BGP Routing Table Report Local Time: Fri Apr 26 19:45:03 2024 Route Table Analysis Details AS selected: AS131072 View: Locally generated BGP Dump File: /data/tmp/v6/dmp.as2.0.txt Previous BGP Dump File to compare: /data/tmp/v6/dmp.as2.0.prev.txt Extended Reports stored in directory: /var/data/bgp/v6/as2.0 AS Number file: /var/data/bgp/asn.txt Collector: Disabled no parse: 8697 268697 268697 268697 268697 268697 268697 268697 4777 6939 61568 262532 269212 269212 269212 269212 269212 269212 269212 269212 269212 269212 269212 269212 269212 269212 269212 268697 268697 268697 268697 268697 268697 268697 268697 268697 268697 268697 268697 268697 268697 268697 268697 268697 268697 268697 268697 268697 268697 268697 268697 268697 268697 Table Scan time: 2 seconds Analysis of BGP file BGP routing table entries (FIB size): 208108 More specific prefixes of aggregates: 119391 Root aggregate prefixes: 88717 Filtered Prefixes - AS origin aggregation: 78915 Filtered Prefixes - length filters 0 Filtered Prefixes - AS origin aggregation and length: 0 Total address space spanned by table (/64s): 670778681496857 Total address space spanned by table (/48s): 163764326537 Percentage of total IPv6 address space announced: 0.004 Percentage of available address space announced: 0.029 Total number of unique ASes: 33214 Origin-only ASes: 27645 Origin ASes announcing a single prefix: 20754 Transit ASes: 5569 Transit-only ASes: 328 Unique AS Paths: 124853 AS Paths used in FIB: 43311 Average AS path length: 4.899 Average address weighted AS path length: 4.861 Maximum AS Path length: 13 Unique AS prepended Paths: 127736 No of AS Paths using prepending: 17205 Maximum prepended AS Path length: 35 Analysis time (secs): 29 + Active BGP entries (FIB): 208108 Change in FIB Size: -26 Change (%): -0.012 All BGP entries (RIB): 792065 RIB/FIB ratio (792065/208108): 3.8060 Valid entries: 792065 Total address space advertised (/64 equiv): 670778681496857 Total address space advertised (prefix): 14.7472 Percentage of IPv6 space advertised (670778681496857/18446744073709551615): 0.003636 Average address span: 3223223910 Average address span (as prefix size): 32.4141 Average prefix length: 42.9795 Entries advertising more specific prefixes of aggregates: 119391 Specifics as % of FIB entries (119391/208108): 57.3697 Specifics as % of address span (40734647073947/670778681496857): 6.0727 Specifics where AS prepended Path matches aggregate: 60185 AS-P_Path-Match % (60185/119391): 50.41 AS Path matches aggregate: 62542 AS-Path-Match % (62542/119391): 52.3842 AS Origin matches aggregate: 90545 AS-Origin-Match % (90545/119391): 75.8390 Root Prefixes: 88717 Root Prefix Tree Depth: 87180 1259 208 53 10 5 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Root Prefixes with depth 0: 87180 Root Prefixes with depth 1: 1259 Root Prefixes with depth 2: 208 Root Prefixes with depth 3: 53 Root Prefixes with depth 4: 10 Root Prefixes with depth 5: 5 Root Prefixes with depth 6: 0 Root Prefixes with depth 7: 1 Root Prefixes with depth 8: 0 Root Prefixes with depth 9: 0 Root Prefixes with depth 10: 0 Root Prefixes with depth 11: 0 Root Prefixes with depth 12: 0 Root Prefixes with depth 13: 0 Root Prefixes with depth 14: 0 Root Prefixes with depth 15: 1 Unique ASes: 33214 ASes visible in only one AS path: 24216 Origin only ASes: 27645 Origin ASs announced via a single AS path: 23860 Transit only ASes: 328 Originating AS ATOM count: 32886 Mixed ASes: 5241 Originating AS ATOM compression: 0.1580 Multi-Origin Prefixes: 789 ASes originating a single prefix: 20754 Average entries per origin AS: 6.3282 Maximum entries for an origin AS (AS11172): 6713 Average address range span for an origin AS: 20397089384.4450 Maximum address range for an origin AS (AS7922): 36318243520512 Maximum address range (prefix length) for an origin AS (AS7922): 18.95 Average address range span for an origin AS (pfx length): 29.7524 Unique AS Paths: 124853 Unique AS prepended Paths: 127736 AS Paths used in FIB: 43311 AS Paths using prepending: 17205 AS paths associated with a single FIB entry: 29113 AS Paths using private ASs: 35 Average AS path length: 4.8989 Maximum AS Path length: 13 Average address weighted AS path length: 4.8608 Maximum prepended AS Path length: 35 Average entries per AS Path: 1.6668 Average entries per FIB AS Path: 4.8050 AS Paths per origin AS: 3.7965 FIB AS Paths per origin AS: 1.3170 AS PATH ATOM compression: 0.2081 Prefix Count: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 14 3 6 8 32 11 16 22 212 4637 622 331 24733 4357 4210 1446 7461 1190 1993 1379 18853 1079 2472 1231 19927 2667 5229 7251 94599 67 9 3 53 5 4 3 785 10 33 4 6 4 2 4 1118 % Prefix distribution: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.10 2.23 0.30 0.16 11.88 2.09 2.02 0.69 3.59 0.57 0.96 0.66 9.06 0.52 1.19 0.59 9.58 1.28 2.51 3.48 45.46 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.38 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.54 Prefix count /19: 1 % Prefix /19: 0.00 Prefix count /20: 14 % Prefix /20: 0.01 Prefix count /21: 3 % Prefix /21: 0.00 Prefix count /22: 6 % Prefix /22: 0.00 Prefix count /23: 8 % Prefix /23: 0.00 Prefix count /24: 32 % Prefix /24: 0.02 Prefix count /25: 11 % Prefix /25: 0.01 Prefix count /26: 16 % Prefix /26: 0.01 Prefix count /27: 22 % Prefix /27: 0.01 Prefix count /28: 212 % Prefix /28: 0.10 Prefix count /29: 4637 % Prefix /29: 2.23 Prefix count /30: 622 % Prefix /30: 0.30 Prefix count /31: 331 % Prefix /31: 0.16 Prefix count /32: 24733 % Prefix /32: 11.88 Prefix count /33: 4357 % Prefix /33: 2.09 Prefix count /34: 4210 % Prefix /34: 2.02 Prefix count /35: 1446 % Prefix /35: 0.69 Prefix count /36: 7461 % Prefix /36: 3.59 Prefix count /37: 1190 % Prefix /37: 0.57 Prefix count /38: 1993 % Prefix /38: 0.96 Prefix count /39: 1379 % Prefix /39: 0.66 Prefix count /40: 18853 % Prefix /40: 9.06 Prefix count /41: 1079 % Prefix /41: 0.52 Prefix count /42: 2472 % Prefix /42: 1.19 Prefix count /43: 1231 % Prefix /43: 0.59 Prefix count /44: 19927 % Prefix /44: 9.58 Prefix count /45: 2667 % Prefix /45: 1.28 