BGP Routing Table Report Local Time: Thu Apr 25 02:00:00 2024 Route Table Analysis Details AS selected: AS6447 View: Locally generated BGP Dump File: /var/data/tmp/v6/rva/1/ Extended Reports stored in directory: /var/data/tmp/v6/rva/1/2024-04-25-0200/6447 AS Number file: /var/data/bgp/asn.txt Collector: Disabled no parse: 68697 268697 268697 268697 268697 268697 268697 268697 20912 6939 61568 262532 269212 269212 269212 269212 269212 269212 269212 269212 269212 269212 269212 269212 269212 269212 269212 268697 268697 268697 268697 268697 268697 268697 268697 268697 268697 268697 268697 268697 268697 268697 268697 268697 268697 268697 268697 268697 268697 268697 268697 268697 268697 Table Scan time: 11 seconds Analysis of BGP file BGP routing table entries (FIB size): 212101 More specific prefixes of aggregates: 123105 Root aggregate prefixes: 88996 Filtered Prefixes - AS origin aggregation: 79898 Filtered Prefixes - length filters 0 Filtered Prefixes - AS origin aggregation and length: 0 Total address space spanned by table (/64s): 671175324964376 Total address space spanned by table (/48s): 163861163321 Percentage of total IPv6 address space announced: 0.004 Percentage of available address space announced: 0.029 Total number of unique ASes: 33462 Origin-only ASes: 27452 Origin ASes announcing a single prefix: 20619 Transit ASes: 6010 Transit-only ASes: 384 Unique AS Paths: 952639 AS Paths used in FIB: 43859 Average AS path length: 3.955 Average address weighted AS path length: 3.991 Maximum AS Path length: 14 Unique AS prepended Paths: 980654 No of AS Paths using prepending: 139644 Maximum prepended AS Path length: 47 Analysis time (secs): 32 + Active BGP entries (FIB): 212101 Change in FIB Size: 1604 Change (%): 0.756 All BGP entries (RIB): 212102 RIB/FIB ratio (212102/212101): 1.0000 Valid entries: 212102 Total address space advertised (/64 equiv): 671175324964376 Total address space advertised (prefix): 14.7463 Percentage of IPv6 space advertised (671175324964376/18446744073709551615): 0.003638 Average address span: 3164413770 Average address span (as prefix size): 32.4407 Average prefix length: 43.0207 Entries advertising more specific prefixes of aggregates: 123105 Specifics as % of FIB entries (123105/212101): 58.0407 Specifics as % of address span (41829361697218/671175324964376): 6.2323 Specifics where AS prepended Path matches aggregate: 61690 AS-P_Path-Match % (61690/123105): 50.11 AS Path matches aggregate: 63850 AS-Path-Match % (63850/123105): 51.8663 AS Origin matches aggregate: 93309 AS-Origin-Match % (93309/123105): 75.7963 Root Prefixes: 88996 Root Prefix Tree Depth: 87380 1323 222 53 11 5 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Root Prefixes with depth 0: 87380 Root Prefixes with depth 1: 1323 Root Prefixes with depth 2: 222 Root Prefixes with depth 3: 53 Root Prefixes with depth 4: 11 Root Prefixes with depth 5: 5 Root Prefixes with depth 6: 0 Root Prefixes with depth 7: 1 Root Prefixes with depth 8: 0 Root Prefixes with depth 9: 0 Root Prefixes with depth 10: 0 Root Prefixes with depth 11: 0 Root Prefixes with depth 12: 0 Root Prefixes with depth 13: 0 Root Prefixes with depth 14: 0 Root Prefixes with depth 15: 1 Unique ASes: 33462 ASes visible in only one AS path: 24175 Origin only ASes: 27452 Origin ASs announced via a single AS path: 23473 Transit only ASes: 384 Originating AS ATOM count: 33078 Mixed ASes: 5626 