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   AS65000 BGP Routing Table Analysis Report

  BGP data obtained from AS65000
Report last updated at Wed Oct 23 20:01:08 2024 (UTC+1000).

Active BGP entries (FIB)

Table Size Metrics

The trend of the size of the BGP Forwarding Table (FIB). Also the underlying BGP Routing Table (RIB). The RIB/FIB ratio is a function of the number of BGP peering sessions at the sample point. Some RIB entries are marked as unusable as an outcome of protocol operation, and these categories of unusable advertisements are tracked.

FIB / RIB Table Reports (plots)Data Sets(txt)
Active BGP entries (FIB)984324   Change in FIB Size-37   Change (%)-0.004
    All BGP entries (RIB)2920142
    RIB/FIB ratio (2920142/984324)2.9666
      Valid entries2920142
      Suppressed RIB entries0
      Damped entries0
      History entries0

Address Span Metrics

The total span of address space advertised in the BGP table, and the relationship of this value to the number and size of address prefix objects in the table.

Address Space Reports (plots)Data Sets(txt)
Total address space advertised (/32 equiv)3028606208
    Total address space advertised (prefix length)0.50399314
    Percentage of IPv4 space advertised (3028606208/4294967295)70.515233
    Total address space advertised - corrected to 19 /8s(data)
Average address span 3077
    Average address span (as prefix size)20.4132
Average prefix length22.8957

More Specifics

The characteristics of more specific advertisements - where an advertisement is associated with a sub-span of address space of another advertisement. The metrics also look at the degree of similarity of the AS paths of the specific advertisements to the encompassing aggregate.

More-Specific Advertisement Reports (plots)Data Sets(txt)  Percentage Reports (plots)Data Sets(txt)
Entries advertising more specific prefixes of aggregates515664       Specifics as % of FIB entries (515664/984324)52.3876
    Specifics as % of address span (1104685659/3028606208)36.4751    
    Specifics where AS prepended Path matches aggregate234820         AS-P_Path-Match % (234820/515664)45.54
    AS Path matches aggregate254120         AS-Path-Match % (254120/515664)49.2802
    AS Origin matches aggregate395305         AS-Origin-Match % (395305/515664)76.6594
    Root Prefixes468660
Root Prefix Tree Depth(data)
      Root Prefixes with depth 0411517
      Root Prefixes with depth 146108
      Root Prefixes with depth 28945
      Root Prefixes with depth 31567
      Root Prefixes with depth 4397
      Root Prefixes with depth 588
      Root Prefixes with depth 629
      Root Prefixes with depth 78
      Root Prefixes with depth 81

AS Numbers

The time trend of the number of unique AS numbers advertised within the BGP table. The associated metrics characterise AS's into origin only, transit only, or mixed (origin and transit), and also look at the trends of advertised address space as related to the number of ASes.

AS Reports (plots)Data Sets(txt)  Additional Reports (plots)Data Sets(txt)
Unique ASes76575       ASes visible in only one AS path46158
    Origin only ASes65261         Origin ASs announced via a single AS path45608
    Transit only ASes555       Originating AS ATOM count76020
    Mixed ASes10759         Originating AS ATOM compression0.0772
    Multi-Origin Prefixes1935    
    ASes originating a single prefix26685    
    Average FIB entries per Origin AS12.9482         Maximum entries for an origin AS (AS7713)3656
    Average address range span for an origin AS39839.5976         Maximum address range for an origin AS (AS749)228419328

AS Paths

The time trend of the number of unique AS Paths advertised within the BGP table. The associated metrics look at trends of average path length, and BGP table entries per path.

AS Reports (plots)Data Sets(txt)  Additional Reports (plots)Data Sets(txt)
Unique AS Paths248556       Unique AS prepended Paths267449
AS Paths used in FIB125546       AS Paths using prepending70382
    AS paths associated with a single FIB entry59312       AS Paths using private ASs62
    Average AS path length5.2825       Number of Prefixes with Selected AS Prepending Paths149107
      Maximum AS Path length13       Number of Prefixes with AS Prepending Paths149107
    Average address weighted AS path length6.6474       Maximum prepended AS Path length133
    Average entries per AS Path3.9602       Average entries per FIB AS Path7.8403
    AS Paths per origin AS3.2696       FIB AS Paths per origin AS1.6515
      AS PATH ATOM compression0.1275    

Prefix Length Distributions

The time trend of the distribution of BGP Table entries by address prefix length.