Prefix count /46: 5229 % Prefix /46: 2.51 Prefix count /47: 7251 % Prefix /47: 3.48 Prefix count /48: 94599 % Prefix /48: 45.46 Prefix count /49: 67 % Prefix /49: 0.03 Prefix count /50: 9 % Prefix /50: 0.00 Prefix count /51: 3 % Prefix /51: 0.00 Prefix count /52: 53 % Prefix /52: 0.03 Prefix count /53: 5 % Prefix /53: 0.00 Prefix count /54: 4 % Prefix /54: 0.00 Prefix count /55: 3 % Prefix /55: 0.00 Prefix count /56: 785 % Prefix /56: 0.38 Prefix count /57: 10 % Prefix /57: 0.00 Prefix count /58: 33 % Prefix /58: 0.02 Prefix count /59: 4 % Prefix /59: 0.00 Prefix count /60: 6 % Prefix /60: 0.00 Prefix count /61: 4 % Prefix /61: 0.00 Prefix count /62: 2 % Prefix /62: 0.00 Prefix count /63: 4 % Prefix /63: 0.00 Prefix count /64: 1118 % Prefix /64: 0.54 Prefix count /112: 5 % Prefix /112: 0.00 Prefix count /128: 1 % Prefix /128: 0.00 Root Prefix Count: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 14 3 6 8 29 11 15 20 116 4578 325 197 22793 661 877 471 3143 239 972 172 6651 446 624 622 5075 496 1580 1357 37198 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 9 % Prefix distribution: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.10 0.04 0.05 0.07 0.41 16.28 1.16 0.70 81.07 Prefix count /19: 1 % Prefix /19: 0.00 Prefix count /20: 14 % Prefix /20: 0.05 Prefix count /21: 3 % Prefix /21: 0.01 Prefix count /22: 6 % Prefix /22: 0.02 Prefix count /23: 8 % Prefix /23: 0.03 Prefix count /24: 29 % Prefix /24: 0.10 Prefix count /25: 11 % Prefix /25: 0.04 Prefix count /26: 15 % Prefix /26: 0.05 Prefix count /27: 20 % Prefix /27: 0.07 Prefix count /28: 116 % Prefix /28: 0.41 Prefix count /29: 4578 % Prefix /29: 16.28 Prefix count /30: 325 % Prefix /30: 1.16 Prefix count /31: 197 % Prefix /31: 0.70 Prefix count /32: 22793 % Prefix /32: 81.07 Prefix count /33: 661 % Prefix /33: 0.00 Prefix count /34: 877 % Prefix /34: 0.00 Prefix count /35: 471 % Prefix /35: 0.00 Prefix count /36: 3143 % Prefix /36: 0.00 Prefix count /37: 239 % Prefix /37: 0.00 Prefix count /38: 972 % Prefix /38: 0.00 Prefix count /39: 172 % Prefix /39: 0.00 Prefix count /40: 6651 % Prefix /40: 0.00 Prefix count /41: 446 % Prefix /41: 0.00 Prefix count /42: 624 % Prefix /42: 0.00 Prefix count /43: 622 % Prefix /43: 0.00 Prefix count /44: 5075 % Prefix /44: 0.00 Prefix count /45: 496 % Prefix /45: 0.00 Prefix count /46: 1580 % Prefix /46: 0.00 Prefix count /47: 1357 % Prefix /47: 0.00 Prefix count /48: 37198 % Prefix /48: 0.00 Prefix count /49: 1 % Prefix /49: 0.00 Prefix count /52: 1 % Prefix /52: 0.00 Prefix count /56: 5 % Prefix /56: 0.00 Prefix count /60: 1 % Prefix /60: 0.00 Prefix count /64: 9 % Prefix /64: 0.00 Addresses by AS distance: 536870912 1121523924998 109313942713684 257360235359397 198936986774096 111670180316260 29491386580993 2856678981888 710315868160 51541180416 0 0 0 Address percentage by AS distance: 0.0 0.2 15.4 36.2 28.0 15.7 4.1 0.4 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Addresses at AS distance 0: 536870912 % Addresses at AS distance 0: 0 Addresses at AS distance 1: 1121523924998 % Addresses at AS distance 1: 0 Addresses at AS distance 2: 109313942713684 % Addresses at AS distance 2: 15 Addresses at AS distance 3: 257360235359397 % Addresses at AS distance 3: 36 Addresses at AS distance 4: 198936986774096 % Addresses at AS distance 4: 27 Addresses at AS distance 5: 111670180316260 % Addresses at AS distance 5: 15 Addresses at AS distance 6: 29491386580993 % Addresses at AS distance 6: 4 Addresses at AS distance 7: 2856678981888 % Addresses at AS distance 7: 0 Addresses at AS distance 8: 710315868160 % Addresses at AS distance 8: 0 Addresses at AS distance 9: 51541180416 % Addresses at AS distance 9: 0 Addresses at AS distance 10: 0 % Addresses at AS distance 10: 0 Addresses at AS distance 11: 0 % Addresses at AS distance 11: 0 Addresses at AS distance 12: 0 % Addresses at AS distance 12: 0 Cumulative Address by AS distance: 536870912 1122060795910 110436003509594 367796238868991 566733225643087 678403405959347 707894792540340 710751471522228 711461787390388 711513328570804 711513328570804 711513328570804 711513328570804 Cumulative % Address by AS distance: 0 0 15 51 79 95 99 99 99 100 100 100 100 Addresses reachable within 0 AS hops: 536870912 % Addresses reachable within 0 AS hops: 0 Addresses reachable within 1 AS hops: 1122060795910 % Addresses reachable within 1 AS hops: 0 Addresses reachable within 2 AS hops: 110436003509594 % Addresses reachable within 2 AS hops: 15 Addresses reachable within 3 AS hops: 367796238868991 % Addresses reachable within 3 AS hops: 51 Addresses reachable within 4 AS hops: 566733225643087 % Addresses reachable within 4 AS hops: 79 Addresses reachable within 5 AS hops: 678403405959347 % Addresses reachable within 5 AS hops: 95 Addresses reachable within 6 AS hops: 707894792540340 % Addresses reachable within 6 AS hops: 99 Addresses reachable within 7 AS hops: 710751471522228 % Addresses reachable within 7 AS hops: 99 Addresses reachable within 8 AS hops: 711461787390388 % Addresses reachable within 8 AS hops: 99 Addresses reachable within 9 AS hops: 711513328570804 % Addresses reachable within 9 AS hops: 100 Addresses reachable within 10 AS hops: 711513328570804 % Addresses reachable within 10 AS hops: 100 Addresses reachable within 11 AS hops: 711513328570804 % Addresses reachable within 11 AS hops: 100 Addresses reachable within 12 AS hops: 711513328570804 % Addresses reachable within 12 AS hops: 100 ASes by AS distance: 1 3 788 9660 11279 9854 1351 233 38 7 0 0 0 % ASes by AS hops: 0 0 2 29 33 29 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 ASes reachable at 0 AS hops: 1 % ASes reachable at 0 AS hops: 0 ASes reachable at 1 AS hops: 3 % ASes reachable at 1 AS hops: 0 ASes reachable at 2 AS hops: 788 % ASes reachable at 2 AS hops: 2 ASes reachable at 3 AS hops: 9660 % ASes reachable at 3 AS hops: 29 ASes reachable at 4 AS hops: 11279 % ASes reachable at 4 AS hops: 33 ASes reachable at 5 AS hops: 9854 % ASes reachable at 5 AS hops: 29 ASes reachable at 6 AS hops: 1351 % ASes reachable at 6 AS hops: 4 ASes reachable