Originating AS ATOM compression: 0.1560 Multi-Origin Prefixes: 6120 ASes originating a single prefix: 20619 Average entries per origin AS: 6.4121 Maximum entries for an origin AS (AS11172): 6704 Average address range span for an origin AS: 20290686406.8074 Maximum address range for an origin AS (AS7922): 36318243520512 Maximum address range (prefix length) for an origin AS (AS7922): 18.95 Average address range span for an origin AS (pfx length): 29.7599 Unique AS Paths: 952639 Unique AS prepended Paths: 980654 AS Paths used in FIB: 43859 AS Paths using prepending: 139644 AS paths associated with a single FIB entry: 29361 AS Paths using private ASs: 84 Average AS path length: 3.9549 Maximum AS Path length: 14 Average address weighted AS path length: 3.9907 Maximum prepended AS Path length: 47 Average entries per AS Path: 0.2226 Average entries per FIB AS Path: 4.8360 AS Paths per origin AS: 28.7998 FIB AS Paths per origin AS: 1.3259 AS PATH ATOM compression: 0.2068 Prefix Count: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 14 3 6 8 32 11 16 22 212 4651 619 333 24798 4580 4410 1491 7605 1232 2004 1389 18962 1082 2511 1237 20015 2666 5230 7251 97998 113 16 7 85 8 6 5 819 12 35 6 13 6 5 6 414 % Prefix distribution: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.10 2.19 0.29 0.16 11.69 2.16 2.08 0.70 3.59 0.58 0.94 0.65 8.94 0.51 1.18 0.58 9.44 1.26 2.47 3.42 46.20 0.05 0.01 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.39 0.01 0.02 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.20 Prefix count /19: 1 % Prefix /19: 0.00 Prefix count /20: 14 % Prefix /20: 0.01 Prefix count /21: 3 % Prefix /21: 0.00 Prefix count /22: 6 % Prefix /22: 0.00 Prefix count /23: 8 % Prefix /23: 0.00 Prefix count /24: 32 % Prefix /24: 0.02 Prefix count /25: 11 % Prefix /25: 0.01 Prefix count /26: 16 % Prefix /26: 0.01 Prefix count /27: 22 % Prefix /27: 0.01 Prefix count /28: 212 % Prefix /28: 0.10 Prefix count /29: 4651 % Prefix /29: 2.19 Prefix count /30: 619 % Prefix /30: 0.29 Prefix count /31: 333 % Prefix /31: 0.16 Prefix count /32: 24798 % Prefix /32: 11.69 Prefix count /33: 4580 % Prefix /33: 2.16 Prefix count /34: 4410 % Prefix /34: 2.08 Prefix count /35: 1491 % Prefix /35: 0.70 Prefix count /36: 7605 % Prefix /36: 3.59 Prefix count /37: 1232 % Prefix /37: 0.58 Prefix count /38: 2004 % Prefix /38: 0.94 Prefix count /39: 1389 % Prefix /39: 0.65 Prefix count /40: 18962 % Prefix /40: 8.94 Prefix count /41: 1082 % Prefix /41: 0.51 Prefix count /42: 2511 % Prefix /42: 1.18 Prefix count /43: 1237 % Prefix /43: 0.58 Prefix count /44: 20015 % Prefix /44: 9.44 Prefix count /45: 2666 % Prefix /45: 1.26 Prefix count /46: 5230 % Prefix /46: 2.47 Prefix count /47: 7251 % Prefix /47: 3.42 Prefix count /48: 97998 % Prefix /48: 46.20 Prefix count /49: 113 % Prefix /49: 0.05 Prefix count /50: 16 % Prefix /50: 0.01 Prefix count /51: 7 % Prefix /51: 0.00 Prefix count /52: 85 % Prefix /52: 0.04 Prefix count /53: 8 % Prefix /53: 0.00 Prefix count /54: 6 % Prefix /54: 0.00 Prefix count /55: 5 % Prefix /55: 0.00 Prefix count /56: 819 % Prefix /56: 0.39 Prefix count /57: 12 % Prefix /57: 0.01 Prefix count /58: 35 % Prefix /58: 0.02 Prefix count /59: 6 % Prefix /59: 0.00 Prefix count /60: 13 % Prefix /60: 0.01 Prefix count /61: 6 % Prefix /61: 0.00 Prefix count /62: 5 % Prefix /62: 0.00 Prefix count /63: 6 % Prefix /63: 0.00 Prefix count /64: 414 % Prefix /64: 0.20 Prefix