: 0.0000 AS's announcing span of /27: 0 % AS's announcing span of /27: 0.0000 AS's announcing span of /28: 0 % AS's announcing span of /28: 0.0000 AS's announcing span of /29: 0 % AS's announcing span of /29: 0.0000 AS's announcing span of /30: 0 % AS's announcing span of /30: 0.0000 AS's announcing span of /31: 0 % AS's announcing span of /31: 0.0000 AS's announcing span of /32: 0 % AS's announcing span of /32: 0.0000 -Top 20 AS's by Transit address span +1 AS65000 ORG+TRN Transit: 4146509535 (/0.05 ) Originate: 16640 (/17.98) +2 AS4608 ORG+TRN Transit: 3067023327 (/0.49 ) Originate: 70656 (/15.89) +3 AS7575 ORG+TRN Transit: 1162618112 (/1.89 ) Originate: 1464320 (/11.52) +4 AS4777 ORG+TRN Transit: 1079415808 (/1.99 ) Originate: 512 (/23.00) +5 AS4826 ORG+TRN Transit: 1040474368 (/2.05 ) Originate: 318248 (/13.72) +6 AS2516 ORG+TRN Transit: 832971136 (/2.37 ) Originate: 18254208 (/7.88 ) +7 AS3356 ORG+TRN Transit: 645688576 (/2.73 ) Originate: 37456384 (/6.84 ) +8 AS6461 ORG+TRN Transit: 337827072 (/3.67 ) Originate: 1670400 (/11.33) +9 AS1221 ORG+TRN Transit: 289204736 (/3.89 ) Originate: 13414400 (/8.32 ) +10 AS6762 ORG+TRN Transit: 231992064 (/4.21 ) Originate: 90880 (/15.53) +11 AS6939 ORG+TRN Transit: 228922112 (/4.23 ) Originate: 616192 (/12.77) +12 AS4637 ORG+TRN Transit: 203791104 (/4.40 ) Originate: 708096 (/12.57) +13 AS2914 ORG+TRN Transit: 126080768 (/5.09 ) Originate: 6967552 (/9.27 ) +14 AS209 ORG+TRN Transit: 120758784 (/5.15 ) Originate: 26286592 (/7.35 ) +15 AS4635 TRANSIT Transit: 118703872 (/5.18 ) Originate: 0 (/0.00 ) +16 AS24115 TRANSIT Transit: 105393408 (/5.35 ) Originate: 0 (/0.00 ) +17 AS1299 ORG+TRN Transit: 98816768 (/5.44 ) Originate: 226048 (/14.21) +18 AS58453 ORG+TRN Transit: 98654720 (/5.44 ) Originate: 367616 (/13.51) +19 AS12956 ORG+TRN Transit: 79520256 (/5.76 ) Originate: 103168 (/15.35) +20 AS5511 ORG+TRN Transit: 76777472 (/5.81 ) Originate: 437248 (/13.26) -Top 20 AS's by Originating + Transit address span +1 AS65000 ORG+TRN Total 4146526175 (/0.05 ) Transit: 4146509535 (/0.05 ) Originate: 16640 (/17.98) +2 AS4608 ORG+TRN Total 3067093983 (/0.49 ) Transit: 3067023327 (/0.49 ) Originate: 70656 (/15.89) +3 AS7575 ORG+TRN Total 1164082432 (/1.88 ) Transit: 1162618112 (/1.89 ) Originate: 1464320 (/11.52) +4 AS4777 ORG+TRN Total 1079416320 (/1.99 ) Transit: 1079415808 (/1.99 ) Originate: 512 (/23.00) +5 AS4826 ORG+TRN Total 1040792616 (/2.04 ) Transit: 1040474368 (/2.05 ) Originate: 318248 (/13.72) +6 AS2516 ORG+TRN Total 851225344 (/2.34 ) Transit: 832971136 (/2.37 ) Originate: 18254208 (/7.88 ) +7 AS3356 ORG+TRN Total 683144960 (/2.65 ) Transit: 645688576 (/2.73 ) Originate: 37456384 (/6.84 ) +8 AS6461 ORG+TRN Total 339497472 (/3.66 ) Transit: 337827072 (/3.67 ) Originate: 1670400 (/11.33) +9 AS1221 ORG+TRN Total 302619136 (/3.83 ) Transit: 289204736 (/3.89 ) Originate: 13414400 (/8.32 ) +10 AS6762 ORG+TRN Total 232082944 (/4.21 ) Transit: 231992064 (/4.21 ) Originate: 90880 (/15.53) +11 AS6939 ORG+TRN Total 229538304 (/4.23 ) Transit: 228922112 (/4.23 ) Originate: 616192 (/12.77) +12 AS749 ORIGIN Total 228485632 (/4.23 ) Transit: 0 (/0.00 ) Originate: 228485632 (/4.23 ) +13 AS4637 ORG+TRN Total 204499200 (/4.39 ) Transit: 203791104 (/4.40 ) Originate: 708096 (/12.57) +14 AS4134 ORG+TRN Total 161809408 (/4.73 ) Transit: 50018048 (/6.42 ) Originate: 111791360 (/5.26 ) +15 AS7018 ORG+TRN Total 152928000 (/4.81 ) Transit: 39160064 (/6.78 ) Originate: 113767936 (/5.24 ) +16 AS209 ORG+TRN Total 147045376 (/4.87 ) Transit: 120758784 (/5.15 ) Originate: 26286592 (/7.35 ) +17 AS2914 ORG+TRN Total 133048320 (/5.01 ) Transit: 126080768 (/5.09 ) Originate: 6967552 (/9.27 ) +18 AS4837 ORG+TRN Total 125472256 (/5.10 ) Transit: 67517952 (/5.99 ) Originate: 57954304 (/6.21 ) +19 AS4635 TRANSIT Total 118703872 (/5.18 ) Transit: 118703872 (/5.18 ) Originate: 0 (/0.00 ) +20 AS721 ORG+TRN Total 113513472 (/5.24 ) Transit: 38494208 (/6.80 ) Originate: 75019264 (/5.84 ) AS Adjacency Count: 125285 -Top 20 AS Adjacencies 0 AS4777 -- AS2516 75143 1 AS4608 -- AS7575 54581 2 AS4608 -- AS4826 28037 3 AS4777 -- AS6939 22593 4 AS4608 -- AS1221 18341 5 AS7575 -- AS6461 18099 6 AS1221 -- AS4637 16849 7 AS7575 -- AS6762 13924 8 AS2516 -- AS3257 13472 9 AS2516 -- AS1299 11579 10 AS2516 -- AS6762 10411 11 AS4777 -- AS4713 9554 12 AS2516 -- AS3356 9388 13 AS4713 -- AS2914 9382 14 AS4608 -- AS6939 9293 15 AS4608 -- AS24115 7948 16 AS4826 -- AS3356 7305 17 AS7575 -- AS2914 7074 18 AS7575 -- AS3356 5941 19 AS4777 -- AS2500 5040 Average AS Connectivity Degree (250570/75876): 3.3024 Average AS Connectivity IN:OUT Degree: 0.1516 -Top 20 AS's by AS Adjacency + 1 AS3356 Adjacency: 5314 Upstream: 25 Downstream: 5289 + 2 AS174 Adjacency: 3850 Upstream: 22 Downstream: 3828 + 3 AS6939 Adjacency: 3550 Upstream: 19 Downstream: 3531 + 4 AS6461 Adjacency: 2292 Upstream: 18 Downstream: 2274 + 5 AS3257 Adjacency: 1678 Upstream: 10 Downstream: 1668 + 6 AS1299 Adjacency: 1603 Upstream: 17 Downstream: 1586 + 7 AS7018 Adjacency: 1590 Upstream: 6 Downstream: 1584 + 8 AS2914 Adjacency: 1227 Upstream: 19 Downstream: 1208 + 9 AS12389 Adjacency: 1048 Upstream: 11 Downstream: 1037 + 10 AS13335 Adjacency: 944 Upstream: 283 Downstream: 661 + 11 AS9498 Adjacency: 928 Upstream: 16 Downstream: 912 + 12 AS8220 Adjacency: 921 Upstream: 11 Downstream: 910 + 13 AS701 Adjacency: 890 Upstream: 8 Downstream: 882 + 14 AS4826 Adjacency: 870 Upstream: 9 Downstream: 861 + 15 AS46887 Adjacency: 835 Upstream: 4 Downstream: 831 + 16 AS9002 Adjacency: 781 Upstream: 17 Downstream: 764 + 17 AS32787 Adjacency: 689 Upstream: 23 Downstream: 666 + 18 AS7575 Adjacency: 686 Upstream: 4 Downstream: 682 + 19 AS6762 Adjacency: 547 Upstream: 8 Downstream: 539 + 20 AS3216 Adjacency: 528 Upstream: 