at 7 AS hops: 233 % ASes reachable at 7 AS hops: 0 ASes reachable at 8 AS hops: 38 % ASes reachable at 8 AS hops: 0 ASes reachable at 9 AS hops: 7 % ASes reachable at 9 AS hops: 0 ASes reachable at 10 AS hops: 0 % ASes reachable at 10 AS hops: 0 ASes reachable at 11 AS hops: 0 % ASes reachable at 11 AS hops: 0 ASes reachable at 12 AS hops: 0 % ASes reachable at 12 AS hops: 0 Cumulative ASes by AS hops: 1 4 792 10452 21731 31585 32936 33169 33207 33214 33214 33214 33214 Cumulative % ASes by AS hops: 0.0 0.0 2.4 31.5 65.4 95.1 99.2 99.9 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 ASes reachable by 0 AS hops: 1 Cumulative % ASes by AS hops 0: 0 ASes reachable by 1 AS hops: 4 Cumulative % ASes by AS hops 1: 0 ASes reachable by 2 AS hops: 792 Cumulative % ASes by AS hops 2: 2 ASes reachable by 3 AS hops: 10452 Cumulative % ASes by AS hops 3: 31 ASes reachable by 4 AS hops: 21731 Cumulative % ASes by AS hops 4: 65 ASes reachable by 5 AS hops: 31585 Cumulative % ASes by AS hops 5: 95 ASes reachable by 6 AS hops: 32936 Cumulative % ASes by AS hops 6: 99 ASes reachable by 7 AS hops: 33169 Cumulative % ASes by AS hops 7: 99 ASes reachable by 8 AS hops: 33207 Cumulative % ASes by AS hops 8: 99 ASes reachable by 9 AS hops: 33214 Cumulative % ASes by AS hops 9: 100 ASes reachable by 10 AS hops: 33214 Cumulative % ASes by AS hops 10: 100 ASes reachable by 11 AS hops: 33214 Cumulative % ASes by AS hops 11: 100 ASes reachable by 12 AS hops: 33214 Cumulative % ASes by AS hops 12: 100 Table Updates: 801099 New Entries: 39733 Removed Entries: 584088 Updated Entries: 177278 Address Span: 3311029023 Address Span: 2934112777 Address Span: 4053518977 Address Span: 618364565 Average address span per update: 4133 Avg Span: 73845 Avg Span: 6939 Avg Span: 3488 Average prefix size updated: 47.15 Average prefix size: 128.78 Average prefix size: 42.84 Average prefix size: 43.07 Per-Prefix updates: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 4 55 11 23 32 125 44 60 87 825 18307 2471 1307 93096 14698 13347 4667 27365 4195 7736 5280 66509 4181 9549 4472 74680 10315 16244 24294 354831 2 4 2 49 7 4 3 1288 4 3 3 4 4 2 4 1165 Prefix announcements: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 9 4 1 0 0 0 0 14 1 0 1 0 0 2 1 57 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Prefix withdrawals: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 3 42 9 18 24 96 33 48 66 623 13811 1861 985 73175 11447 10476 3651 21002 3265 5841 3994 50871 3173 7253 3432 56693 7784 12667 18679 271199 2 4 2 48 6 4 3 735 4 3 3 4 4 2 4 1036 Prefix path updates: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 13 2 5 8 29 11 12 21 202 4496 610 322 19912 3242 2867 1015 6363 930 1895 1286 15624 1007 2296 1039 17987 2531 3575 5614 83575 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 551 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 129 Prefix /16 total: 3 Prefix /16 announcements: 0 Prefix /16 withdrawals: 3 Prefix /16 path updates: 0 Prefix /19 total: 4 Prefix /19 announcements: 0 Prefix /19 withdrawals: 3 Prefix /19 path updates: 1 Prefix /20 total: 55 Prefix /20 announcements: 0 Prefix /20 withdrawals: 42 Prefix /20 path updates: 13 Prefix /21 total: 11 Prefix /21 announcements: 0 Prefix /21 withdrawals: 9 Prefix /21 path updates: 2 Prefix /22 total: 23 Prefix /22 announcements: 0 Prefix /22 withdrawals: 18 Prefix /22 path updates: 5 Prefix /23 total: 32 Prefix /23 announcements: 0 Prefix /23 withdrawals: 24 Prefix /23 path updates: 8 Prefix /24 total: 125 Prefix /24 announcements: 0 Prefix /24 withdrawals: 96 Prefix /24 path updates: 29 Prefix /25 total: 44 Prefix /25 announcements: 0 Prefix /25 withdrawals: 33 Prefix /25 path updates: 11 Prefix /26 total: 60 Prefix /26 announcements: 0 Prefix /26 withdrawals: 48 Prefix /26 path updates: 12 Prefix /27 total: 87 Prefix /27 announcements: 0 Prefix /27 withdrawals: 66 Prefix /27 path updates: 21 Prefix /28 total: 825 Prefix /28 announcements: 0 Prefix /28 withdrawals: 623 Prefix /28 path updates: 202 Prefix /29 total: 18307 Prefix /29 announcements: 0 Prefix /29 withdrawals: 13811 Prefix /29 path updates: 4496 Prefix /30 total: 2471 Prefix /30 announcements: 0 Prefix /30 withdrawals: 1861 Prefix /30 path updates: 610 Prefix /31 total: 1307 Prefix /31 announcements: 0 Prefix /31 withdrawals: 985 Prefix /31 path updates: 322 Prefix /32 total: 93096 Prefix /32 announcements: 9 Prefix /32 withdrawals: 73175 Prefix /32 path updates: 19912 Prefix /33 total: 14698 Prefix /33 announcements: 9 Prefix /33 withdrawals: 11447 Prefix /33 path updates: 3242 Prefix /34 total: 13347 Prefix /34 announcements: 4 Prefix /34 withdrawals: 10476 Prefix /34 path updates: 2867 Prefix /35 total: 4667 Prefix /35 announcements: 1 Prefix /35 withdrawals: 3651 Prefix /35 path updates: 1015 Prefix /36 total: 27365 Prefix /36 announcements: 0 Prefix /36 withdrawals: 21002 Prefix /36 path updates: 6363 Prefix /37 total: 4195 Prefix /37 announcements: 0 Prefix /37 withdrawals: 3265 Prefix /37 path updates: 930 Prefix /38 total: 7736 Prefix /38 announcements: 0 Prefix /38 withdrawals: 5841 Prefix /38 path updates: 1895 Prefix /39 total: 5280 Prefix /39 announcements: 0 Prefix /39 withdrawals: 3994 Prefix /39 path updates: 1286 Prefix /40 total: 66509 Prefix /40 announcements: 14 Prefix /40 withdrawals: 50871 Prefix /40 path updates: 15624 Prefix /41 total: 4181 Prefix /41 announcements: 1 Prefix /41 withdrawals: 3173 Prefix /41 path updates: 1007 Prefix /42 total: 9549 Prefix /42 announcements: 0 Prefix /42 withdrawals: 7253 Prefix /42 path updates: 2296 Prefix /43 total: 4472 Prefix /43 announcements: 1 Prefix /43 withdrawals: 3432 Prefix /43 path updates: 1039 Prefix /44 total: 74680 Prefix /44 announcements: 0 Prefix /44 withdrawals: 56693 Prefix /44 path updates: 17987 Prefix /45 total: 10315 Prefix /45 announcements: 0 Prefix /45 withdrawals: 7784 Prefix /45 path updates: 2531 Prefix /46 total: 16244 Prefix /46 announcements: 2 Prefix /46 withdrawals: 12667 Prefix /46 path updates: 3575 Prefix /47 total: 24294 Prefix /47 announcements: 1 Prefix /47 