Prefix Length Reports (plots)Data Sets(txt)  Percentage Reports (plots)Data Sets(txt)
Prefix Count(data)   % Prefix distribution(data)
    Prefix count /816       % Prefix /80.00
    Prefix count /916       % Prefix /90.00
    Prefix count /1036       % Prefix /100.00
    Prefix count /1191       % Prefix /110.01
    Prefix count /12295       % Prefix /120.03
    Prefix count /13578       % Prefix /130.06
    Prefix count /141184       % Prefix /140.12
    Prefix count /152095       % Prefix /150.21
    Prefix count /1613232       % Prefix /161.34
    Prefix count /178336       % Prefix /170.85
    Prefix count /1813957       % Prefix /181.42
    Prefix count /1924804       % Prefix /192.52
    Prefix count /2045470       % Prefix /204.62
    Prefix count /2153188       % Prefix /215.40
    Prefix count /22113682       % Prefix /2211.55
    Prefix count /23104300       % Prefix /2310.60
    Prefix count /24602296       % Prefix /2461.19
    Prefix count /25734       % Prefix /250.07
    Prefix count /260       % Prefix /260.00
    Prefix count /272       % Prefix /270.00
    Prefix count /281       % Prefix /280.00
    Prefix count /290       % Prefix /290.00
    Prefix count /300       % Prefix /300.00
    Prefix count /310       % Prefix /310.00
    Prefix count /3211       % Prefix /320.00

Root Prefix Length Distributions

The time trend of the distribution of Root BGP Table entries by address prefix length.

Root Prefix Length Reports (plots)Data Sets(txt)  Percentage Reports (plots)Data Sets(txt)
Root Prefix Count(data)   % Prefix distribution(data)
    Prefix count /816       % Prefix /80.00
    Prefix count /99       % Prefix /90.00
    Prefix count /1036       % Prefix /100.01
    Prefix count /1186       % Prefix /110.02
    Prefix count /12265       % Prefix /120.06
    Prefix count /13490       % Prefix /130.10
    Prefix count /141026       % Prefix /140.22
    Prefix count /151669       % Prefix /150.36
    Prefix count /1610278       % Prefix /162.19
    Prefix count /174416       % Prefix /170.94
    Prefix count /186831       % Prefix /181.46
    Prefix count /1914744       % Prefix /193.15
    Prefix count /2019002       % Prefix /204.05
    Prefix count /2122663       % Prefix /214.84
    Prefix count /2259532       % Prefix /2212.70
    Prefix count /2342093       % Prefix /238.98
    Prefix count /24285494       % Prefix /2460.92
    Prefix count /2510       % Prefix /250.00
    Prefix count /260       % Prefix /260.00
    Prefix count /270       % Prefix /270.00
    Prefix count /280       % Prefix /280.00
    Prefix count /290       % Prefix /290.00
    Prefix count /300       % Prefix /300.00
    Prefix count /310       % Prefix /310.00
    Prefix count /320       % Prefix /320.00

AS Diameter Reports

The time trend of the reacahbility of addresses and AS's using AS distance from the sample point to the origin AS as the diameter metric.