count /80: 1 % Prefix /80: 0.00 Prefix count /92: 2 % Prefix /92: 0.00 Prefix count /112: 3 % Prefix /112: 0.00 Prefix count /116: 2 % Prefix /116: 0.00 Prefix count /118: 2 % Prefix /118: 0.00 Prefix count /119: 1 % Prefix /119: 0.00 Prefix count /120: 5 % Prefix /120: 0.00 Prefix count /121: 25 % Prefix /121: 0.01 Prefix count /122: 23 % Prefix /122: 0.01 Prefix count /123: 70 % Prefix /123: 0.03 Prefix count /124: 3 % Prefix /124: 0.00 Prefix count /125: 3 % Prefix /125: 0.00 Prefix count /126: 8 % Prefix /126: 0.00 Prefix count /127: 2 % Prefix /127: 0.00 Prefix count /128: 6 % Prefix /128: 0.00 Root Prefix Count: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 14 3 6 8 29 11 15 20 116 4588 321 199 22812 667 866 488 3191 238 971 171 6655 446 627 621 5116 494 1587 1357 37341 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 7 % Prefix distribution: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.10 0.04 0.05 0.07 0.41 16.30 1.14 0.71 81.06 Prefix count /19: 1 % Prefix /19: 0.00 Prefix count /20: 14 % Prefix /20: 0.05 Prefix count /21: 3 % Prefix /21: 0.01 Prefix count /22: 6 % Prefix /22: 0.02 Prefix count /23: 8 % Prefix /23: 0.03 Prefix count /24: 29 % Prefix /24: 0.10 Prefix count /25: 11 % Prefix /25: 0.04 Prefix count /26: 15 % Prefix /26: 0.05 Prefix count /27: 20 % Prefix /27: 0.07 Prefix count /28: 116 % Prefix /28: 0.41 Prefix count /29: 4588 % Prefix /29: 16.30 Prefix count /30: 321 % Prefix /30: 1.14 Prefix count /31: 199 % Prefix /31: 0.71 Prefix count /32: 22812 % Prefix /32: 81.06 Prefix count /33: 667 % Prefix /33: 0.00 Prefix count /34: 866 % Prefix /34: 0.00 Prefix count /35: 488 % Prefix /35: 0.00 Prefix count /36: 3191 % Prefix /36: 0.00 Prefix count /37: 238 % Prefix /37: 0.00 Prefix count /38: 971 % Prefix /38: 0.00 Prefix count /39: 171 % Prefix /39: 0.00 Prefix count /40: 6655 % Prefix /40: 0.00 Prefix count /41: 446 % Prefix /41: 0.00 Prefix count /42: 627 % Prefix /42: 0.00 Prefix count /43: 621 % Prefix /43: 0.00 Prefix count /44: 5116 % Prefix /44: 0.00 Prefix count /45: 494 % Prefix /45: 0.00 Prefix count /46: 1587 % Prefix /46: 0.00 Prefix count /47: 1357 % Prefix /47: 0.00 Prefix count /48: 37341 % Prefix /48: 0.00 Prefix count /49: 1 % Prefix /49: 0.00 Prefix count /52: 1 % Prefix /52: 0.00 Prefix count /56: 6 % Prefix /56: 0.00 Prefix count /60: 1 % Prefix /60: 0.00 Prefix count /64: 7 % Prefix /64: 0.00 Prefix count /126: 1 % Prefix /126: 0.00 Addresses by AS distance: 0 7123791708161 346595469056463 224130712404028 87391145142907 44230094967635 2735836626944 752806199296 43488378880 268435456 0 0 0 1073741824 Address percentage by AS distance: 0.0 1.0 48.6 31.4 12.3 6.2 0.4 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Addresses at AS distance 0: 0 % Addresses at AS distance 0: 0 Addresses at AS distance 1: 7123791708161 % Addresses at AS distance 1: 0 Addresses at AS distance 2: 346595469056463 % Addresses at AS distance 2: 48 Addresses at AS distance 3: 224130712404028 % Addresses at AS distance 3: 31 Addresses at AS distance 4: 87391145142907 % Addresses at AS distance 4: 12 Addresses at AS distance 5: 44230094967635 % Addresses at AS distance 5: 6 Addresses at AS distance 6: 2735836626944 % Addresses at AS distance 6: 0 Addresses at AS distance 7: 752806199296 % Addresses at AS distance 7: 0 Addresses at AS distance 8: 43488378880 % Addresses at AS distance 8: 0 Addresses at AS distance 9: 