withdrawals: 18679 Prefix /47 path updates: 5614 Prefix /48 total: 354831 Prefix /48 announcements: 57 Prefix /48 withdrawals: 271199 Prefix /48 path updates: 83575 Prefix /49 total: 2 Prefix /49 announcements: 0 Prefix /49 withdrawals: 2 Prefix /49 path updates: 0 Prefix /50 total: 4 Prefix /50 announcements: 0 Prefix /50 withdrawals: 4 Prefix /50 path updates: 0 Prefix /51 total: 2 Prefix /51 announcements: 0 Prefix /51 withdrawals: 2 Prefix /51 path updates: 0 Prefix /52 total: 49 Prefix /52 announcements: 0 Prefix /52 withdrawals: 48 Prefix /52 path updates: 1 Prefix /53 total: 7 Prefix /53 announcements: 0 Prefix /53 withdrawals: 6 Prefix /53 path updates: 1 Prefix /54 total: 4 Prefix /54 announcements: 0 Prefix /54 withdrawals: 4 Prefix /54 path updates: 0 Prefix /55 total: 3 Prefix /55 announcements: 0 Prefix /55 withdrawals: 3 Prefix /55 path updates: 0 Prefix /56 total: 1288 Prefix /56 announcements: 2 Prefix /56 withdrawals: 735 Prefix /56 path updates: 551 Prefix /57 total: 4 Prefix /57 announcements: 0 Prefix /57 withdrawals: 4 Prefix /57 path updates: 0 Prefix /58 total: 3 Prefix /58 announcements: 0 Prefix /58 withdrawals: 3 Prefix /58 path updates: 0 Prefix /59 total: 3 Prefix /59 announcements: 0 Prefix /59 withdrawals: 3 Prefix /59 path updates: 0 Prefix /60 total: 4 Prefix /60 announcements: 0 Prefix /60 withdrawals: 4 Prefix /60 path updates: 0 Prefix /61 total: 4 Prefix /61 announcements: 0 Prefix /61 withdrawals: 4 Prefix /61 path updates: 0 Prefix /62 total: 2 Prefix /62 announcements: 0 Prefix /62 withdrawals: 2 Prefix /62 path updates: 0 Prefix /63 total: 4 Prefix /63 announcements: 0 Prefix /63 withdrawals: 4 Prefix /63 path updates: 0 Prefix /64 total: 1165 Prefix /64 announcements: 0 Prefix /64 withdrawals: 1036 Prefix /64 path updates: 129 Prefix /16 total: 0.00 Prefix /16 announcements: 100.00 Prefix /16 withdrawals: 100.00 Prefix /16 path updates: 100.00 Prefix /19 total: 1.04 Prefix /19 announcements: 0.00 Prefix /19 withdrawals: 1.07 Prefix /19 path updates: 1.17 Prefix /20 total: 1.02 Prefix /20 announcements: 0.00 Prefix /20 withdrawals: 1.07 Prefix /20 path updates: 1.09 Prefix /21 total: 0.95 Prefix /21 announcements: 0.00 Prefix /21 withdrawals: 1.07 Prefix /21 path updates: 0.78 Prefix /22 total: 1.00 Prefix /22 announcements: 0.00 Prefix /22 withdrawals: 1.07 Prefix /22 path updates: 0.98 Prefix /23 total: 1.04 Prefix /23 announcements: 0.00 Prefix /23 withdrawals: 1.07 Prefix /23 path updates: 1.17 Prefix /24 total: 1.01 Prefix /24 announcements: 0.00 Prefix /24 withdrawals: 1.07 Prefix /24 path updates: 1.06 Prefix /25 total: 1.04 Prefix /25 announcements: 0.00 Prefix /25 withdrawals: 1.07 Prefix /25 path updates: 1.17 Prefix /26 total: 0.97 Prefix /26 announcements: 0.00 Prefix /26 withdrawals: 1.07 Prefix /26 path updates: 0.88 Prefix /27 total: 1.03 Prefix /27 announcements: 0.00 Prefix /27 withdrawals: 1.07 Prefix /27 path updates: 1.12 Prefix /28 total: 1.01 Prefix /28 announcements: 0.00 Prefix /28 withdrawals: 1.05 Prefix /28 path updates: 1.12 Prefix /29 total: 1.03 Prefix /29 announcements: 0.00 Prefix /29 withdrawals: 1.06 Prefix /29 path updates: 1.14 Prefix /30 total: 1.03 Prefix /30 announcements: 0.00 Prefix /30 withdrawals: 1.07 Prefix /30 path updates: 1.15 Prefix /31 total: 1.03 Prefix /31 announcements: 0.00 Prefix /31 withdrawals: 1.06 Prefix /31 path updates: 1.14 Prefix /32 total: 0.98 Prefix /32 announcements: 0.00 Prefix /32 withdrawals: 1.05 Prefix /32 path updates: 0.95 Prefix /33 total: 0.88 Prefix /33 announcements: 0.01 Prefix /33 withdrawals: 0.94 Prefix /33 path updates: 0.87 Prefix /34 total: 0.82 Prefix /34 announcements: 0.00 Prefix /34 withdrawals: 0.89 Prefix /34 path updates: 0.80 Prefix /35 total: 0.84 Prefix /35 announcements: 0.00 Prefix /35 withdrawals: 0.90 Prefix /35 path updates: 0.82 Prefix /36 total: 0.95 Prefix /36 announcements: 0.00 Prefix /36 withdrawals: 1.00 Prefix /36 path updates: 1.00 Prefix /37 total: 0.92 Prefix /37 announcements: 0.00 Prefix /37 withdrawals: 0.98 Prefix /37 path updates: 0.92 Prefix /38 total: 1.01 Prefix /38 announcements: 0.00 Prefix /38 withdrawals: 1.04 Prefix /38 path updates: 1.12 Prefix /39 total: 0.99 Prefix /39 announcements: 0.00 Prefix /39 withdrawals: 1.03 Prefix /39 path updates: 1.09 Prefix /40 total: 0.92 Prefix /40 announcements: 0.00 Prefix /40 withdrawals: 0.96 Prefix /40 path updates: 0.97 Prefix /41 total: 1.01 Prefix /41 announcements: 0.00 Prefix /41 withdrawals: 1.05 Prefix /41 path updates: 1.10 Prefix /42 total: 1.00 Prefix /42 announcements: 0.00 Prefix /42 withdrawals: 1.05 Prefix /42 path updates: 1.09 Prefix /43 total: 0.94 Prefix /43 announcements: 0.00 Prefix /43 withdrawals: 0.99 Prefix /43 path updates: 0.99 Prefix /44 total: 0.97 Prefix /44 announcements: 0.00 Prefix /44 withdrawals: 1.01 Prefix /44 path updates: 1.06 Prefix /45 total: 1.00 Prefix /45 announcements: 0.00 Prefix /45 withdrawals: 1.04 Prefix /45 path updates: 1.11 Prefix /46 total: 0.81 Prefix /46 announcements: 0.00 Prefix /46 withdrawals: 0.86 Prefix /46 path updates: 0.80 Prefix /47 total: 0.87 Prefix /47 announcements: 0.00 Prefix /47 withdrawals: 0.92 Prefix /47 path updates: 0.91 Prefix /48 total: 0.97 Prefix /48 announcements: 0.00 Prefix /48 withdrawals: 1.02 Prefix /48 path updates: 1.04 Prefix /49 total: 0.01 Prefix /49 announcements: 0.00 Prefix /49 withdrawals: 0.01 Prefix /49 path updates: 0.00 Prefix /50 total: 0.12 Prefix /50 announcements: 0.00 Prefix /50 withdrawals: 0.16 Prefix /50 path updates: 0.00 Prefix /51 total: 0.17 Prefix /51 announcements: 0.00 Prefix /51 withdrawals: 0.24 Prefix /51 path updates: 0.00 Prefix /52 total: 0.24 Prefix /52 announcements: 0.00 Prefix /52 withdrawals: 0.32 Prefix /52 path updates: 0.02 Prefix /53 total: 0.36 Prefix /53 announcements: 0.00 Prefix /53 withdrawals: 0.43 Prefix /53 path updates: 0.23 Prefix /54 total: 0.26 Prefix /54 announcements: 0.00 Prefix /54 withdrawals: 0.36 Prefix /54 path updates: 0.00 Prefix /55 total: 0.26 Prefix /55 announcements: 0.00 Prefix /55 withdrawals: 0.36 Prefix /55 path updates: 0.00 Prefix /56 total: 0.43 Prefix /56 announcements: 0.01 Prefix /56 withdrawals: 0.33 Prefix /56 path updates: 0.82 Prefix /57 total: 0.10 Prefix /57 announcements: 0.00 Prefix /57 withdrawals: 0.14 Prefix /57 path updates: 0.00 Prefix /58 total: 0.02 Prefix /58 announcements: 0.00 Prefix /58 withdrawals: 0.03 Prefix /58 path updates: 0.00 Prefix /59 total: 0.19 Prefix /59 announcements: 0.00 Prefix /59 withdrawals: 0.27 Prefix /59 path updates: 0.00 Prefix /60 total: 0.17 Prefix /60 announcements: 0.00 Prefix /60 withdrawals: 0.24 Prefix /60 path updates: 0.00 Prefix /61 total: 0.26 Prefix /61 announcements: 0.00 Prefix /61 withdrawals: 0.36 Prefix /61 path updates: 0.00 Prefix /62 total: 0.26 Prefix /62 announcements: 0.00 Prefix /62 withdrawals: 0.36 Prefix /62 path updates: 0.00 Prefix /63 total: 0.26 Prefix /63 announcements: 0.00 Prefix /63 withdrawals: 0.36 Prefix /63 path updates: 0.00 Prefix /64 total: 0.27 Prefix /64 announcements: 0.00 Prefix /64 withdrawals: 0.33 Prefix /64 path updates: 0.14 Table Updates: 801321.562 New Entries: 39744.039 Removed Entries: 584250.312 Updated Entries: 177327.250 Address Span: 3311949056.000 Address Span: 2934928128.000 Address Span: 4054645248.000 Address Span: 618536384.000 Average address span per update: 4134.148 Avg Span: 73865.516 Avg Span: 6940.928 Avg Span: 3488.969 Per-Prefix updates: 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 3.001 0.000 0.000 4.001 55.015 11.003 23.006 32.009 125.035 44.012 60.017 87.024 825.229 18312.086 2471.687 1307.363 93121.867 14702.084 13350.709 4668.297 27372.604 4196.166 7738.149 5281.467 66527.477 4182.162 9551.653 4473.243 74700.750 10317.866 16248.514 24300.750 354929.594 2.001 4.001 2.001 49.014 7.002 4.001 3.001 1288.358 4.001 3.001 3.001 4.001 4.001 2.001 4.001 1165.324 Prefix announcements: 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 9.003 9.003 4.001 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 14.004 1.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 2.001 1.000 57.016 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.001 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Prefix withdrawals: 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 3.001 0.000 0.000 3.001 42.012 9.003 18.005 24.007 96.027 33.009 48.013 66.018 623.173 13814.838 1861.517 985.274 73195.336 11450.181 10478.911 3652.014 21007.836 3265.907 5842.623 3995.110 50885.133 3173.882 7255.015 3432.954 56708.754 7786.163 12670.520 18684.189 271274.344 2.001 4.001 2.001 48.013 6.002 4.001 3.001 735.204 4.001 3.001 3.001 4.001 4.001 2.001 4.001 1036.288 Prefix path updates: 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 13.004 2.001 5.001 8.002 29.008 11.003 12.003 21.006 202.056 4497.249 610.169 322.089 19917.533 3242.901 2867.797 1015.282 6364.768 930.258 1895.526 1286.357 15628.341 1007.280 2296.638 1039.289 17991.998 2531.703 3575.993 5615.560 83598.219 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 551.153 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 129.036 Prefix /16 update rate: 3.001 Prefix /16 announcements: 0.000 Prefix /16 withdrawals: 3.001 Prefix /16 path updates: 0.000 Prefix /19 update rate: 4.001 Prefix /19 announcements: 0.000 Prefix /19 withdrawals: 3.001 Prefix /19 path updates: 1.000 Prefix /20 update rate: 55.015 Prefix /20 announcements: 0.000 Prefix /20 withdrawals: 42.012 Prefix /20 path updates: 13.004 Prefix /21 update rate: 11.003 Prefix /21 announcements: 0.000 Prefix /21 withdrawals: 9.003 Prefix /21 path updates: 2.001 Prefix /22 update rate: 23.006 Prefix /22 announcements: 0.000 Prefix /22 withdrawals: 18.005 Prefix /22 path updates: 5.001 Prefix /23 update rate: 32.009 Prefix /23 announcements: 0.000 Prefix /23 withdrawals: 24.007 Prefix /23 path updates: 8.002 Prefix /24 update rate: 125.035 Prefix /24 announcements: 0.000 Prefix /24 withdrawals: 96.027 Prefix /24 path updates: 29.008 Prefix /25 update rate: 44.012 Prefix /25 announcements: 0.000 Prefix /25 withdrawals: 33.009 Prefix /25 path updates: 11.003 Prefix /26 update rate: 60.017 Prefix /26 announcements: 0.000 Prefix /26 withdrawals: 48.013 Prefix /26 path updates: 12.003 Prefix /27 update rate: 87.024 Prefix /27 announcements: 0.000 Prefix /27 withdrawals: 66.018 Prefix /27 path updates: 21.006 Prefix /28 update rate: 825.229 Prefix /28 announcements: 0.000 Prefix /28 withdrawals: 623.173 Prefix /28 path updates: 202.056 Prefix /29 update rate: 18312.086 Prefix /29 announcements: 0.000 Prefix /29 withdrawals: 13814.838 Prefix /29 path updates: 4497.249 Prefix /30 update rate: 2471.687 Prefix /30 announcements: 0.000 Prefix /30 withdrawals: 1861.517 Prefix /30 path updates: 610.169 Prefix /31 update rate: 1307.363 Prefix /31 announcements: 0.000 Prefix /31 withdrawals: 985.274 Prefix /31 path updates: 322.089 Prefix /32 update rate: 93121.867 Prefix /32 announcements: 9.003 Prefix /32 withdrawals: 73195.336 Prefix /32 path updates: 19917.533 Prefix /33 update rate: 14702.084 Prefix /33 announcements: 9.003 Prefix /33 withdrawals: 11450.181 Prefix /33 path updates: 3242.901 Prefix /34 update rate: 13350.709 Prefix /34 announcements: 4.001 Prefix /34 withdrawals: 10478.911 Prefix /34 path updates: 2867.797 Prefix /35 update rate: 4668.297 Prefix /35 announcements: 1.000 Prefix /35 withdrawals: 3652.014 Prefix /35 path updates: 1015.282 Prefix /36 update rate: 27372.604 Prefix /36 announcements: 0.000 Prefix /36 withdrawals: 21007.836 Prefix /36 path updates: 6364.768 Prefix /37 update rate: 4196.166 Prefix /37 announcements: 0.000 Prefix /37 withdrawals: 3265.907 Prefix /37 path updates: 930.258 Prefix /38 update rate: 7738.149 Prefix /38 announcements: 0.000 Prefix /38 withdrawals: 5842.623 Prefix /38 path updates: 1895.526 Prefix /39 update rate: 5281.467 Prefix /39 announcements: 0.000 Prefix /39 withdrawals: 3995.110 Prefix /39 path updates: 1286.357 Prefix /40 update rate: 66527.477 Prefix /40 announcements: 14.004 Prefix /40 withdrawals: 50885.133 Prefix /40 path updates: 15628.341 Prefix /41 update rate: 4182.162 Prefix /41 