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IPv6: IPv6 / IPv4 Comparative Statistics

Report Date: 27-07-2024 1346


           IPv6              IPv4   IPv6 / IPv4
Prefix Count 213829     974245 213829 / 974245 = 0.2195


  IPv6              IPv4   IPv6 / IPv4
Announced Address Span 14.6882     0.50499791 14.6882 / 0.50499791 = 29.0857
Announced % of Total Address span 0.003788     70.466140 0.003788 / 70.466140 = 0.0001
Average Address Span per Announcement 32.3943     20.3992 32.3943 / 20.3992 = 1.5880
Average Announcement Length 42.9737     22.8870 42.9737 / 22.8870 = 1.8776

AS Numbers

  IPv6              IPv4   IPv6 / IPv4
AS Count 33603     76197 33603 / 76197 = 0.4410
Origin-only ASes 27953     64978 27953 / 64978 = 0.4302
Origin and Transit ASes 5327     10666 5327 / 10666 = 0.4994
Transit ASes 323     553 323 / 553 = 0.5841
ASs Announcing a single prefix 20971     26608 20971 / 26608 = 0.7881
Average Announcements per AS 6.4252     12.8793 6.4252 / 12.8793 = 0.4989
Average Address Range per AS (prefix) 29.7106     - 29.7106 / 12.8793 = 2.3068
Max Announcments for an AS 7098     3649 7098 / 3649 = 1.9452
Max Announced span for an AS 18.95     - 18.95 / 3649 = 0.0052

Use of More Specific Announcements

  IPv6              IPv4   IPv6 / IPv4
Root Prefix Count 91795     466442 91795 / 466442 = 0.1968
Number of More Specifics 122034     507803 122034 / 507803 = 0.2403
Specifics: % of Announcements 57.0708     52.1227 57.0708 / 52.1227 = 1.0949
Specifics: % of Address Space 5.7527     36.5143 5.7527 / 36.5143 = 0.1575

Additional Data

More Specifics

           IPv6              IPv4   IPv6 / IPv4
Specifics where AS prepended Path matches aggregate 62806     221921 62806 / 221921 = 0.2830
Specifics where AS prepended Path matches aggregate % 51.47     43.70 51.47 / 43.70 = 1.1778
Specifics where AS Path matches aggregate 65381     239838 65381 / 239838 = 0.2726
Specifics where AS Path matches aggregate % 53.5761     47.2305 53.5761 / 47.2305 = 1.1344
Specifics where AS Origin matches aggregate 93848     388171 93848 / 388171 = 0.2418
Specifics where AS Origin matches aggregate % 76.9032     76.4413 76.9032 / 76.4413 = 1.0060

AS Numbers

           IPv6              IPv4   IPv6 / IPv4
ASes visible in only one AS path 24381     45804 24381 / 45804 = 0.5323
Origin ASs announced via a single AS path 24008     45262 24008 / 45262 = 0.5304
Multi-Origin Prefixes 1334     2015 1334 / 2015 = 0.6620

AS Paths

           IPv6              IPv4   IPv6 / IPv4
Unique AS Paths 127226     245981 127226 / 245981 = 0.5172
Selected AS Paths 11081     126241 11081 / 126241 = 0.0878
AS paths associated with a single FIB entry 29894     59857 29894 / 59857 = 0.4994
Unique AS prepended Paths 130231     264864 130231 / 264864 = 0.4917
AS Paths using prepending 17496     70256 17496 / 70256 = 0.2490
AS Paths using private ASs 30     34 30 / 34 = 0.8824
Average AS path length 4.8668     5.2844 4.8668 / 5.2844 = 0.9210
Average address weighted AS path length 4.8820     6.6831 4.8820 / 6.6831 = 0.7305
Maximum AS Path length 26     14 26 / 14 = 1.8571
Maximum prepended AS Path length 46     86 46 / 86 = 0.5349
Average entries per AS Path 1.6807     3.9607 1.6807 / 3.9607 = 0.4243
Average entries per Selected AS Path 4.8143     7.7173 4.8143 / 7.7173 = 0.6238
AS Paths per origin AS 3.8229     3.2518 3.8229 / 3.2518 = 1.1756
Selected AS Paths per origin AS 1.3346     1.6689 1.3346 / 1.6689 = 0.7997