AS Diameter Reports (plots)Data Sets(txt)  Percentage Reports (plots)Data Sets(txt)
Addresses by AS distance(data)   Address percentage by AS distance(data)
    Addresses at AS distance 0256       % Addresses at AS distance 00.0
    Addresses at AS distance 170400       % Addresses at AS distance 10.0
    Addresses at AS distance 2252935571       % Addresses at AS distance 26.1
    Addresses at AS distance 31163367432       % Addresses at AS distance 328.1
    Addresses at AS distance 41850974112       % Addresses at AS distance 444.8
    Addresses at AS distance 5653189536       % Addresses at AS distance 515.8
    Addresses at AS distance 6170723456       % Addresses at AS distance 64.1
    Addresses at AS distance 729966848       % Addresses at AS distance 70.7
    Addresses at AS distance 810394368       % Addresses at AS distance 80.3
    Addresses at AS distance 9763392       % Addresses at AS distance 90.0
    Addresses at AS distance 10864512       % Addresses at AS distance 100.0
    Addresses at AS distance 1140704       % Addresses at AS distance 110.0
    Addresses at AS distance 121280       % Addresses at AS distance 120.0
Cumulative Address by AS distance(data)   Cumulative % Address by AS distance(data)
    Addresses reachable within 0 AS hops256       % Addresses reachable within 0 AS hops0
    Addresses reachable within 1 AS hops70656       % Addresses reachable within 1 AS hops0
    Addresses reachable within 2 AS hops253006227       % Addresses reachable within 2 AS hops6
    Addresses reachable within 3 AS hops1416373659       % Addresses reachable within 3 AS hops34
    Addresses reachable within 4 AS hops3267347771       % Addresses reachable within 4 AS hops79
    Addresses reachable within 5 AS hops3920537307       % Addresses reachable within 5 AS hops94
    Addresses reachable within 6 AS hops4091260763       % Addresses reachable within 6 AS hops98
    Addresses reachable within 7 AS hops4121227611       % Addresses reachable within 7 AS hops99
    Addresses reachable within 8 AS hops4131621979       % Addresses reachable within 8 AS hops99
    Addresses reachable within 9 AS hops4132385371       % Addresses reachable within 9 AS hops99
    Addresses reachable within 10 AS hops4133249883       % Addresses reachable within 10 AS hops99
    Addresses reachable within 11 AS hops4133290587       % Addresses reachable within 11 AS hops99
    Addresses reachable within 12 AS hops4133291867       % Addresses reachable within 12 AS hops100
ASes by AS distance(data)   % ASes by AS hops(data)
    ASes reachable at 0 AS hops1       % ASes reachable at 0 AS hops0
    ASes reachable at 1 AS hops2       % ASes reachable at 1 AS hops0
    ASes reachable at 2 AS hops361       % ASes reachable at 2 AS hops0
    ASes reachable at 3 AS hops9258       % ASes reachable at 3 AS hops12
    ASes reachable at 4 AS hops28951       % ASes reachable at 4 AS hops37
    ASes reachable at 5 AS hops28586       % ASes reachable at 5 AS hops37
    ASes reachable at 6 AS hops7359       % ASes reachable at 6 AS hops9
    ASes reachable at 7 AS hops1523       % ASes reachable at 7 AS hops1
    ASes reachable at 8 AS hops409       % ASes reachable at 8 AS hops0
    ASes reachable at 9 AS hops89       % ASes reachable at 9 AS hops0
    ASes reachable at 10 AS hops33       % ASes reachable at 10 AS hops0
    ASes reachable at 11 AS hops3       % ASes reachable at 11 AS hops0
    ASes reachable at 12 AS hops0       % ASes reachable at 12 AS hops0
Cumulative ASes by AS hops(data)   Cumulative % ASes by AS hops(data)
    ASes reachable by 0 AS hops1       Cumulative % ASes by AS hops 00.0
    ASes reachable by 1 AS hops3       Cumulative % ASes by AS hops 10.0
    ASes reachable by 2 AS hops364       Cumulative % ASes by AS hops 20.5
    ASes reachable by 3 AS hops9622       Cumulative % ASes by AS hops 312.6
    ASes reachable by 4 AS hops38573       Cumulative % ASes by AS hops 450.4
    ASes reachable by 5 AS hops67159       Cumulative % ASes by AS hops 587.7
    ASes reachable by 6 AS hops74518       Cumulative % ASes by AS hops 697.3
    ASes reachable by 7 AS hops76041       Cumulative % ASes by AS hops 799.3
    ASes reachable by 8 AS hops76450       Cumulative % ASes by AS hops 899.8
    ASes reachable by 9 AS hops76539       Cumulative % ASes by AS hops 9100.0
    ASes reachable by 10 AS hops76572       Cumulative % ASes by AS hops 10100.0
    ASes reachable by 11 AS hops76575       Cumulative % ASes by AS hops 11100.0
    ASes reachable by 12 AS hops76575       Cumulative % ASes by AS hops 12100.0

BGP Update Reports

Compares the current BGP Table with the previous table and reports on the number of changes in the FIB. These changes are further categorised into announcements, withdrawls and path changes, and further categorised by prefix length.