announcements: 1.000 Prefix /41 withdrawals: 3173.882 Prefix /41 path updates: 1007.280 Prefix /42 update rate: 9551.653 Prefix /42 announcements: 0.000 Prefix /42 withdrawals: 7255.015 Prefix /42 path updates: 2296.638 Prefix /43 update rate: 4473.243 Prefix /43 announcements: 1.000 Prefix /43 withdrawals: 3432.954 Prefix /43 path updates: 1039.289 Prefix /44 update rate: 74700.750 Prefix /44 announcements: 0.000 Prefix /44 withdrawals: 56708.754 Prefix /44 path updates: 17991.998 Prefix /45 update rate: 10317.866 Prefix /45 announcements: 0.000 Prefix /45 withdrawals: 7786.163 Prefix /45 path updates: 2531.703 Prefix /46 update rate: 16248.514 Prefix /46 announcements: 2.001 Prefix /46 withdrawals: 12670.520 Prefix /46 path updates: 3575.993 Prefix /47 update rate: 24300.750 Prefix /47 announcements: 1.000 Prefix /47 withdrawals: 18684.189 Prefix /47 path updates: 5615.560 Prefix /48 update rate: 354929.594 Prefix /48 announcements: 57.016 Prefix /48 withdrawals: 271274.344 Prefix /48 path updates: 83598.219 Prefix /49 update rate: 2.001 Prefix /49 announcements: 0.000 Prefix /49 withdrawals: 2.001 Prefix /49 path updates: 0.000 Prefix /50 update rate: 4.001 Prefix /50 announcements: 0.000 Prefix /50 withdrawals: 4.001 Prefix /50 path updates: 0.000 Prefix /51 update rate: 2.001 Prefix /51 announcements: 0.000 Prefix /51 withdrawals: 2.001 Prefix /51 path updates: 0.000 Prefix /52 update rate: 49.014 Prefix /52 announcements: 0.000 Prefix /52 withdrawals: 48.013 Prefix /52 path updates: 1.000 Prefix /53 update rate: 7.002 Prefix /53 announcements: 0.000 Prefix /53 withdrawals: 6.002 Prefix /53 path updates: 1.000 Prefix /54 update rate: 4.001 Prefix /54 announcements: 0.000 Prefix /54 withdrawals: 4.001 Prefix /54 path updates: 0.000 Prefix /55 update rate: 3.001 Prefix /55 announcements: 0.000 Prefix /55 withdrawals: 3.001 Prefix /55 path updates: 0.000 Prefix /56 update rate: 1288.358 Prefix /56 announcements: 2.001 Prefix /56 withdrawals: 735.204 Prefix /56 path updates: 551.153 Prefix /57 update rate: 4.001 Prefix /57 announcements: 0.000 Prefix /57 withdrawals: 4.001 Prefix /57 path updates: 0.000 Prefix /58 update rate: 3.001 Prefix /58 announcements: 0.000 Prefix /58 withdrawals: 3.001 Prefix /58 path updates: 0.000 Prefix /59 update rate: 3.001 Prefix /59 announcements: 0.000 Prefix /59 withdrawals: 3.001 Prefix /59 path updates: 0.000 Prefix /60 update rate: 4.001 Prefix /60 announcements: 0.000 Prefix /60 withdrawals: 4.001 Prefix /60 path updates: 0.000 Prefix /61 update rate: 4.001 Prefix /61 announcements: 0.000 Prefix /61 withdrawals: 4.001 Prefix /61 path updates: 0.000 Prefix /62 update rate: 2.001 Prefix /62 announcements: 0.000 Prefix /62 withdrawals: 2.001 Prefix /62 path updates: 0.000 Prefix /63 update rate: 4.001 Prefix /63 announcements: 0.000 Prefix /63 withdrawals: 4.001 Prefix /63 path updates: 0.000 Prefix /64 update rate: 1165.324 Prefix /64 announcements: 0.000 Prefix /64 withdrawals: 1036.288 Prefix /64 path updates: 129.036 Total Path Changes: 39632 Origin Paths: 106 NextHop Paths: 7754 Transit Paths: 31753 Paths: 16 Paths: 3 /19 Tot: 1 /19 Org: 0 /19 Nxt: 1 /19 Trn: 0 /19 Fst: 0 /19 Prp: 0 /20 Tot: 13 /20 Org: 0 /20 Nxt: 6 /20 Trn: 0 /20 Fst: 7 /20 Prp: 0 /21 Tot: 2 /21 Org: 0 /21 Nxt: 1 /21 Trn: 0 /21 Fst: 1 /21 Prp: 0 /22 Tot: 5 /22 Org: 0 /22 Nxt: 4 /22 Trn: 0 /22 Fst: 1 /22 Prp: 0 /23 Tot: 8 /23 Org: 0 /23 Nxt: 3 /23 Trn: 0 /23 Fst: 5 /23 Prp: 0 /24 Tot: 29 /24 Org: 0 /24 Nxt: 19 /24 Trn: 0 /24 Fst: 10 /24 Prp: 0 /25 Tot: 11 /25 Org: 0 /25 Nxt: 8 /25 Trn: 0 /25 Fst: 3 /25 Prp: 0 /26 Tot: 12 /26 Org: 0 /26 Nxt: 4 /26 Trn: 0 /26 Fst: 8 /26 Prp: 0 /27 Tot: 21 /27 Org: 0 /27 Nxt: 13 /27 Trn: 0 /27 Fst: 8 /27 Prp: 0 /28 Tot: 202 /28 Org: 1 /28 Nxt: 56 /28 Trn: 0 /28 Fst: 145 /28 Prp: 0 /29 Tot: 4496 /29 Org: 6 /29 Nxt: 1555 /29 Trn: 0 /29 Fst: 2935 /29 Prp: 0 /30 Tot: 610 /30 Org: 0 /30 Nxt: 344 /30 Trn: 0 /30 Fst: 266 /30 Prp: 0 /31 Tot: 322 /31 Org: 0 /31 Nxt: 116 /31 Trn: 0 /31 Fst: 206 /31 Prp: 0 /32 Tot: 19912 /32 Org: 11 /32 Nxt: 5263 /32 Trn: 1 /32 Fst: 14637 /32 Prp: 0 /33 Tot: 3242 /33 Org: 0 /33 Nxt: 536 /33 Trn: 0 /33 Fst: 2705 /33 Prp: 1 /34 Tot: 2867 /34 Org: 0 /34 Nxt: 442 /34 Trn: 4 /34 Fst: 2417 /34 Prp: 4 /35 Tot: 1015 /35 Org: 3 /35 Nxt: 229 /35 Trn: 0 /35 Fst: 783 /35 Prp: 0 /36 Tot: 6363 /36 Org: 2 /36 Nxt: 1686 /36 Trn: 1 /36 Fst: 4674 /36 Prp: 0 /37 Tot: 930 /37 Org: 1 /37 Nxt: 188 /37 Trn: 0 /37 Fst: 740 /37 Prp: 1 /38 Tot: 1895 /38 Org: 0 /38 Nxt: 625 /38 Trn: 1 /38 Fst: 1269 /38 Prp: 0 /39 Tot: 1286 /39 Org: 0 /39 Nxt: 122 /39 Trn: 0 /39 Fst: 1164 /39 Prp: 0 /40 Tot: 15624 /40 Org: 16 /40 Nxt: 2791 /40 Trn: 0 /40 Fst: 12817 /40 Prp: 0 /41 Tot: 1007 /41 Org: 0 /41 Nxt: 254 /41 Trn: 0 /41 Fst: 753 /41 Prp: 0 /42 Tot: 2296 /42 Org: 0 /42 Nxt: 285 /42 Trn: 0 /42 Fst: 2011 /42 Prp: 0 /43 Tot: 1039 /43 Org: 0 /43 Nxt: 78 /43 Trn: 0 /43 Fst: 961 /43 Prp: 0 /44 Tot: 17987 /44 Org: 7 /44 Nxt: 2647 /44 Trn: 5 /44 Fst: 15328 /44 Prp: 0 /45 Tot: 2531 /45 Org: 0 /45 Nxt: 391 /45 Trn: 2 /45 Fst: 2138 /45 Prp: 0 /46 Tot: 3575 /46 Org: 0 /46 Nxt: 1180 /46 Trn: 0 /46 Fst: 2395 /46 Prp: 0 /47 Tot: 5614 /47 Org: 6 /47 Nxt: 1947 /47 Trn: 2 /47 Fst: 3659 /47 Prp: 0 /48 Tot: 83575 /48 Org: 680 /48 Nxt: 21000 /48 Trn: 36 /48 Fst: 61859 /48 Prp: 0 /52 Tot: 1 /52 Org: 0 /52 Nxt: 1 /52 Trn: 0 /52 Fst: 0 /52 Prp: 0 /53 Tot: 1 /53 Org: 0 /53 Nxt: 1 /53 Trn: 0 /53 Fst: 0 /53 Prp: 0 /56 Tot: 551 /56 Org: 0 /56 Nxt: 546 /56 Trn: 1 /56 Fst: 4 /56 Prp: 0 /64 Tot: 129 /64 Org: 0 /64 Nxt: 26 /64 Trn: 0 /64 Fst: 103 /64 Prp: 0 -Top 20 AS's by Orginating AS address span +1 AS7922 ORG+TRN Originate: 36318243520512 (/18.95) Transit: 57843646464 (/28.25) +2 AS3320 ORG+TRN Originate: 35330606170112 (/18.99) Transit: 1119767625728 (/23.97) +3 AS4134 ORG+TRN Originate: 25214548770816 (/19.48) Transit: 5049182715904 (/21.80) +4 AS397165 ORG+TRN Originate: 21990232555520 (/19.68) Transit: 65536 (/48.00) +5 AS9808 ORG+TRN Originate: 18961274306560 (/19.89) Transit: 19645488103424 (/19.84) +6 AS17676 ORG+TRN Originate: 18695992639488 (/19.91) Transit: 