11 Downstream: 517 -Top 20 AS's by Downstream AS Adjacencies + 1 AS3356 Downstream: 5289 Upstream: 25 Adjacency: 5314 + 2 AS174 Downstream: 3828 Upstream: 22 Adjacency: 3850 + 3 AS6939 Downstream: 3531 Upstream: 19 Adjacency: 3550 + 4 AS6461 Downstream: 2274 Upstream: 18 Adjacency: 2292 + 5 AS3257 Downstream: 1668 Upstream: 10 Adjacency: 1678 + 6 AS1299 Downstream: 1586 Upstream: 17 Adjacency: 1603 + 7 AS7018 Downstream: 1584 Upstream: 6 Adjacency: 1590 + 8 AS2914 Downstream: 1208 Upstream: 19 Adjacency: 1227 + 9 AS12389 Downstream: 1037 Upstream: 11 Adjacency: 1048 + 10 AS9498 Downstream: 912 Upstream: 16 Adjacency: 928 + 11 AS8220 Downstream: 910 Upstream: 11 Adjacency: 921 + 12 AS701 Downstream: 882 Upstream: 8 Adjacency: 890 + 13 AS4826 Downstream: 861 Upstream: 9 Adjacency: 870 + 14 AS46887 Downstream: 831 Upstream: 4 Adjacency: 835 + 15 AS9002 Downstream: 764 Upstream: 17 Adjacency: 781 + 16 AS7575 Downstream: 682 Upstream: 4 Adjacency: 686 + 17 AS32787 Downstream: 666 Upstream: 23 Adjacency: 689 + 18 AS13335 Downstream: 661 Upstream: 283 Adjacency: 944 + 19 AS6762 Downstream: 539 Upstream: 8 Adjacency: 547 + 20 AS3216 Downstream: 517 Upstream: 11 Adjacency: 528 -Top 20 AS's by Upstream AS Adjacency + 1 AS13335 Upstream: 283 Downstream: 661 Adjacency: 944 + 2 AS20940 Upstream: 110 Downstream: 16 Adjacency: 126 + 3 AS54994 Upstream: 75 Downstream: 3 Adjacency: 78 + 4 AS262663 Upstream: 63 Downstream: 5 Adjacency: 68 + 5 AS21859 Upstream: 61 Downstream: 89 Adjacency: 150 + 6 AS24429 Upstream: 60 Downstream: 6 Adjacency: 66 + 7 AS21433 Upstream: 58 Downstream: 0 Adjacency: 58 + 8 AS139341 Upstream: 52 Downstream: 5 Adjacency: 57 + 9 AS63293 Upstream: 47 Downstream: 0 Adjacency: 47 + 10 AS136907 Upstream: 47 Downstream: 0 Adjacency: 47 + 11 AS199524 Upstream: 45 Downstream: 29 Adjacency: 74 + 12 AS138915 Upstream: 44 Downstream: 5 Adjacency: 49 + 13 AS15133 Upstream: 42 Downstream: 5 Adjacency: 47 + 14 AS55256 Upstream: 41 Downstream: 0 Adjacency: 41 + 15 AS13150 Upstream: 38 Downstream: 0 Adjacency: 38 + 16 AS139057 Upstream: 38 Downstream: 5 Adjacency: 43 + 17 AS19551 Upstream: 37 Downstream: 147 Adjacency: 184 + 18 AS45102 Upstream: 35 Downstream: 1 Adjacency: 36 + 19 AS23154 Upstream: 34 Downstream: 0 Adjacency: 34 + 20 AS42473 Upstream: 34 Downstream: 14 Adjacency: 48 AS Adjacencies: 1 43129,2 18717,3 5603,4 2388,5 1348,6 854,7 598,8 414,9 298,10 249,11 216,12 202,13 142,14 118,15 99,16 93,17 94,18 66,19 71,20 52,21 45,22 65,23 64,24 31,25 36,26 34,27 30,28 33,29 28,30 31,31 27,32 24,33 27,34 18,35 20,36 17,37 11,38 14,39 15,40 18,41 9,42 15,43 13,44 6,45 8,46 13,47 17,48 6,49 9,50 3,51 14,52 9,53 7,54 5,56 5,57 11,58 6,59 9,60 7,61 5,62 9,63 6,64 5,65 7,66 7,67 8,68 3,69 4,70 7,71 2,72 7,73 2,74 1,75 4,76 8,77 6,78 4,79 5,80 5,81 6,82 4,83 3,84 3,85 4,86 1,87 6,88 5,89 2,90 4,91 2,92 4,93 3,94 1,97 1,98 2,99 