FIB Update ReportsData  AnnounceData  WithdrawData  Path ChgData
Table Updates81650   New Entries252   Removed Entries291   Updated Entries81107
     Report     Report     Report 
    Address Span213500800       Address Span125440       Address Span337920       Address Span213037440
    Average address span per update2614       Avg Span497       Avg Span1161       Avg Span2626
    Average prefix size updated23.08       Average prefix size23.66       Average prefix size23.11       Average prefix size23.08
Per-Prefix updates(data)       Prefix announcements(data)       Prefix withdrawals(data)       Prefix path updates(data)
      Prefix /8 total1         Prefix /8 announcements0         Prefix /8 withdrawals0         Prefix /8 path updates1
      Prefix /9 total0         Prefix /9 announcements0         Prefix /9 withdrawals0         Prefix /9 path updates0
      Prefix /10 total1         Prefix /10 announcements0         Prefix /10 withdrawals0         Prefix /10 path updates1
      Prefix /11 total3         Prefix /11 announcements0         Prefix /11 withdrawals0         Prefix /11 path updates3
      Prefix /12 total14         Prefix /12 announcements0         Prefix /12 withdrawals0         Prefix /12 path updates14
      Prefix /13 total22         Prefix /13 announcements0         Prefix /13 withdrawals0         Prefix /13 path updates22
      Prefix /14 total52         Prefix /14 announcements0         Prefix /14 withdrawals0         Prefix /14 path updates52
      Prefix /15 total125         Prefix /15 announcements0         Prefix /15 withdrawals0         Prefix /15 path updates125
      Prefix /16 total607         Prefix /16 announcements0         Prefix /16 withdrawals0         Prefix /16 path updates607
      Prefix /17 total505         Prefix /17 announcements0         Prefix /17 withdrawals2         Prefix /17 path updates503
      Prefix /18 total610         Prefix /18 announcements1         Prefix /18 withdrawals1         Prefix /18 path updates608
      Prefix /19 total1567         Prefix /19 announcements0         Prefix /19 withdrawals13         Prefix /19 path updates1554
      Prefix /20 total3891         Prefix /20 announcements6         Prefix /20 withdrawals7         Prefix /20 path updates3878
      Prefix /21 total4076         Prefix /21 announcements4         Prefix /21 withdrawals3         Prefix /21 path updates4069
      Prefix /22 total8407         Prefix /22 announcements14         Prefix /22 withdrawals47         Prefix /22 path updates8346
      Prefix /23 total8496         Prefix /23 announcements15         Prefix /23 withdrawals42         Prefix /23 path updates8439
      Prefix /24 total53014         Prefix /24 announcements212         Prefix /24 withdrawals176         Prefix /24 path updates52626
      Prefix /25 total259         Prefix /25 announcements0         Prefix /25 withdrawals0         Prefix /25 path updates259
      Prefix /26 total0         Prefix /26 announcements0         Prefix /26 withdrawals0         Prefix /26 path updates0
      Prefix /27 total0         Prefix /27 announcements0         Prefix /27 withdrawals0         Prefix /27 path updates0
      Prefix /28 total0         Prefix /28 announcements0         Prefix /28 withdrawals0         Prefix /28 path updates0
      Prefix /29 total0         Prefix /29 announcements0         Prefix /29 withdrawals0         Prefix /29 path updates0
      Prefix /30 total0         Prefix /30 announcements0         Prefix /30 withdrawals0         Prefix /30 path updates0
      Prefix /31 total0         Prefix /31 announcements0         Prefix /31 withdrawals0         Prefix /31 path updates0