190137696256 (/26.53) +7 AS5713 ORG+TRN Originate: 17669512298496 (/19.99) Transit: 118128902144 (/27.22) +8 AS7303 ORG+TRN Originate: 17648065970176 (/20.00) Transit: 131955425280 (/27.06) +9 AS23910 ORG+TRN Originate: 17609365913600 (/20.00) Transit: 9150482546688 (/20.94) +10 AS148000 ORIGIN Originate: 17600776372224 (/20.00) Transit: 0 (/0.00 ) +11 AS24863 ORG+TRN Originate: 17592186437632 (/20.00) Transit: 65536 (/48.00) +12 AS3269 ORG+TRN Originate: 17592186241024 (/20.00) Transit: 14227406848 (/30.27) +13 AS1221 ORG+TRN Originate: 17592186175488 (/20.00) Transit: 9959861518336 (/20.82) +14 AS137726 ORIGIN Originate: 17592186044416 (/20.00) Transit: 0 (/0.00 ) +15 AS133111 ORG+TRN Originate: 8835135832064 (/20.99) Transit: 26075725824 (/29.40) +16 AS5617 ORG+TRN Originate: 8830452891648 (/20.99) Transit: 193542225920 (/26.51) +17 AS3462 ORG+TRN Originate: 8821175025664 (/21.00) Transit: 26070024192 (/29.40) +18 AS1273 ORG+TRN Originate: 8796093022208 (/21.00) Transit: 616250277888 (/24.84) +19 AS3209 ORG+TRN Originate: 5699422060544 (/21.63) Transit: 805622382592 (/24.45) +20 AS55836 ORG+TRN Originate: 4993067843584 (/21.82) Transit: 17864872624128 (/19.98) Originating Addresses AS Count: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 11 4 8 7 17 29 47 137 357 969 1975 1210 4173 12829 318 248 369 538 169 251 392 495 116 207 389 591 444 764 929 4835 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 2 2 1 0 7 Originating Addresses % AS Count: 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0001 0.0003 0.0001 0.0002 0.0002 0.0005 0.0009 0.0014 0.0042 0.0109 0.0295 0.0601 0.0368 0.1271 0.3906 0.0097 0.0076 0.0112 0.0164 0.0051 0.0076 0.0119 0.0151 0.0035 0.0063 0.0118 0.0180 0.0135 0.0233 0.0283 0.1472 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0001 0.0001 0.0000 0.0000 0.0002 AS's announcing span of /18: 2 % AS's announcing span of /18: 0.0001 AS's announcing span of /19: 11 % AS's announcing span of /19: 0.0003 AS's announcing span of /20: 4 % AS's announcing span of /20: 0.0001 AS's announcing span of /21: 8 % AS's announcing span of /21: 0.0002 AS's announcing span of /22: 7 % AS's announcing span of /22: 0.0002 AS's announcing span of /23: 17 % AS's announcing span of /23: 0.0005 AS's announcing span of /24: 29 % AS's announcing span of /24: 0.0009 AS's announcing span of /25: 47 % AS's announcing span of /25: 0.0014 AS's announcing span of /26: 137 % AS's announcing span of /26: 0.0042 AS's announcing span of /27: 357 % AS's announcing span of /27: 0.0109 AS's announcing span of /28: 969 % AS's announcing span of /28: 0.0295 AS's announcing span of /29: 1975 % AS's announcing span of /29: 0.0601 AS's announcing span of /30: 1210 % AS's announcing span of /30: 0.0368 AS's announcing span of /31: 4173 % AS's announcing span of /31: 0.1271 AS's announcing span of /32: 12829 % AS's announcing span of /32: 0.3906 AS's announcing span of /33: 318 % AS's announcing span of /33: 0.0097 AS's announcing span of /34: 248 % AS's announcing span of /34: 0.0076 AS's announcing span of /35: 369 % AS's announcing span of /35: 0.0112 AS's announcing span of /36: 538 % AS's announcing span of /36: 0.0164 AS's announcing span of /37: 169 % AS's announcing span of /37: 0.0051 AS's announcing span of /38: 251 % AS's announcing span of /38: 0.0076 AS's announcing span of /39: 392 % AS's announcing span of /39: 0.0119 AS's announcing span of /40: 495 % AS's announcing span of /40: 0.0151 AS's announcing span of /41: 116 % AS's announcing span of /41: 0.0035 AS's announcing span of /42: 207 % AS's announcing span of /42: 0.0063 AS's announcing span of /43: 389 % AS's announcing span of /43: 0.0118 AS's announcing span of /44: 591 % AS's announcing span of /44: 0.0180 AS's announcing span of /45: 444 % AS's announcing span of /45: 0.0135 AS's announcing span of /46: 764 % AS's announcing span of /46: 0.0233 AS's announcing span of /47: 929 % AS's announcing span of /47: 0.0283 AS's announcing span of /48: 4835 % AS's announcing span of /48: 0.1472 AS's announcing span of /56: 1 % AS's announcing span of /56: 0.0000 AS's announcing span of /59: 1 % AS's announcing span of /59: 0.0000 AS's announcing span of /60: 2 % AS's announcing span of /60: 0.0001 AS's announcing span of /61: 2 % AS's announcing span of /61: 0.0001 AS's announcing span of /62: 1 % AS's announcing span of /62: 0.0000 AS's announcing span of /64: 7 % AS's announcing span of /64: 0.0002 -Top 20 AS's by Transit address span +1 AS131072 ORG+TRN Transit: 711512791699892 (/14.66) Originate: 536870912 (/35.00) +2 AS5539 ORG+TRN Transit: 589449567103495 (/14.93) Originate: 10737549318 (/30.68) +3 AS1299 ORG+TRN Transit: 305710891663360 (/15.88) Originate: 81622204416 (/27.75) +4 AS6939 ORG+TRN Transit: 109755415855104 (/17.36) Originate: 1156688904192 (/23.93) +5 AS4608 ORG+TRN Transit: 62631298946727 (/18.17) Originate: 1110249504768 (/23.99) +6 AS4777 ORG+TRN Transit: 58310401724672 (/18.27) Originate: 1073741824 (/34.00) +7 AS23911 ORG+TRN Transit: 44416775487488 (/18.66) Originate: 4295032832 (/32.00) +8 AS58453 ORG+TRN Transit: 38712138334208 (/18.86) Originate: 5100339713 (/31.75) +9 AS6762 ORG+TRN Transit: 38282909253632 (/18.88) Originate: 8589934592 (/31.00) +10 AS3356 ORG+TRN Transit: 36495088680960 (/18.95) Originate: 81893982208 (/27.75) +11 AS33891 TRANSIT Transit: 29013845606400 (/19.28) Originate: 0 (/0.00 ) +12 AS2914 ORG+TRN Transit: 23358919868624 (/19.59) Originate: 30132076544 (/29.19) +13 AS64049 TRANSIT Transit: 22903583735808 (/19.62) Originate: 0 (/0.00 ) +14 AS4826 ORG+TRN Transit: 22808295505920 (/19.63) Originate: 17180065792 (/30.00) +15 AS9808 ORG+TRN Transit: 19645488103424 (/19.84) Originate: 18961274306560 (/19.89) +16 AS55836 ORG+TRN Transit: 17864872624128 (/19.98) Originate: 4993067843584 (/21.82) +17 AS9885 TRANSIT Transit: 17785929859072 (/19.98) Originate: 0 (/0.00 ) +18 AS8452 ORG+TRN Transit: 17610741972992 (/20.00) Originate: 77309542400 (/27.83) +19 AS56048 ORG+TRN Transit: 17609367486464 (/20.00) Originate: 60532785152 (/28.18) +20 AS38255 