5,100 1,101 3,102 3,103 4,104 2,105 4,106 1,107 2,108 2,109 1,110 1,111 2,112 2,113 1,114 1,115 5,116 1,117 2,118 2,120 1,121 2,123 2,124 1,125 2,126 2,127 4,128 2,129 1,130 3,131 2,132 1,133 2,134 1,135 1,136 3,137 2,138 1,139 1,140 3,141 1,142 1,143 2,146 1,147 1,148 3,149 2,150 2,151 2,153 3,156 2,157 1,158 2,159 2,161 1,163 1,164 1,165 3,166 1,169 2,171 1,173 1,174 1,177 1,179 1,180 2,181 1,182 1,183 1,184 3,185 1,187 1,189 2,190 2,192 1,194 1,195 2,196 1,200 2,202 1,203 1,205 1,207 1,208 1,210 2,211 1,212 1,213 1,220 1,224 1,234 1,242 1,246 1,247 1,256 1,260 1,267 1,269 1,274 1,280 1,291 1,321 1,325 2,326 1,341 1,350 1,366 1,370 1,379 1,387 1,400 1,420 1,421 1,445 1,452 1,460 2,463 2,483 1,488 1,493 1,512 1,521 1,528 1,547 1,686 1,689 1,781 1,835 1,870 1,890 1,921 1,928 1,944 1,1048 1,1227 1,1590 1,1603 1,1678 1,2292 1,3550 1,3850 1,5314 1 AS Adjacencies - downstream: 0 64758,1 4796,2 1746,3 917,4 643,5 419,6 316,7 214,8 183,9 150,10 148,11 122,12 82,13 86,14 83,15 72,16 52,17 51,18 56,19 44,20 54,21 43,22 24,23 35,24 28,25 30,26 24,27 28,28 26,29 22,30 17,31 22,32 21,33 12,34 11,35 14,36 10,37 16,38 12,39 11,40 6,41 6,42 12,43 8,44 10,45 7,46 9,47 7,48 6,49 5,50 3,51 6,52 6,53 7,54 9,55 5,56 9,57 10,58 9,59 7,60 4,61 5,62 6,63 5,64 5,65 3,66 8,67 2,68 6,69 2,70 3,71 5,72 6,73 3,74 6,75 6,76 3,78 6,79 4,80 4,81 2,82 7,83 4,84 3,85 1,86 3,87 3,89 4,90 1,91 3,92 4,94 3,95 2,96 2,97 3,98 1,99 2,100 5,101 1,102 4,104 6,105 1,106 2,107 1,108 2,109 1,110 2,111 2,112 1,113 3,115 2,118 1,119 2,120 2,121 2,122 3,123 3,124 2,125 2,126 2,127 2,128 1,129 1,130 1,131 1,133 2,134 2,135 1,136 3,137 1,138 2,139 1,140 1,141 1,142 2,144 3,145 1,146 1,147 1,148 4,149 1,150 2,151 1,152 1,153 1,156 2,158 2,160 3,161 1,162 1,163 1,166 2,168 1,170 1,171 1,172 1,175 2,176 1,178 1,179 1,181 3,182 2,183 1,184 1,186 1,187 2,188 1,189 1,193 1,196 1,197 1,198 1,202 1,203 1,204 1,206 2,208 1,209 1,216 1,219 1,231 1,234 1,237 2,241 1,251 1,263 1,264 1,268 1,274 1,284 1,312 1,315 1,316 1,317 1,328 1,333 1,350 1,364 1,376 1,377 1,387 1,415 1,418 1,437 1,442 1,443 1,449 1,450 1,456 1,476 1,479 1,491 1,504 1,516 1,517 1,539 1,661 1,666 1,682 1,764 1,831 1,861 1,882 1,910 1,912 1,1037 1,1208 1,1584 1,1586 1,1668 1,2274 1,3531 1,3828 1,5289 1 AS Adjacencies - upstream: 1 46911,2 19890,3 5248,4 1859,5 766,6 399,7 229,8 167,9 81,10 75,11 44,12 45,13 24,14 19,15 17,16 13,17 16,18 10,19 9,20 3,21 6,22 5,23 3,24 2,25 3,26 2,27 2,28 1,29 2,31 2,32 1,33 2,34 2,35 1,37 1,38 2,41 1,42 1,44 1,45 1,47 2,52 1,58 1,60 1,61 1,63 1,75 1,110 1,283 1 Aggregation Potential Summary: 970207 533217 517257 364527 1685382480 4 1701484 0 364547 0 Aggregation Potential Summary: 970207 533217 517257 364527 364547 Aggregation using prepended AS Path: 533217 Aggregation using AS Path: 517257 Aggregation using AS Origin: 364527 Maximal Aggregation: 364547 Analysis time: 261 seconds