      Prefix /32 total0         Prefix /32 announcements0         Prefix /32 withdrawals0         Prefix /32 path updates0
Update rate, normalized by prefix count Announce   Withdraw   Path Chg 
      Prefix /8 total0.75         Prefix /8 announcements0.00         Prefix /8 withdrawals0.00         Prefix /8 path updates0.76
      Prefix /9 total0.00         Prefix /9 announcements0.00         Prefix /9 withdrawals0.00         Prefix /9 path updates0.00
      Prefix /10 total0.33         Prefix /10 announcements0.00         Prefix /10 withdrawals0.00         Prefix /10 path updates0.34
      Prefix /11 total0.40         Prefix /11 announcements0.00         Prefix /11 withdrawals0.00         Prefix /11 path updates0.40
      Prefix /12 total0.57         Prefix /12 announcements0.00         Prefix /12 withdrawals0.00         Prefix /12 path updates0.58
      Prefix /13 total0.46         Prefix /13 announcements0.00         Prefix /13 withdrawals0.00         Prefix /13 path updates0.46
      Prefix /14 total0.53         Prefix /14 announcements0.00         Prefix /14 withdrawals0.00         Prefix /14 path updates0.53
      Prefix /15 total0.72         Prefix /15 announcements0.00         Prefix /15 withdrawals0.00         Prefix /15 path updates0.72
      Prefix /16 total0.55         Prefix /16 announcements0.00         Prefix /16 withdrawals0.00         Prefix /16 path updates0.56
      Prefix /17 total0.73         Prefix /17 announcements0.00         Prefix /17 withdrawals0.81         Prefix /17 path updates0.73
      Prefix /18 total0.53         Prefix /18 announcements0.28         Prefix /18 withdrawals0.24         Prefix /18 path updates0.53
      Prefix /19 total0.76         Prefix /19 announcements0.00         Prefix /19 withdrawals1.77         Prefix /19 path updates0.76
      Prefix /20 total1.03         Prefix /20 announcements0.52         Prefix /20 withdrawals0.52         Prefix /20 path updates1.04
      Prefix /21 total0.92         Prefix /21 announcements0.29         Prefix /21 withdrawals0.19         Prefix /21 path updates0.93
      Prefix /22 total0.89         Prefix /22 announcements0.48         Prefix /22 withdrawals1.40         Prefix /22 path updates0.89
      Prefix /23 total0.98         Prefix /23 announcements0.56         Prefix /23 withdrawals1.36         Prefix /23 path updates0.98
      Prefix /24 total1.06         Prefix /24 announcements1.37         Prefix /24 withdrawals0.99         Prefix /24 path updates1.06
      Prefix /25 total4.25         Prefix /25 announcements0.00         Prefix /25 withdrawals0.00         Prefix /25 path updates4.28
      Prefix /26 total0.00         Prefix /26 announcements100.00         Prefix /26 withdrawals100.00         Prefix /26 path updates100.00
      Prefix /27 total0.00         Prefix /27 announcements0.00         Prefix /27 withdrawals0.00         Prefix /27 path updates0.00
      Prefix /28 total0.00         Prefix /28 announcements0.00         Prefix /28 withdrawals0.00         Prefix /28 path updates0.00
      Prefix /29 total0.00         Prefix /29 announcements100.00         Prefix /29 withdrawals100.00         Prefix /29 path updates100.00
      Prefix /30 total0.00         Prefix /30 announcements100.00         Prefix /30 withdrawals100.00         Prefix /30 path updates100.00
      Prefix /31 total0.00         Prefix /31 announcements100.00         Prefix /31 withdrawals100.00         Prefix /31 path updates100.00
      Prefix /32 total0.00         Prefix /32 announcements0.00         Prefix /32 withdrawals0.00         Prefix /32 path updates0.00