ORG+TRN Transit: 17605071011840 (/20.00) Originate: 4296015872 (/32.00) -Top 20 AS's by Originating + Transit address span +1 AS131072 ORG+TRN Total 711513328570804 (/14.66) Transit: 711512791699892 (/14.66) Originate: 536870912 (/35.00) +2 AS5539 ORG+TRN Total 589460304652813 (/14.93) Transit: 589449567103495 (/14.93) Originate: 10737549318 (/30.68) +3 AS1299 ORG+TRN Total 305792513867776 (/15.88) Transit: 305710891663360 (/15.88) Originate: 81622204416 (/27.75) +4 AS6939 ORG+TRN Total 110912104759296 (/17.34) Transit: 109755415855104 (/17.36) Originate: 1156688904192 (/23.93) +5 AS4608 ORG+TRN Total 63741548451495 (/18.14) Transit: 62631298946727 (/18.17) Originate: 1110249504768 (/23.99) +6 AS4777 ORG+TRN Total 58311475466496 (/18.27) Transit: 58310401724672 (/18.27) Originate: 1073741824 (/34.00) +7 AS23911 ORG+TRN Total 44421070520320 (/18.66) Transit: 44416775487488 (/18.66) Originate: 4295032832 (/32.00) +8 AS58453 ORG+TRN Total 38717238673921 (/18.86) Transit: 38712138334208 (/18.86) Originate: 5100339713 (/31.75) +9 AS9808 ORG+TRN Total 38606762409984 (/18.87) Transit: 19645488103424 (/19.84) Originate: 18961274306560 (/19.89) +10 AS6762 ORG+TRN Total 38291499188224 (/18.88) Transit: 38282909253632 (/18.88) Originate: 8589934592 (/31.00) +11 AS3356 ORG+TRN Total 36576982663168 (/18.94) Transit: 36495088680960 (/18.95) Originate: 81893982208 (/27.75) +12 AS3320 ORG+TRN Total 36450373795840 (/18.95) Transit: 1119767625728 (/23.97) Originate: 35330606170112 (/18.99) +13 AS7922 ORG+TRN Total 36376087166976 (/18.95) Transit: 57843646464 (/28.25) Originate: 36318243520512 (/18.95) +14 AS4134 ORG+TRN Total 30263731486720 (/19.22) Transit: 5049182715904 (/21.80) Originate: 25214548770816 (/19.48) +15 AS33891 TRANSIT Total 29013845606400 (/19.28) Transit: 29013845606400 (/19.28) Originate: 0 (/0.00 ) +16 AS1221 ORG+TRN Total 27552047693824 (/19.35) Transit: 9959861518336 (/20.82) Originate: 17592186175488 (/20.00) +17 AS23910 ORG+TRN Total 26759848460288 (/19.39) Transit: 9150482546688 (/20.94) Originate: 17609365913600 (/20.00) +18 AS2914 ORG+TRN Total 23389051945168 (/19.59) Transit: 23358919868624 (/19.59) Originate: 30132076544 (/29.19) +19 AS64049 TRANSIT Total 22903583735808 (/19.62) Transit: 22903583735808 (/19.62) Originate: 0 (/0.00 ) +20 AS55836 ORG+TRN Total 22857940467712 (/19.62) Transit: 17864872624128 (/19.98) Originate: 4993067843584 (/21.82) Average AS Connectivity Degree (106004/33214): 3.1915 -Top 20 AS's by AS Adjacency + 1 AS6939 Adjacency: 6007 Upstream: 14 Downstream: 5993 + 2 AS38255 Adjacency: 4102 Upstream: 3 Downstream: 4099 + 3 AS3356 Adjacency: 1759 Upstream: 15 Downstream: 1744 + 4 AS174 Adjacency: 1637 Upstream: 8 Downstream: 1629 + 5 AS1299 Adjacency: 1509 Upstream: 9 Downstream: 1500 + 6 AS2914 Adjacency: 725 Upstream: 10 Downstream: 715 + 7 AS5539 Adjacency: 705 Upstream: 4 Downstream: 701 + 8 AS3257 Adjacency: 672 Upstream: 11 Downstream: 661 + 9 AS20473 Adjacency: 631 Upstream: 24 Downstream: 607 + 10 AS33891 Adjacency: 528 Upstream: 6 Downstream: 522 + 11 AS6461 Adjacency: 488 Upstream: 12 Downstream: 476 + 12 AS15412 Adjacency: 369 Upstream: 4 Downstream: 365 + 13 AS4826 Adjacency: 328 Upstream: 7 Downstream: 321 + 14 AS9498 Adjacency: 300 Upstream: 11 Downstream: 289 + 15 AS16735 Adjacency: 299 Upstream: 8 Downstream: 291 + 16 AS9002 Adjacency: 282 Upstream: 10 Downstream: 272 + 17 AS13335 Adjacency: 278 Upstream: 262 Downstream: 16 + 18 AS4637 Adjacency: 260 Upstream: 5 Downstream: 255 + 19 AS53062 Adjacency: 246 Upstream: 10 Downstream: 236 + 20 AS6453 Adjacency: 245 Upstream: 9 Downstream: 236 -Top 20 AS's by Downstream AS Adjacencies + 1 AS6939 Downstream: 5993 Upstream: 14 Adjacency: 6007 + 2 AS38255 Downstream: 4099 Upstream: 3 Adjacency: 4102 + 3 AS3356 Downstream: 1744 Upstream: 15 Adjacency: 1759 + 4 AS174 Downstream: 1629 Upstream: 8 Adjacency: 1637 + 5 AS1299 Downstream: 1500 Upstream: 9 Adjacency: 1509 + 6 AS2914 Downstream: 715 Upstream: 10 Adjacency: 725 + 7 AS5539 Downstream: 701 Upstream: 4 Adjacency: 705 + 8 AS3257 Downstream: 661 Upstream: 11 Adjacency: 672 + 9 AS20473 Downstream: 607 Upstream: 24 Adjacency: 631 + 10 AS33891 Downstream: 522 Upstream: 6 Adjacency: 528 + 11 AS6461 Downstream: 476 Upstream: 12 Adjacency: 488 + 12 AS15412 Downstream: 365 Upstream: 4 Adjacency: 369 + 13 AS4826 Downstream: 321 Upstream: 7 Adjacency: 328 + 14 AS16735 Downstream: 291 Upstream: 8 Adjacency: 299 + 15 AS9498 Downstream: 289 Upstream: 11 Adjacency: 300 + 16 AS9002 Downstream: 272 Upstream: 10 Adjacency: 282 + 17 AS4637 Downstream: 255 Upstream: 5 Adjacency: 260 + 18 AS6453 Downstream: 236 Upstream: 9 Adjacency: 245 + 19 AS14840 Downstream: 236 Upstream: 9 Adjacency: 245 + 20 AS53062 Downstream: 236 Upstream: 10 Adjacency: 246 -Top 20 AS's by Upstream AS Adjacency + 1 AS13335 Upstream: 262 Downstream: 16 Adjacency: 278 + 2 AS20940 Upstream: 98 Downstream: 13 Adjacency: 111 + 3 AS3573 Upstream: 97 Downstream: 1 Adjacency: 98 + 4 AS54994 Upstream: 53 Downstream: 1 Adjacency: 54 + 5 AS21859 Upstream: 44 Downstream: 29 Adjacency: 73 + 6 AS139341 Upstream: 44 Downstream: 2 Adjacency: 46 + 7 AS138915 Upstream: 42 Downstream: 4 Adjacency: 46 + 8 AS15133 Upstream: 41 Downstream: 3 Adjacency: 44 + 9 AS54113 Upstream: 40 Downstream: 0 Adjacency: 40 + 10 AS21433 Upstream: 39 Downstream: 0 Adjacency: 39 + 11 AS136907 Upstream: 39 Downstream: 0 Adjacency: 39 + 12 AS19551 Upstream: 36 Downstream: 7 Adjacency: 43 + 13 AS24429 Upstream: 33 Downstream: 0 Adjacency: 33 + 14 AS63293 Upstream: 33 Downstream: 0 Adjacency: 33 + 15 AS199524 Upstream: 33 Downstream: 7 Adjacency: 40 + 16 AS44477 Upstream: 32 Downstream: 2 Adjacency: 34 + 17 AS42473 Upstream: 31 Downstream: 9 Adjacency: 40 + 18 AS53766 Upstream: 29 Downstream: 1 Adjacency: 30 + 19 AS31898 Upstream: 27 Downstream: 17 Adjacency: 44 + 20 AS60068 Upstream: 27 Downstream: 78 Adjacency: 105 Aggregation Potential Summary: 208108 103579 101938 78915 Aggregation using prepended AS Path: 103579 Aggregation using AS Path: 101938 Aggregation using AS Origin: 78915 Analysis time: 65 seconds