268435456 % Addresses at AS distance 9: 0 Addresses at AS distance 10: 0 % Addresses at AS distance 10: 0 Addresses at AS distance 11: 0 % Addresses at AS distance 11: 0 Addresses at AS distance 12: 0 % Addresses at AS distance 12: 0 Addresses at AS distance 13: 1073741824 % Addresses at AS distance 13: 0 Cumulative Address by AS distance: 0 7123791708161 353719260764624 577849973168652 665241118311559 709471213279194 712207049906138 712959856105434 713003344484314 713003612919770 713003612919770 713003612919770 713003612919770 713004686661594 Cumulative % Address by AS distance: 0 0 49 81 93 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 100 Addresses reachable within 0 AS hops: 0 % Addresses reachable within 0 AS hops: 0 Addresses reachable within 1 AS hops: 7123791708161 % Addresses reachable within 1 AS hops: 0 Addresses reachable within 2 AS hops: 353719260764624 % Addresses reachable within 2 AS hops: 49 Addresses reachable within 3 AS hops: 577849973168652 % Addresses reachable within 3 AS hops: 81 Addresses reachable within 4 AS hops: 665241118311559 % Addresses reachable within 4 AS hops: 93 Addresses reachable within 5 AS hops: 709471213279194 % Addresses reachable within 5 AS hops: 99 Addresses reachable within 6 AS hops: 712207049906138 % Addresses reachable within 6 AS hops: 99 Addresses reachable within 7 AS hops: 712959856105434 % Addresses reachable within 7 AS hops: 99 Addresses reachable within 8 AS hops: 713003344484314 % Addresses reachable within 8 AS hops: 99 Addresses reachable within 9 AS hops: 713003612919770 % Addresses reachable within 9 AS hops: 99 Addresses reachable within 10 AS hops: 713003612919770 % Addresses reachable within 10 AS hops: 99 Addresses reachable within 11 AS hops: 713003612919770 % Addresses reachable within 11 AS hops: 99 Addresses reachable within 12 AS hops: 713003612919770 % Addresses reachable within 12 AS hops: 99 Addresses reachable within 13 AS hops: 713004686661594 % Addresses reachable within 13 AS hops: 100 ASes by AS distance: 1 26 8541 14440 9134 1034 232 47 7 0 0 0 0 0 % ASes by AS hops: 0 0 25 43 27 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ASes reachable at 0 AS hops: 1 % ASes reachable at 0 AS hops: 0 ASes reachable at 1 AS hops: 26 % ASes reachable at 1 AS hops: 0 ASes reachable at 2 AS hops: 8541 % ASes reachable at 2 AS hops: 25 ASes reachable at 3 AS hops: 14440 % ASes reachable at 3 AS hops: 43 ASes reachable at 4 AS hops: 9134 % ASes reachable at 4 AS hops: 27 ASes reachable at 5 AS hops: 1034 % ASes reachable at 5 AS hops: 3 ASes reachable at 6 AS hops: 232 % ASes reachable at 6 AS hops: 0 ASes reachable at 7 AS hops: 47 % ASes reachable at 7 AS hops: 0 ASes reachable at 8 AS hops: 7 % ASes reachable at 8 AS hops: 0 ASes reachable at 9 AS hops: 0 % ASes reachable at 9 AS hops: 0 ASes reachable at 10 AS hops: 0 % ASes reachable at 10 AS hops: 0 ASes reachable at 11 AS hops: 0 % ASes reachable at 11 AS hops: 0 ASes reachable at 12 AS hops: 0 % ASes reachable at 12 AS hops: 0 ASes reachable at 13 AS hops: 0 % ASes reachable at 13 AS hops: 0 Cumulative ASes by AS hops: 1 27 8568 23008 32142 33176 33408 33455 33462 33462 33462 33462 33462 33462 Cumulative % ASes by AS hops: 0.0 0.1 25.6 68.8 96.1 99.1 99.8 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 ASes reachable by 0 AS hops: 1 Cumulative % ASes by AS hops 0: 0 ASes reachable by 1 AS hops: 27 Cumulative % ASes by AS hops 1: 0 ASes reachable by 2 AS hops: 8568 Cumulative % ASes by AS hops 2: 25 ASes reachable by 3 AS hops: 23008 Cumulative % ASes by AS hops 3: 68 ASes reachable by 4 AS hops: 32142 Cumulative % ASes by AS hops 4: 96 ASes reachable by 5 AS hops: 33176 Cumulative % ASes by AS hops 5: 99 ASes reachable by 6 AS hops: 33408 Cumulative % ASes by AS hops 6: 99 ASes reachable by 7 AS hops: 33455 Cumulative % ASes by AS hops 7: 99 ASes reachable by 8 AS hops: 33462 Cumulative % ASes by AS hops 8: 100 ASes reachable by 9 AS hops: 33462 Cumulative % ASes by AS hops 9: 100 ASes reachable by 10 AS hops: 33462 Cumulative % ASes by AS hops 10: 100 ASes reachable by 11 AS hops: 33462 Cumulative % ASes by AS hops 11: 100 ASes reachable by 12 AS hops: 33462 Cumulative % ASes by AS hops 12: 100 ASes reachable by 13 AS hops: 33462 Cumulative % ASes by AS hops 13: 100 -Top 20 AS's by Orginating AS address span +1 AS7922 ORG+TRN Originate: 36318243520512 (/18.95) Transit: 9405464576 (/30.87) +2 AS3320 ORG+TRN Originate: 35330606170112 (/18.99) Transit: 1373709402112 (/23.68) +3 AS4134 ORG+TRN Originate: 25214548770816 (/19.48) Transit: 5333730787328 (/21.72) +4 AS397165 ORG+TRN Originate: 21990232555520 (/19.68) Transit: 65536 (/48.00) +5 AS9808 ORG+TRN Originate: 18961274175488 (/19.89) Transit: 19645353623552 (/19.84) +6 AS17676 ORG+TRN Originate: 18695992639488 (/19.91) Transit: 115998654464 (/27.24) +7 AS5713 ORG+TRN Originate: 17669512298496 (/19.99) Transit: 19344523264 (/29.83) +8 AS7303 ORG+TRN Originate: 17648065970176 (/20.00) Transit: 128197918720 (/27.10) +9 AS23910 ORG+TRN Originate: 17609365913600 (/20.00) Transit: 9167198617600 (/20.94) +10 AS148000 ORIGIN Originate: 17600776372224 (/20.00) Transit: 0 (/0.00 ) +11 AS137726 ORIGIN Originate: 17596481011712 (/20.00) Transit: 0 (/0.00 ) +12 AS24863 ORG+TRN Originate: 17592186437632 (/20.00) Transit: 65536 (/48.00) +13 AS3269 ORG+TRN Originate: 17592186241024 (/20.00) Transit: 14227406848 (/30.27) +14 AS1221 ORG+TRN Originate: 17592186175488 (/20.00) Transit: 31559122944 (/29.12) +15 AS133111 ORG+TRN Originate: 8830469603328 (/20.99) Transit: 26058817536 (/29.40) +16 AS5617 ORG+TRN Originate: 8830452891648 (/20.99) Transit: 73014509568 (/27.91) +17 AS3462 ORG+TRN Originate: 8821175025664 (/21.00) Transit: 26069958656 (/29.40) +18 AS1273 ORG+TRN Originate: 8796093022208 (/21.00) Transit: 503916920832 (/25.13) +19 AS3209 ORG+TRN Originate: 5699422126080 (/21.63) Transit: 219056439296 (/26.33) +20 AS55836 ORG+TRN Originate: 4993067843584 (/21.82) Transit: 17856009797632 (/19.98) Originating Addresses AS Count: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 12 3 8 7 17 29 49 135 361 970 1975 1280 4265 12678 311 252 372 538 167 247 392 499 120 208 386 596 443 772 948 4840 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 1 1 5 20 Originating Addresses % AS Count: 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0001 0.0004 0.0001 0.0002 0.0002 0.0005 0.0009 0.0015 0.0041 0.0110 0.0295 0.0600 0.0389 0.1296 0.3852 0.0094 0.0077 0.0113 0.0163 0.0051 0.0075 0.0119 0.0152 0.0036 0.0063 0.0117 0.0181 0.0135 0.0235 0.0288 0.1471 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0001 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0001 0.0000 0.0000 0.0002 0.0006 AS's announcing span of /18: 2 % AS's announcing span of /18: 0.0001 AS's announcing span of /19: 12 % AS's announcing span