FIB Update Rate Reports
Updates per hour
(Measurement Period 1 hrs 0 mins)
Data  Announce RateData  Withdraw RateData  Path Chg RateData
Table Updates81650.000   New Entries252.000   Removed Entries291.000   Updated Entries81107.000
    Address Span213500800.000       Address Span125440.000       Address Span337920.000       Address Span213037440.000
    Average address span per update2614.000       Avg Span497.000       Avg Span1161.000       Avg Span2626.000
Per-Prefix updates(data)       Prefix announcements(data)       Prefix withdrawals(data)       Prefix path updates(data)
      Prefix /1 update rate0.000         Prefix /1 announcements0.000         Prefix /1 withdrawals0.000         Prefix /1 path updates0.000
      Prefix /2 update rate0.000         Prefix /2 announcements0.000         Prefix /2 withdrawals0.000         Prefix /2 path updates0.000
      Prefix /3 update rate0.000         Prefix /3 announcements0.000         Prefix /3 withdrawals0.000         Prefix /3 path updates0.000
      Prefix /4 update rate0.000         Prefix /4 announcements0.000         Prefix /4 withdrawals0.000         Prefix /4 path updates0.000
      Prefix /5 update rate0.000         Prefix /5 announcements0.000         Prefix /5 withdrawals0.000         Prefix /5 path updates0.000
      Prefix /6 update rate0.000         Prefix /6 announcements0.000         Prefix /6 withdrawals0.000         Prefix /6 path updates0.000
      Prefix /7 update rate0.000         Prefix /7 announcements0.000         Prefix /7 withdrawals0.000         Prefix /7 path updates0.000
      Prefix /8 update rate1.000         Prefix /8 announcements0.000         Prefix /8 withdrawals0.000         Prefix /8 path updates1.000
      Prefix /9 update rate0.000         Prefix /9 announcements0.000         Prefix /9 withdrawals0.000         Prefix /9 path updates0.000
      Prefix /10 update rate1.000         Prefix /10 announcements0.000         Prefix /10 withdrawals0.000         Prefix /10 path updates1.000
      Prefix /11 update rate3.000         Prefix /11 announcements0.000         Prefix /11 withdrawals0.000         Prefix /11 path updates3.000
      Prefix /12 update rate14.000         Prefix /12 announcements0.000         Prefix /12 withdrawals0.000         Prefix /12 path updates14.000
      Prefix /13 update rate22.000         Prefix /13 announcements0.000         Prefix /13 withdrawals0.000         Prefix /13 path updates22.000
      Prefix /14 update rate52.000         Prefix /14 announcements0.000         Prefix /14 withdrawals0.000         Prefix /14 path updates52.000
      Prefix /15 update rate125.000         Prefix /15 announcements0.000         Prefix /15 withdrawals0.000         Prefix /15 path updates125.000
      Prefix /16 update rate607.000         Prefix /16 announcements0.000         Prefix /16 withdrawals0.000         Prefix /16 path updates607.000
      Prefix /17 update rate505.000         Prefix /17 announcements0.000         Prefix /17 withdrawals2.000         Prefix /17 path updates503.000
      Prefix /18 update rate610.000         Prefix /18 announcements1.000         Prefix /18 withdrawals1.000         Prefix /18 path updates608.000
      Prefix /19 update rate1567.000         Prefix /19 announcements0.000         Prefix /19 withdrawals13.000         Prefix /19 path updates1554.000
      Prefix /20 update rate3891.000         Prefix /20 announcements6.000         Prefix /20 withdrawals7.000         Prefix /20 path updates3878.000
      Prefix /21 update rate4076.000         Prefix /21 announcements4.000         Prefix /21 withdrawals3.000         Prefix /21 path updates4069.000
      Prefix /22 update rate8407.000         Prefix /22 announcements14.000         Prefix /22 withdrawals47.000         Prefix /22 path updates8346.000
      Prefix /23 update rate8496.000         Prefix /23 announcements15.000         Prefix /23 withdrawals42.000         Prefix /23 path updates8439.000
      Prefix /24 update rate53014.000         Prefix /24 announcements212.000         Prefix /24 withdrawals176.000         Prefix /24 path updates52626.000
      Prefix /25 update rate259.000         Prefix /25 announcements0.000         Prefix /25 withdrawals0.000         Prefix /25 path updates259.000
      Prefix /26 update rate0.000         Prefix /26 announcements0.000         Prefix /26 withdrawals0.000         Prefix /26 path updates0.000
      Prefix /27 update rate0.000         Prefix /27 announcements0.000         Prefix /27 withdrawals0.000         Prefix /27 path updates0.000
      Prefix /28 update rate0.000         Prefix /28 announcements0.000         Prefix /28 withdrawals0.000         Prefix /28 path updates0.000
      Prefix /29 update rate0.000         Prefix /29 announcements0.000         Prefix /29 withdrawals0.000         Prefix /29 path updates0.000
      Prefix /30 update rate0.000         Prefix /30 announcements0.000         Prefix /30 withdrawals0.000         Prefix /30 path updates0.000
      Prefix /31 update rate0.000         Prefix /31 announcements0.000         Prefix /31 withdrawals0.000         Prefix /31 path updates0.000
      Prefix /32 update rate0.000         Prefix /32 announcements0.000         Prefix /32 withdrawals0.000         Prefix /32 path updates0.000

