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IPv6: IPv6 / IPv4 Comparative Statistics

Report Date: 20-04-2024 0246


           IPv6              IPv4   IPv6 / IPv4
Prefix Count 208916     970407 208916 / 970407 = 0.2153


  IPv6              IPv4   IPv6 / IPv4
Announced Address Span 14.7494     0.50356962 14.7494 / 0.50356962 = 29.2897
Announced % of Total Address span 0.003631     70.535937 0.003631 / 70.535937 = 0.0001
Average Address Span per Announcement 32.4220     20.3922 32.4220 / 20.3922 = 1.5899
Average Announcement Length 43.0075     22.8815 43.0075 / 22.8815 = 1.8796

AS Numbers

  IPv6              IPv4   IPv6 / IPv4
AS Count 33168     75893 33168 / 75893 = 0.4370
Origin-only ASes 27626     64781 27626 / 64781 = 0.4265
Origin and Transit ASes 5215     10579 5215 / 10579 = 0.4930
Transit ASes 327     533 327 / 533 = 0.6135
ASs Announcing a single prefix 20755     26442 20755 / 26442 = 0.7849
Average Announcements per AS 6.3614     12.8770 6.3614 / 12.8770 = 0.4940
Average Address Range per AS (prefix) 29.7526     - 29.7526 / 12.8770 = 2.3105
Max Announcments for an AS 6683     3639 6683 / 3639 = 1.8365
Max Announced span for an AS 18.95     - 18.95 / 3639 = 0.0052

Use of More Specific Announcements

  IPv6              IPv4   IPv6 / IPv4
Root Prefix Count 88624     460398 88624 / 460398 = 0.1925
Number of More Specifics 120292     510009 120292 / 510009 = 0.2359
Specifics: % of Announcements 57.5791     52.5562 57.5791 / 52.5562 = 1.0956
Specifics: % of Address Space 6.0629     36.8809 6.0629 / 36.8809 = 0.1644

Additional Data

More Specifics

           IPv6              IPv4   IPv6 / IPv4
Specifics where AS prepended Path matches aggregate 59791     228665 59791 / 228665 = 0.2615
Specifics where AS prepended Path matches aggregate % 49.70     44.84 49.70 / 44.84 = 1.1084
Specifics where AS Path matches aggregate 62325     247349 62325 / 247349 = 0.2520
Specifics where AS Path matches aggregate % 51.8114     48.4989 51.8114 / 48.4989 = 1.0683
Specifics where AS Origin matches aggregate 91008     391014 91008 / 391014 = 0.2327
Specifics where AS Origin matches aggregate % 75.6559     76.6681 75.6559 / 76.6681 = 0.9868

AS Numbers

           IPv6              IPv4   IPv6 / IPv4
ASes visible in only one AS path 24300     46013 24300 / 46013 = 0.5281
Origin ASs announced via a single AS path 23943     45496 23943 / 45496 = 0.5263
Multi-Origin Prefixes 807     2274 807 / 2274 = 0.3549

AS Paths

           IPv6              IPv4   IPv6 / IPv4
Unique AS Paths 124619     246169 124619 / 246169 = 0.5062
Selected AS Paths 11081     123618 11081 / 123618 = 0.0896
AS paths associated with a single FIB entry 28741     58256 28741 / 58256 = 0.4934
Unique AS prepended Paths 127501     265061 127501 / 265061 = 0.4810
AS Paths using prepending 17119     68765 17119 / 68765 = 0.2489
AS Paths using private ASs 35     38 35 / 38 = 0.9211
Average AS path length 4.9725     5.2948 4.9725 / 5.2948 = 0.9391
Average address weighted AS path length 5.0170     6.7198 5.0170 / 6.7198 = 0.7466
Maximum AS Path length 13     13 13 / 13 = 1.0000
Maximum prepended AS Path length 34     123 34 / 123 = 0.2764
Average entries per AS Path 1.6764     3.9420 1.6764 / 3.9420 = 0.4253
Average entries per Selected AS Path 4.8752     7.8500 4.8752 / 7.8500 = 0.6210
AS Paths per origin AS 3.7946     3.2666 3.7946 / 3.2666 = 1.1616
Selected AS Paths per origin AS 1.3049     1.6404 1.3049 / 1.6404 = 0.7955