of /19: 0.0004 AS's announcing span of /20: 3 % AS's announcing span of /20: 0.0001 AS's announcing span of /21: 8 % AS's announcing span of /21: 0.0002 AS's announcing span of /22: 7 % AS's announcing span of /22: 0.0002 AS's announcing span of /23: 17 % AS's announcing span of /23: 0.0005 AS's announcing span of /24: 29 % AS's announcing span of /24: 0.0009 AS's announcing span of /25: 49 % AS's announcing span of /25: 0.0015 AS's announcing span of /26: 135 % AS's announcing span of /26: 0.0041 AS's announcing span of /27: 361 % AS's announcing span of /27: 0.0110 AS's announcing span of /28: 970 % AS's announcing span of /28: 0.0295 AS's announcing span of /29: 1975 % AS's announcing span of /29: 0.0600 AS's announcing span of /30: 1280 % AS's announcing span of /30: 0.0389 AS's announcing span of /31: 4265 % AS's announcing span of /31: 0.1296 AS's announcing span of /32: 12678 % AS's announcing span of /32: 0.3852 AS's announcing span of /33: 311 % AS's announcing span of /33: 0.0094 AS's announcing span of /34: 252 % AS's announcing span of /34: 0.0077 AS's announcing span of /35: 372 % AS's announcing span of /35: 0.0113 AS's announcing span of /36: 538 % AS's announcing span of /36: 0.0163 AS's announcing span of /37: 167 % AS's announcing span of /37: 0.0051 AS's announcing span of /38: 247 % AS's announcing span of /38: 0.0075 AS's announcing span of /39: 392 % AS's announcing span of /39: 0.0119 AS's announcing span of /40: 499 % AS's announcing span of /40: 0.0152 AS's announcing span of /41: 120 % AS's announcing span of /41: 0.0036 AS's announcing span of /42: 208 % AS's announcing span of /42: 0.0063 AS's announcing span of /43: 386 % AS's announcing span of /43: 0.0117 AS's announcing span of /44: 596 % AS's announcing span of /44: 0.0181 AS's announcing span of /45: 443 % AS's announcing span of /45: 0.0135 AS's announcing span of /46: 772 % AS's announcing span of /46: 0.0235 AS's announcing span of /47: 948 % AS's announcing span of /47: 0.0288 AS's announcing span of /48: 4840 % AS's announcing span of /48: 0.1471 AS's announcing span of /56: 2 % AS's announcing span of /56: 0.0001 AS's announcing span of /60: 2 % AS's announcing span of /60: 0.0001 AS's announcing span of /61: 1 % AS's announcing span of /61: 0.0000 AS's announcing span of /62: 1 % AS's announcing span of /62: 0.0000 AS's announcing span of /63: 5 % AS's announcing span of /63: 0.0002 AS's announcing span of /64: 20 % AS's announcing span of /64: 0.0006 -Top 20 AS's by Transit address span +1 AS6447 TRANSIT Transit: 713004686661594 (/14.66) Originate: 0 (/0.00 ) +2 AS37100 ORG+TRN Transit: 204985385025536 (/16.46) Originate: 12884901888 (/30.42) +3 AS6939 ORG+TRN Transit: 138168334483456 (/17.03) Originate: 1156688904192 (/23.93) +4 AS2914 ORG+TRN Transit: 80711521405937 (/17.80) Originate: 30132076544 (/29.19) +5 AS701 ORG+TRN Transit: 71412031881216 (/17.98) Originate: 1246902616064 (/23.82) +6 AS2497 ORG+TRN Transit: 60974465089536 (/18.21) Originate: 17716871168 (/29.96) +7 AS6762 ORG+TRN Transit: 57613436846592 (/18.29) Originate: 8589935105 (/31.00) +8 AS23911 ORG+TRN Transit: 44390482247680 (/18.66) Originate: 4295032832 (/32.00) +9 AS58453 ORG+TRN Transit: 38623848103936 (/18.87) Originate: 5100339712 (/31.75) +10 AS58511 ORG+TRN Transit: 38465912963072 (/18.87) Originate: 8589934592 (/31.00) +11 AS3257 ORG+TRN Transit: 31507675480064 (/19.16) Originate: 