Path Updates - Breakdown by Update Type

Examines those updates that involved a change of AS Path and breaks this down into five categories:

TotalData  OriginData  Origin Next HopData  TransitData  First HopData  PrependData
Total Path Changes10866   Origin Paths89   NextHop Paths2136   Transit Paths2240   Paths6339   Paths62
      /8 Tot1         /8 Org0         /8 Nxt0         /8 Trn0         /8 Fst1         /8 Prp0
      /9 Tot0         /9 Org0         /9 Nxt0         /9 Trn0         /9 Fst0         /9 Prp0
      /10 Tot1         /10 Org0         /10 Nxt1         /10 Trn0         /10 Fst0         /10 Prp0
      /11 Tot3         /11 Org0         /11 Nxt3         /11 Trn0         /11 Fst0         /11 Prp0
      /12 Tot14         /12 Org0         /12 Nxt8         /12 Trn0         /12 Fst6         /12 Prp0
      /13 Tot22         /13 Org0         /13 Nxt18         /13 Trn3         /13 Fst1         /13 Prp0
      /14 Tot52         /14 Org0         /14 Nxt41         /14 Trn4         /14 Fst7         /14 Prp0
      /15 Tot125         /15 Org0         /15 Nxt99         /15 Trn17         /15 Fst9         /15 Prp0
      /16 Tot607         /16 Org1         /16 Nxt356         /16 Trn113         /16 Fst137         /16 Prp0
      /17 Tot503         /17 Org2         /17 Nxt318         /17 Trn119         /17 Fst64         /17 Prp0
      /18 Tot608         /18 Org0         /18 Nxt347         /18 Trn155         /18 Fst96         /18 Prp10
      /19 Tot1554         /19 Org0         /19 Nxt958         /19 Trn420         /19 Fst176         /19 Prp0
      /20 Tot3878         /20 Org1         /20 Nxt2290         /20 Trn1288         /20 Fst299         /20 Prp0
      /21 Tot4069         /21 Org0         /21 Nxt2444         /21 Trn1164         /21 Fst460         /21 Prp1
      /22 Tot8346         /22 Org6         /22 Nxt3856         /22 Trn3315         /22 Fst1144         /22 Prp25
      /23 Tot8439         /23 Org2         /23 Nxt3944         /23 Trn3445         /23 Fst1028         /23 Prp20
      /24 Tot52626         /24 Org52         /24 Nxt20108         /24 Trn24212         /24 Fst8029         /24 Prp225
      /25 Tot259         /25 Org61         /25 Nxt17         /25 Trn0         /25 Fst181         /25 Prp0
      /26 Tot0         /26 Org0         /26 Nxt0         /26 Trn0         /26 Fst0         /26 Prp0
      /27 Tot0         /27 Org0         /27 Nxt0         /27 Trn0         /27 Fst0         /27 Prp0
      /28 Tot0         /28 Org0         /28 Nxt0         /28 Trn0         /28 Fst0         /28 Prp0
      /29 Tot0         /29 Org0         /29 Nxt0         /29 Trn0         /29 Fst0         /29 Prp0
      /30 Tot0         /30 Org0         /30 Nxt0         /30 Trn0         /30 Fst0         /30 Prp0
      /31 Tot0         /31 Org0         /31 Nxt0         /31 Trn0         /31 Fst0         /31 Prp0
      /32 Tot0         /32 Org0         /32 Nxt0         /32 Trn0         /32 Fst0         /32 Prp0

AS Announcement Reports

The time trend of total span of address space advertised by ASes, using truncated prefix length as the span metric.