258369720325 (/26.09) +12 AS22652 ORG+TRN Transit: 26621060513792 (/19.40) Originate: 8607105024 (/31.00) +13 AS64049 TRANSIT Transit: 22908681453568 (/19.62) Originate: 0 (/0.00 ) +14 AS57866 ORG+TRN Transit: 21908429996032 (/19.68) Originate: 73014509568 (/27.91) +15 AS9808 ORG+TRN Transit: 19645353623552 (/19.84) Originate: 18961274175488 (/19.89) +16 AS20912 ORG+TRN Transit: 19636605359114 (/19.84) Originate: 4294967296 (/32.00) +17 AS55836 ORG+TRN Transit: 17856009797632 (/19.98) Originate: 4993067843584 (/21.82) +18 AS9885 TRANSIT Transit: 17785929662464 (/19.98) Originate: 0 (/0.00 ) +19 AS8452 ORG+TRN Transit: 17610740531200 (/20.00) Originate: 77309542400 (/27.83) +20 AS56048 ORG+TRN Transit: 17609367486464 (/20.00) Originate: 60532785152 (/28.18) -Top 20 AS's by Originating + Transit address span +1 AS6447 TRANSIT Total 713004686661594 (/14.66) Transit: 713004686661594 (/14.66) Originate: 0 (/0.00 ) +2 AS37100 ORG+TRN Total 204998269927424 (/16.46) Transit: 204985385025536 (/16.46) Originate: 12884901888 (/30.42) +3 AS6939 ORG+TRN Total 139325023387648 (/17.01) Transit: 138168334483456 (/17.03) Originate: 1156688904192 (/23.93) +4 AS2914 ORG+TRN Total 80741653482481 (/17.80) Transit: 80711521405937 (/17.80) Originate: 30132076544 (/29.19) +5 AS701 ORG+TRN Total 72658934497280 (/17.95) Transit: 71412031881216 (/17.98) Originate: 1246902616064 (/23.82) +6 AS2497 ORG+TRN Total 60992181960704 (/18.21) Transit: 60974465089536 (/18.21) Originate: 17716871168 (/29.96) +7 AS6762 ORG+TRN Total 57622026781697 (/18.29) Transit: 57613436846592 (/18.29) Originate: 8589935105 (/31.00) +8 AS23911 ORG+TRN Total 44394777280512 (/18.66) Transit: 44390482247680 (/18.66) Originate: 4295032832 (/32.00) +9 AS58453 ORG+TRN Total 38628948443648 (/18.87) Transit: 38623848103936 (/18.87) Originate: 5100339712 (/31.75) +10 AS9808 ORG+TRN Total 38606627799040 (/18.87) Transit: 19645353623552 (/19.84) Originate: 18961274175488 (/19.89) +11 AS58511 ORG+TRN Total 38474502897664 (/18.87) Transit: 38465912963072 (/18.87) Originate: 8589934592 (/31.00) +12 AS3320 ORG+TRN Total 36704315572224 (/18.94) Transit: 1373709402112 (/23.68) Originate: 35330606170112 (/18.99) +13 AS7922 ORG+TRN Total 36327648985088 (/18.95) Transit: 9405464576 (/30.87) Originate: 36318243520512 (/18.95) +14 AS3257 ORG+TRN Total 31766045200389 (/19.15) Transit: 31507675480064 (/19.16) Originate: 258369720325 (/26.09) +15 AS4134 ORG+TRN Total 30548279558144 (/19.20) Transit: 5333730787328 (/21.72) Originate: 25214548770816 (/19.48) +16 AS23910 ORG+TRN Total 26776564531200 (/19.39) Transit: 9167198617600 (/20.94) Originate: 17609365913600 (/20.00) +17 AS22652 ORG+TRN Total 26629667618816 (/19.40) Transit: 26621060513792 (/19.40) Originate: 8607105024 (/31.00) +18 AS64049 TRANSIT Total 22908681453568 (/19.62) Transit: 22908681453568 (/19.62) Originate: 0 (/0.00 ) +19 AS55836 ORG+TRN Total 22849077641216 (/19.62) Transit: 17856009797632 (/19.98) Originate: 4993067843584 (/21.82) +20 AS397165 ORG+TRN Total 21990232621056 (/19.68) Transit: 65536 (/48.00) Originate: 21990232555520 (/19.68) Average AS Connectivity Degree (145560/33462): 4.3500 -Top 20 AS's by AS Adjacency + 1 AS6939 Adjacency: 6847 Upstream: 57 Downstream: 6790 + 2 AS38255 Adjacency: 4101 Upstream: 2 Downstream: 4099 + 3 AS174 Adjacency: 2596 Upstream: 41 Downstream: 2555 + 4 AS3356 Adjacency: 2378 Upstream: 41 Downstream: 2337 + 5 AS1299 Adjacency: 1679 Upstream: 33 Downstream: 1646 + 6 AS37100 Adjacency: 1535 Upstream: 17 Downstream: 1518 + 7 AS57463 Adjacency: 1432 Upstream: 11 Downstream: 1421 + 8 AS18106 Adjacency: 1301 Upstream: 13 Downstream: 1288 + 9 AS34927 Adjacency: 1198 Upstream: 26 Downstream: 1172 + 10 AS9002 Adjacency: 1191 Upstream: 24 Downstream: 1167 + 11 AS2914 Adjacency: 1040 Upstream: 30 Downstream: 1010 + 12 AS3257 Adjacency: 946 Upstream: 26 Downstream: 920 + 13 AS12552 Adjacency: 942 Upstream: 10 Downstream: 932 + 14 AS58511 Adjacency: 762 Upstream: 9 Downstream: 753 + 15 AS140731 Adjacency: 755 Upstream: 12 Downstream: 743 + 16 AS20473 Adjacency: 724 Upstream: 44 Downstream: 680 + 17 AS6461 Adjacency: 643 Upstream: 30 Downstream: 613 + 18 AS6762 Adjacency: 433 Upstream: 24 Downstream: 409 + 19 AS6453 Adjacency: 414 Upstream: 28 Downstream: 386 + 20 AS3320 Adjacency: 364 Upstream: 22 Downstream: 342 -Top 20 AS's by Downstream AS Adjacencies + 1 AS6939 Downstream: 6790 Upstream: 57 Adjacency: 6847 + 2 AS38255 Downstream: 4099 Upstream: 2 Adjacency: 4101 + 3 AS174 Downstream: 2555 Upstream: 41 Adjacency: 2596 + 4 AS3356 Downstream: 2337 Upstream: 41 Adjacency: 2378 + 5 AS1299 Downstream: 1646 Upstream: 33 Adjacency: 1679 + 6 AS37100 Downstream: 1518 Upstream: 17 Adjacency: 1535 + 7 AS57463 Downstream: 1421 Upstream: 11 Adjacency: 1432 + 8 AS18106 Downstream: 1288 Upstream: 13 Adjacency: 1301 + 9 AS34927 Downstream: 1172 Upstream: 26 Adjacency: 1198 + 10 AS9002 Downstream: 1167 Upstream: 24 Adjacency: 1191 + 11 AS2914 Downstream: 1010 Upstream: 30 Adjacency: 1040 + 12 AS12552 Downstream: 932 Upstream: 10 Adjacency: 942 + 13 AS3257 Downstream: 920 Upstream: 26 Adjacency: 946 + 14 AS58511 Downstream: 753 Upstream: 9 Adjacency: 762 + 15 AS140731 Downstream: 743 Upstream: 12 Adjacency: 755 + 16 AS20473 Downstream: 680 Upstream: 44 Adjacency: 724 + 17 AS6461 Downstream: 613 Upstream: 30 Adjacency: 643 + 18 AS6762 Downstream: 409 Upstream: 24 Adjacency: 433 + 19 AS6453 Downstream: 386 Upstream: 28 Adjacency: 414 + 20 AS3320 Downstream: 342 Upstream: 22 Adjacency: 364 -Top 20 AS's by Upstream AS Adjacency + 1 AS13335 Upstream: 289 Downstream: 17 Adjacency: 306 + 2 AS20940 Upstream: 128 Downstream: 13 Adjacency: 141 + 3 AS3573 Upstream: 99 Downstream: 1 Adjacency: 100 + 4 AS54994 Upstream: 65 Downstream: 0 Adjacency: 65 + 5 AS12654 Upstream: 61 Downstream: 0 Adjacency: 61 + 6 AS21859 Upstream: 60 Downstream: 37 Adjacency: 97 + 7 AS54113 Upstream: 60 Downstream: 0 Adjacency: 60 + 8 AS15133 Upstream: 58 Downstream: 4 Adjacency: 62 + 9 AS6939 Upstream: 57 Downstream: 6790 Adjacency: 6847 + 10 AS199524 Upstream: 55 Downstream: 10 Adjacency: 65 + 11 AS139341 Upstream: 54 Downstream: 2 Adjacency: 56 + 12 AS19551 Upstream: 53 Downstream: 7 Adjacency: 60 + 13 AS136907 Upstream: 52 Downstream: 0 Adjacency: 52 + 14 AS138915 Upstream: 51 Downstream: 4 Adjacency: 55 + 15 AS42473 Upstream: 46 Downstream: 14 Adjacency: 60 + 16 AS20473 Upstream: 44 Downstream: 680 Adjacency: 724 + 17 AS32934 Upstream: 44 Downstream: 2 Adjacency: 46 + 18 AS2906 Upstream: 43 Downstream: 1 Adjacency: 44 + 19 AS31898 Upstream: 43 Downstream: 19 Adjacency: 62 + 20 AS60068 Upstream: 43 Downstream: 91 Adjacency: 134 Aggregation Potential Summary: 212101 105671 104167 79898 Aggregation using prepended AS Path: 105671 Aggregation using AS Path: 104167 Aggregation using AS Origin: 79898 Analysis time: 41 seconds