AS Announcements ReportsData Sets(txt)  Percentage ReportsData
Originating Addresses AS Count(data)   Originating Addresses % AS Count(data)
    AS's announcing span of /41       % AS's announcing span of /40.0000
    AS's announcing span of /55       % AS's announcing span of /50.0001
    AS's announcing span of /611       % AS's announcing span of /60.0001
    AS's announcing span of /723       % AS's announcing span of /70.0003
    AS's announcing span of /845       % AS's announcing span of /80.0006
    AS's announcing span of /972       % AS's announcing span of /90.0009
    AS's announcing span of /10106       % AS's announcing span of /100.0014
    AS's announcing span of /11168       % AS's announcing span of /110.0022
    AS's announcing span of /12241       % AS's announcing span of /120.0032
    AS's announcing span of /13401       % AS's announcing span of /130.0053
    AS's announcing span of /14833       % AS's announcing span of /140.0110
    AS's announcing span of /151694       % AS's announcing span of /150.0223
    AS's announcing span of /161758       % AS's announcing span of /160.0232
    AS's announcing span of /172469       % AS's announcing span of /170.0325
    AS's announcing span of /183760       % AS's announcing span of /180.0495
    AS's announcing span of /195111       % AS's announcing span of /190.0673
    AS's announcing span of /207499       % AS's announcing span of /200.0988
    AS's announcing span of /2110550       % AS's announcing span of /210.1389
    AS's announcing span of /2212790       % AS's announcing span of /220.1684
    AS's announcing span of /239634       % AS's announcing span of /230.1269
    AS's announcing span of /2418745       % AS's announcing span of /240.2469
    AS's announcing span of /2518       % AS's announcing span of /250.0002
    AS's announcing span of /260       % AS's announcing span of /260.0000
    AS's announcing span of /270       % AS's announcing span of /270.0000
    AS's announcing span of /280       % AS's announcing span of /280.0000
    AS's announcing span of /290       % AS's announcing span of /290.0000
    AS's announcing span of /300       % AS's announcing span of /300.0000
    AS's announcing span of /310       % AS's announcing span of /310.0000
    AS's announcing span of /320       % AS's announcing span of /320.0000

AS Connectivity Reports

This set of reports lists all visible AS's using a number of ordering criteria. The reports order AS's by the total span of addresses originated by an AS, the total span of addresses reachable via an AS, and the totspan of originating plus transit addresses via each AS. Each AS in an AS path has an adjacent AS closer to the sample point, and an adjacent AS further from the sample point. The number of such pairwise adjacencies is reported for each AS. The average AS Connectivity Degree is the average number of adjacent AS's for an AS.

€›¼zU €›¼zU €›¼zU
AS Connectivity ReportData
AS Adjacency Count128043
Average AS Connectivity Degree (256086/76575)3.3443
Average AS Connectivity IN:OUT Degree0.1561
AS Names
AS's ordered by Originating Address
AS's ordered by Transit Address
AS's ordered by Originating + Transit Address
AS's ordered by AS Adjacency
AS's ordered by Downstream AS Adjacency
AS's ordered by Upstream AS Adjacency
AS Adjacency
Inconsistent Origin AS Prefixes

Aggregation Reports

This set of reports lists all potential aggregation of a number of specific routes into an aggregate route. The aggregation criteria include a match of the original AS path, which may include prepended AS's, a match of the reduced AS Path, and a match on the Origin AS only. As this view is taken from a single sample point, this list is not definitive, and the report will propose potential aggregation actions which may not be feasible for the Origin AS. The report also applies a prefix length filter to all prefixes, accepting only those prefixes which pass the following ruleset:

Aggregation possibilities are identified within this filtered prefix set.

Route Aggregation ReportsData
Aggregation Potential Summary(data)
Aggregation Potential Summary(data)
    Aggregation using prepended AS Path537949Report (sort by %reduction)Report (sort by reduction)BGP Table
    Aggregation using AS Path521196Report (sort by %reduction)Report (sort by reduction)BGP Table
    Aggregation using AS Origin370926Report (sort by %reduction)Report (sort by reduction)BGP Table
    Maximal Aggregation370944Report (sort by %reduction)Report (sort by reduction)BGP Table

BGP Table
BGP Table
Table Summary Report

BGP Report

BGP data obtained from the boundary of AS65000

Report last updated at Wed Oct 23 20:01:08 2024 (UTC+1000).

Data prior to 11 April 97 interpreted from data gathered by Erik-Jan Bos, SURFnet.

BGP table analyser written and maintained by Geoff Huston.
